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1、 银行考试培训机构的领跑者2013年暑假天天练中国银行校园招聘考试题我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。行测单元1.与先辈不同,这一新生代的中国研究人员不愿意_接受古籍中的描写。在希冀精确追溯中国历史的尝试中,他们所_的是实物、数据以及更为“西式”的方法。依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是:A.直接 擅长 B.无端 强调C.被动 依靠 D.全盘 倚重2.人类的社会生活虽是文学艺术的唯一源泉,虽是较之后者有不可比拟的生动丰富的内容,但是_。这是为什麽呢?因为虽然两者都是美,但是文艺作品中反映出来的生活却可以而且应该比普通的实际生活更亮,更强烈,更有集中性,更典型,更理想,因此就更带普遍

2、性。革命的文艺,应当根据实际生活创造出各种各样的人物来,帮助群众推动历史的前进。填入划横线部分最恰当的一句是( )A.人民还是不满足于前者而要求后者B.文艺作品对人类社会的反应更深刻C.文学艺术不是对生活的原搬原抄D.文艺作品应承担推动历史进程的使命3.如何寻找兴趣和激情呢,首先你要把兴趣和才华分开。做自己有才华的事,容易出成果,但不要因为自己做得好,就认为那是你的兴趣所在。这段话的主要意思是( )。A.只有喜欢才能干好 B.干得好不一定就喜欢C.不要做自己不喜欢的事 D.成果越多越能激发兴趣4.1, 2, 6, 15, 40, 104, ( )A.185 B.225C.273 D.3295.

3、在一条公路上每隔100公里有一个仓库,共有5个仓库,一号仓库存有10吨货物,二号仓库存有20吨货物,五号仓库存有40吨货物,其余两个仓库是空的。现在要把所有的货物集中存放在一个仓库里,如果每吨货物运输1公里需要05元运输费,则最少需要运费( )。A.4500元 B.5000元 C.5500元 D.6000元6.预备犯罪是指为了实行犯罪事先准备工具、制造条件的行为。表现形式主要有两种:准备工具。任何工具只要同犯罪行为联系在一起,就成为犯罪工具。制造条件。如谋划行动方案、勾结共同犯罪人等等。根据以上定义,下列描述未构成预备犯罪的是( )。A.刘军因为私人问题与老板积怨。一天,他遇老板外出,正巧天降

4、暴雨,毁坏交通。刘军准备制造车祸假象,想致老板意外死亡B.丁某欠王老板20余万元,王老板多次索要,丁某总是躲避或拒绝。一天,有人告诉丁某,王老板正在训练“打手”,准备对付丁某。后来,丁某查证,所谓的“打手”,是王老板新招的保安C.梁某觊觎邻居家新买的摩托车,意欲据为己有,并悄悄准备好了一把万能钥匙,想趁邻居不在家时入室偷窃D.张胜扬言要杀吴天,并买了一把三棱刮刀,准备伺机行动7.自恋爱 ( )A. 敌意批评 B.沉思思想 C.内疚谴责 D.贪婪欲望8.有三位男生张强、赵林、王刚和三位女生李华、秦珊、刘玉暑假外出旅游,可能去上海、杭州、青岛和大连。条件是:每人只能去一个地方; 凡是男生去的地方就

5、必须有女生去;凡是有女生去的地方就必须有男生去;李华去上海或者杭州,赵林去大连。如果上述断定都为真,则去杭州的人中不可能同时包含( )。A. 张强和王刚 B.王刚和刘玉 C.秦珊和刘玉 D.张强和秦珊9.(1)受到压力与地热作用(2)微生物将植物遗体分解化合,形成泥炭层(3)形成褐煤(4)植物被水淹没,与氧隔绝(5)地球表面长满植物A.54213B.51243C.51423D.2153410.从所给的四个选项中,选择最合适的一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性( ) 2006年末,该省卫生机构总数17143个(含诊所、医务室、卫生所、社区卫生服务站),比上年增加1819个,增长11.87%。卫

6、生机构总数增加较快的原因主要是各地加强了城市和农村社区卫生服务机构建设,2006年新增社区卫生服务站1418个,较上年增长56.61%,新增社区卫生服务中心80个,增长74.07%(相应的减少了卫生院65个,减少4.42%)。另外今年新增诊所229所,较上年增长11.19%。11.与上年相比,2006年度该省社区卫生服务中心的增长率比社区卫生服务站的增长率多几个百分点?英语单元That particularly humorless boss or dour neighbor may not have a personalitydefectbut a different brain struct

7、ure, research published Wednesday suggests. Scientists in Canada say they have found how brain damage canaffect a persons sense of humor, adding toevidencethat humor may be hard-wired into the brain.A team at the University of Toronto and the Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care in Toronto found that

8、people with damage to the right frontal lobe of their brains do not really getironic jokes the way they should. Instead, they prefer slapstick humor. We always thought of humor as anintangiblepart of our personality, Prathiba Shammi of the University of Toronto, a psychologistwho worked on the study

9、, said in astatement. Now we know humor can be tested and scientifically scrutinized.”Shammi compared the responses of 42 volunteers aged 18 to 70 to written andverbal jokes and cartoons. Half the group had a brain injury caused bystroke, tumor or surgical removal. People with damage to the right an

10、terior frontal lobe were the least able toappreciate jokes and cartoons, Shammi reported in the journal Brain. Instead, they showed apreference for silly slapstick humor. Shammi gave an example of one of her jokes and the responses.A teen-ager is being interviewed for a summer job. Youll get $ 50 a

11、week to start off, says his boss. Then after a month youll get a raise to $75 a week. Volunteers were offered three possiblepunchlines:a. Id like to take the job. When can I start?b. Thats great! Ill come back in a month.c. Hey boss, your nose is too big for your face!12. According to the passage a

12、humorless person _.A) has a personalitydefectB) may have a different brain structureC) has been injured in the brain D) does notunderstandany joke13. Traditionally people believe that humor _.A) can be tested and scientifically scrutinizedB) has something to do with a persons brainC) cannot be found

13、 in brain-damaged peopleD) is anintangiblepart of a persons personality14. Which of the followingstatementis true?A) 42 volunteers were tested with both written andverbaljokes.B) Only people with damage to the right anterior frontal lobe could notappreciatejokes.C) Humorless people prefer silly slap

14、stick humor.D) The author had a humorless boss and a dour neighbor.15. Which of the following statements about the volunteers in the experiment is NOT true?A) The oldest volunteer was seventy years old.B) They are tested with jokes both in written and spoken form.C) Themajorityof the volunteers suff

15、ered from brain damage.D)Comparativelypeople suffered from right anterior frontal lobe damage was most humorless.16. Look at the joke in the last part of the passage. We caninferthat most people with damage to the right anterior frontal lobe _.A) did notunderstandthe joke B) would choose answer cC) would choose answer b D) w



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