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1、Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.一、重点词组:1. look stressed out看起来紧张/有压力2. first of all=to begin with首先3. oversleep(overslept overslept) 睡过头4. get in the shower走进淋浴(洗澡)(got gotten)5. What a pain!多痛苦! have a pain in6. get out of the shower走出淋浴(洗完澡)7. take a quick shower快速地冲个淋浴

2、 (took taken)8. get dressed穿衣服 dress oneself/sb. 9. run all the way to school跑全程到学校 (ran run )10. leave my backpack at home把我的书包落在家里 leave sth. sp. (left left)11. No wonder you look stressed out. 难怪你看起来紧张 No wonder12. run home to get my backpack跑回家拿我的书包13. run back to school without my keys or my ba

3、ckpack没拿我的钥 匙和书包跑回学校14. get back to school回到学校15. walk into class 走进班里16. start teaching开始授课 start doing /to do17. ask for our homework要我们的作业 ask for18. invite me to a costume party邀请我参加一个化妆舞会19. the only person wearing a costume 唯一穿化妆服的人20. be really embarrassed 实在尴尬21. last April Fools Day去年愚人节22.

4、 show up 出现, 出席,露面23. change the clock to an hour earlier把钟表调快一小时24. the next day第二天25. stay up all night studying熬夜学习26. by the time到的时候27. go into the bathroom 走进浴室 (went gone)28. come very close(late)来的非常接近迟到(差点就晚了)(came come)29. be never late for school 上学从不迟到30. wake up唤醒,醒来31. wait for him to

5、come out等候他出来 wait for sb. to do sth.32. run off to the bus stop 迅速离开到公共汽车站去33. come by in his dads car 坐他爸爸的车经过/路过34. give me a ride让我打了个便车 give sb. a ride (gave given)35. the final bell最后一遍铃声 finally36. make it to my class 赶上上我的课37. forget to bring your homework to school忘记把你的作业带到学校去 forget to do

6、sth. bring sth. to sp. (brought brought)推荐精选38. lock your keys in your house把你的钥匙锁在家里39. forget a relatives birthday 忘记一位亲戚的生日 forgot forgotten40. forget a dentists appointment 忘记与一位牙医的预约41. break down 出故障 (broke broken)42. feel exhausted 感到极度疲倦 felt felt43. a radio program by 被主持的广播节目44. aliens fro

7、m Mars 来自火星的外星人45. land on the Earth 登陆地球 land on46. move across the United States 穿越美国47. be so convincing that 是如此令人信服以至于 convince sb. of sth.使某人信服某事48. hundreds of/thousands of数百/数千49. (Panic) set off across the whole country激起整个美国的恐慌50. reveal that.揭示/显示51. announce that.宣布/宣告. announcement52. f

8、lee from their homes 逃离他们的家园 ( fled fled) flee from53. no more spaghetti不再有意大利细面条54. stop growing spaghetti 停止生产意大利细面条 stop doing sth.55. buy as much spaghetti as possible/one can/could尽可能多买意大利细面条 as much as possible as many as possible56. sell out 卖光,售光 (sold sold)57. invite his girlfriend onto his

9、 show on April Fools Day 在愚人节邀请他的女朋友上他的节目58. ask her to marry him让她和他结婚 ask sb. to do sth.59. much too thrilled 太激动60. get married to 跟结婚61. have a very happy ending 有一个美满的结局62. lose both his girlfriend and his show不但失去他的女朋友而且丢掉他的节目63. on the first day of school在上学的第一天64. put a piece of paper on my

10、back把一张纸放在我的背上65. the most embarrassing joke 最令人尴尬的笑话66. wake up late 醒的晚67. rush to get to school on time急奔着按时赶到学校68. need someone to help teach kids basketball 需要一个帮着教孩子篮球的人69. a job cleaning up the parks 一份打扫公园的工作70. take care of my grandmother 照顾我的奶奶 take good care of.71. read to people at the h

11、ospital 读书给住院的人72. do it any day you like在你喜欢的任何一天做这件事73. a jungle trek 一次丛林跋涉74. a trip to France 一次法国之旅75. some place you want to go 你想去的某个地方76. play an instrument 演奏一件乐器推荐精选77. at the bus stop 在公共汽车站78. get wet in the rain 在雨中淋湿二、完成句子:1. 当我起床的时候,我的弟弟已经在洗澡了。_ _ _ I got up, my brother_ already_ in

12、the shower.2. 当我回到学校的时候,铃声已经响过了。By the time I _ back to school, the bell 3. 当她到达学校的时候, 她意识到她把书包落在家里了。When she got to school, she _ she _ _ her backpack at home.4. 我刚好赶上上我的课。I only just _ _to my class.5. 幸运的是, 我的朋友托尼和他的爸爸开车路过并让我打了个便车。Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad _ _ in his dads car and they _

13、me a _.6. 你曾经忘记过一位亲戚的生日吗?Have you ever _ a _ birthday?7. 在愚人节这一天,戴维发生了什么事?What_ _ Dave _ April Fools Day?8. 威尔斯是如此的令人信服,数百人相信了这个故事,从而激起全国的恐慌。Welles was so _ that hundreds of people_ the story, and panic |_ _ across the whole country.9. 到权威机构揭示这个故事是一个骗局的时候, 成千上万的人已经逃离家园。By the time the_ _that the sto

14、ry was a_, thousands of people had_from their homes.10. 许多人跑到当地的超市,尽可能的多买意大利细面条。Many people ran to their local supermarket to buy as _ _ as they _.11. 难怪你看起来那么紧张。_ _you look stressed out.12. 他把闹钟调快一小时。He _ the clock_an hour earlier.13. 我很疲倦因为我熬了一整夜在学习。I was_ because I had stayed up all night_.14. 一个小时之后,其他的孩子们出现了。After an hour, the other kids_ _.15. 一个被一位演员主持的广播节目宣布来自火星的外星人已经登陆地球。A radio program _an actor _ that aliens from Mars had _ _ the ear



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