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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。For the League f Natonodow wisonte leu of ntoselivere 19 演讲者简介:托马斯;伍德罗;威尔逊(thomasoodrowwilso,185年2月28日-192年2月3日),美国第28任总统。作为进步主义时代的一个领袖级知识分子,他曾先后任普林斯顿大学校长,新泽西州州长等职。9X年总统大选中,由于西奥多;罗斯福和威廉;塔夫脱的竞争分散了共和党选票,以民主党人身份当选总统。迄今为止,他是唯一拥有哲学博士(ph.)头衔的美国总统(法律博士衔除外),也是唯一一名任总统

2、以前曾在新泽西州担任公职的美国总统。 it givs pleasue to add o tis forml reading of the sulf our labors a echarcr f t dscussio which occre at t sttngsothemmisso was nt onlyof th most consrcte ut of te most encouraing srt it as obvios throughou u iscssins tht, togh thee wr subjcts upo whc therewer ndiviual diernces of

3、judmn t regrd to th methby wicor objecs soldbe obtaied, here wsrctical at no pntany riou difrene o opinin o tives hebjets ich w wereein. ndeed, wi thesdbte wereo maeth oporunity forhe expressonof enthuiasm a sntiets, ithinthe terebe o the comisson wilagree wihm that ther wasan uneroe of high resect

4、and fenhusi for ehinwe were tryingt do hichs heatng thuhout erything eausee felt th in a way hscnferece did ntrust ito usthe xpressin ofoeof ishighst anmostiprant puposes, to seeto i h thoncordof th wrl i hfur withregard tothe objcsofjuice shouldnot e subject t out ouncerinty; thatteoperatioof h gre

5、at bdy of naons should beasrd in heintennce ofpeaceu trms of hoo ad of intentinl obligaion. the compusi oftha takas consanyupn u,a atno ointas tre shwnh sligtest eire o doanytn but gges the bet meas to accois ht reajet.ter s vey gratsigicane, teefo, nthe fc ht the reult was reachduaniously.oeen nati

6、n were rpreented,among thm ll f thse powersicforonvenience w havcall he geoers, andamon the rt arpesentation of the ratest arie o circmtces and intersts. so hat i thnweare jiied sayn ta the significane he rsult, therfor,has he deepst ofalmanig,the n wils in acomopurpose, a unon of wils which canno b

7、reised ad wh,idare say,no ion illru h riskf atepting to resi. no,ast the charar th oumnt. whie it honsmedso ieto radth docment,ithnk will see aone that t isvrsimple, and i nothn ssipe as inthetructur which i sugsts for a legu ofnaions, a dy of delat, an excutve council, and a rmanet secretaria. whn

8、it came o teueston of deerminthe cacterf th represntati n he boy delegaes, we weeawreof afeeli whih scrrent thougou horld. inmuhas iam taigit in thepreene o teoffcilreprsettivs f teariousgovemens hrepresn, icuingmsef, i maysa tha tere ia uniesaleelig that the woldcannt rest satisied itmerelofical ui

9、dane. thees rahed us togh man channel thefeling tht f the delberaing bodo theegue of nons wasmrlyto be a bod of offiial eprnn the vrious governents, he peoples f te wo woldnot be urehat ome oftemistakeswhich occupied oficial d admitedlymademgh no b eeatd. itwas impsbletconciv metod oran ssmb so lgea

10、d arious a to e rally eprsenttie ofhe grat bod of thepops of thewrld, becaus, aiouhl reckoit, werepesent aswe siround ttale moetan1.2bilon ppe. you ant hae aepreenttve assembyof 1. bion pole, but if yu levit o eachgoermnt o hav,if it lease, ne ortwothree reprentatie, thou only wih ainle vote, it may

11、 vryts reprsentaton rom timeto tim, not nly, bt i may(rigint) the choce fits several repesentaives wirles here unintelligbe. therewe hghttat tias a oper and a errdent cncesson to te prcticalyuniversal pinon of plain me eerwhee th they ated te lftoen to a vaiet ofrepesenaton, instead of bin coied t a

12、 singl fficial body th whh theycold or might findhselesinsympty.and you wil noice tht his ody as unlimied right ofisuon. ean of dscsin f anthing hat fls thinthe fied f inenional rlionand tht it i scially ard tat r or intertional msundestndngsorating tha may ead torito or tobleis veryboy ; business, becaustmay aect th peac oewrld. ad inrder to sfguardthe puarpowr o fr as we cold of ths rpentatie o, itisprovided,youwlltie,a when suject isubtted is not arbitration but toiscus



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