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1、青少版新概念Unit25-27单元测试(笔试100分 口试20分共120 分)Name Class Score读一读,选出划线部分和其他三个单词不一样的,把序号写在括号里。(Tx5)()1.A .churchB.catchC. schoolD. peach()2.A .juiceB.gymC. collegeD. cheese()3.A .snowB. knowC. howD. follow()4.A .sugarB. usualC. pleasureD. televisio n()5.A .stude ntB. busyC. usualD.music单项选择(2x3)()1. Are the

2、reships on the river? Yes, there are some.A. some B. lot C. any D.a n()2. I need some rice. Can you pass?A. my them B. me they C. I they D. me them()3. Welcome to my home.A. Help yourself! B. No nse nse!C. Sorry! D. I know!()4.milk do you want? Just a small glass, please!A. How many B. How much C. H

3、ow big D. How long()5. Anniea lot of friends.A. have got B. there are C. has got D. there is()6.Come here. I lla new teacher to you.A. in troduceB. show C. n eed D. hate()7. Please can I make anfor my son, Robert?A. appo in tme ntB. temperature C. remember D. Differe nt()8. What do you want , Robert

4、?bread.A. three loafs B. three loafs of C. three loaves of D. three loaves ()9 It 11:45. Thata quartertwelve.A. AtB. to C. past D. in()10.you got any tea? - Yes, I.A, do, doB. Have, doC. Have, have D. Do,have()11. Ive got toothache. I must see thetoday.A. doctorB. dentistC. patient D. policeman()12.

5、 Whatis it? I cantremember!Tt Mon day , of course.A. timeB. todayC. dayD. date()13. John, youawful! - I know. I feel awful , too!A. feelB. lookC. make D. see()14. It smy birthday Thursday!A. atB. toC. onD. in()15. Can you give Joh n this book?-Yes, of course. Give it to.A. heB. him C. his D. me三.问答搭

6、配。(110 )1. Can Lucy do Maths?2. Is there a cup on the table?3. Where are Paul a nd Claire?4. What time is it?5. What do you want?6. When can the doctor come?7.What ki nd of camera does Kare n want?8. What s the weather like in winter?9. What has Mary got?10. How does William look?四、按要求改写下列句子(1 x 10)

7、1. She s got a camera.2. He can come at a quarter to six on Mon day.3. I want some ice cream.4. Let s me think. She wants a Japanese one.5. He looks miserable.6. It scold .7. Yes, she can. She s good at maths.8. They are in garde n.9. It s twelve o clock.10. No, there isn t. There is a computer on t

8、he table.1. Mary has got a British camera .一般疑问)?2. Jerry feels awful .(否定句).3. It Sunday .划线提问)4. The dentist is free at 9:00 .刺线提问)5. I want three bars of chocolate 划线提问)6. She,s gotome flowers.(否定句)7. Pass me the plate ,please改为同义句)8. Does she want any sweets?作肯定回答)9. They can see me at 3:00 on S

9、aturday 戈卩线提问)10. He likes reading .(划线提问) 五、翻译句子(1 x 10)1. 我们需要多少糖? ?2. 我们列个购物清单吧。.3. 盒子里没有多少茶叶了。 .4. 请递给我一碗汤。.5. Thatsvegetable soup,isrtit?6. 请你给我们来点儿咖啡好吗? ?7. This is self-service restaura nt! You must help yourself.8. 他怎么了? ?9. 让我们希望一切都好。.10. 我能为我的儿子约个就诊时间吗? ?#六.可数名词复数形式(1x 10)strawberryorangel

10、oafmonkeyknifetomatophotomatchladyglove七.代词填空(15)人称单数复数格-二二三(她他它)-一-二二三(他们)主格宾格词义类型我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他/她/它们的形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词八.阅读理解(2 5)My name is Jack. Im a boy. Im a student. My father is 38 years old. He is adoctor. He likes playing football. On the weekends my father and I always play football for t

11、wo hours. He likes skat ing, too. He usually skates in win ter, so he is healthy(健 康的).My mother is 35 years old. She is a teacher. She likes staying at home and learning English. Sometimes she watches TV. She always reads books. She is very busy.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)()1. There are three people in Jacfa

12、mily.()2. His father is thirty seve n years old.()3. Jack and his father usually play football for two hours from Mon day toFriday.()4. Jack always skates in win ter.()5. His mother likes teachi ng En glish.口语考试(20)抽取题卡读单词(5)语音语调流利程度正确性3 回答题卡中的问题(5)语音语调流利程度交际能力3 三.按照题卡要求描述图片(10)语音语调流利程度交际能力陈述内容知识掌握23 22 25-27单兀单词大练兵周末购物超市清单需要撰写一块周日令人厌烦的冰激难吃任何事肥皂条另外大的火柴女朋友自助的菜单服务员汤西红柿调味汁亲爱的女士午餐牙痛看起来不舒服的约会病人牙医急诊今天痛苦的耳痛流感感到天周一周二周五周四周三周六头痛胃痛流感感冒


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