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1、高考题型重组练(一).阅读理解A2020淄博市高三模拟Pearl Fryar knew he wanted to do something unique with the farmland he bought in South Carolina. He wanted to win the local garden clubs “Yard of the Month” award. Fryar didnt have the money to purchase new trees, so he began by using bushes and shrubs that a local nursery

2、 had thrown away plants that looked dead to most people.Because he worked at a can factory during the day, Fryar often tended his garden at night. Neighbors got used to seeing him stand on the ladder, cutting his steadily growing bushes. The shrubs began to take on different shapes. As the years wen

3、t by, the creations became more delicate. Fryar began planting trees and using zip ties, coat hangers, PVC pipe, and even his wifes old stockings to achieve the forms he wanted. “He has a way of handling plants to do things he wants them to by training, bending, wiring, and clipping,” said a neighbo

4、r.Many professional gardeners are amazed by what Fryar has been able to accomplish. Some plants which wouldnt survive in the South thrived under his care.Fryars attention to detail and his willingness to work hard have made him a local hero. He was the first African American to win “Yard of the Mont

5、h” from the local garden club.Fryars garden now includes about 400 species of plants and 150 different plant sculptures. A box for donations can be found on the property, but giving is optional. Fryar welcomes people who cant afford to pay. He understands. Hes been there. “You can be somebody,” he t

6、ells students who visit the garden. “Show me anyone who works at anything with a passion and has patience, and theyre going to be successful. Be strong enough not to let the barriers in life stop you.”1How did Fryar make his garden unique?AHe made the plants into different shapes.BHe bought new tree

7、s from a local nursery.CHe used his professional knowledge.DHe asked his neighbors to cut his bushes.2What does the underlined word “thrived” in Paragraph 4 mean?ADied away. BBecame weak.CFaded slowly. DGrew strong.3What made Fryar win the award?APassion and innovation.BPatience and generosity.CAmbi

8、tion and sympathy.DWillingness and honesty.4What is the best title for the text?AMaking a Man into a HeroBThe Hard Life of Pearl FryarCTransforming a Garden into ArtDThe First Man of “Yard of the Month”B2020武汉市高中毕业生6月供题Knowing that you are paid less than your peers (同龄人) has two effects on happiness

9、. The wellknown one is negative: a thinner pay packet harms selfrespect. The lessknown one is called the “tunnel” (隧道) effect: high incomes for peers are seen as improving your own chances of similar riches.A study by professor Mr. Fitzroy separates the two effects using data from household surveys

10、in Germany. Previous work showed that the income of others can have a small, or even positive effect on peoples satisfaction. But Mr. Fitzroys team theorized that older workers, who largely know their lifetime incomes already, will enjoy a much smaller tunnel effect.The data confirm this view. The n

11、egative effect on reported levels of happiness of being paid less than your peers is not obvious for people aged under 45. Seeing peers incomes rising actually makes young people happier (even more than a rise in their own incomes). It is only those people over 45, when careers have “reached a stabl

12、e position”, whose happiness is harmed by the success of others.Those with jobs are no happier after they retire, however, perhaps because their lives already line up with social expectations. Indeed, retiring early from work can have side effects. Men retiring a year early lower their possibility o

13、f surviving to age 67 by 13%. Almost a third of this higher death rate, which seemed to be concentrated among those who were forced into retirement by job loss, was caused by drug and alcohol addiction.So a persons value does not only depend on how much they buy material goods and recreations but is

14、 also influenced by how well a person obeys the generally accepted standards of social behaviour of the category he belongs to. Applying identity theory to the relationship between unemployment and life satisfaction implies that unemployed people are dissatisfied with their life not only because the

15、y have lower incomes, but also because they dont follow the standards of their social category under which they are expected to work.5How will people usually react to a lower income than peers? ATheir pride will be injured. BTheir status will be acquired. CTheir reputation will be harmed. DTheir happiness will be achieved.6Who will enjoy the biggest tunnel effect? AWorking people. BRetired people. CPeople aged over 45. DPeople aged under 45.7Early retirement will probably affect peoples _. Aincome Bhealth Cprivileges Dexpectations8What is the best title fo


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