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1、高中重点动词及动词短语归纳1 add1. If you _ 5 _ 5, you get 10. 把加到上面( Five _ _ five makes 10.)2. The balloons _ _ the festival atmosphere. 增加3. His whole school education _ _ _ no more than one year. 总计4. _ _ the numbers, and you will get 1155. 加起来(1) The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ad

2、ded _ the helplessness of the crew at sea. (2) The numbers add _ 95. 2 agree1. _ _ 就达成共识2. _ _ the plan/ decision/ arrangement/ suggestion 同意3. _ _ _ _ 同意做某事4. I dont _ _ you / what you said/ your advice 同意5. The climate here doesnt _ _ me. 食物、天气等适合某人6. Your story _ _ what I have already heard. 和一致(

3、1) Mutton doesnt agree _ him. (2) The verb agrees _ its subject in number and person. (3) We couldnt agree _ the date for the party. 3 break1. I am sorry that I _ my promise. 违背、违反(_ ones word / promise; _ the law; _ the rule)2. He _ _ _ all his old friends. 断绝来往,脱离3. I should _ _ _ such habits. 改掉(

4、习惯等)4. All our plans _ _. (计划,谈判等)失败5. The peace talks have _ _. 6. Her health _ _ under the pressure of work. 垮掉7. Chemicals in the body _ _ our food into useful substances. 分解8. The telephone system has _ _. (机器或车辆)出故障;坏掉9. The Second World War _ _ in September 1939. 爆发10. I _ _ the candy and gave

5、 each child a small piece. 分开11. Their marriage is _ _. (指婚姻或关系)结束12. _ English 蹩脚英语13. Our troops had little difficulty in _ _ the lines of the police. 突破(1) News reports say peace talks between the two countries have _ _ with no agreement reached. (2) Fire broke _ last night. (3) Sentences can be

6、broken _ into clauses. / (4) Youve been working so hard for nearly a month. Relax yourself, or you will break _ sooner or later. (5) While we were watching TV, a voice broke _ the programme to announce the election results. 4 bring1. He _ _ a quarrel between his parents. 引起,造成2. She made every effor

7、t to _ _ a peaceful solution to the problem. 带来,实现3. Electricity lines were _ _ by falling trees or branches. 使倒下4. _ _ the price 降低价格5. The sale _ _ over $200. 赚得6. Can you make a sentence to _ _ the meaning of the phrase? 解释清楚7. Joe was born in Texas but _ _ in Oklahoma. 抚养8. He was so ill that he

8、 _ _ everything. 呕吐9. This _ me _ touch with various kinds of workers. 使进入某种状态10. Please _ _ the matter at the next meeting. 提出11. They have _ the meeting _ to next Monday. 提前,提早(1) Her parents died when she was a baby and she was _ _ by her aunt. (2) A huge amount of environmental damage has been _

9、 _ by the destruction of the rainforests. (3) The sale of the house only _ about $45,000. 5 call1. The trouble _ _ quick action by the government. 要求2. I will _ _ you at five oclock. 按约定来找某人3. We _ _ the packages at the post office. 来取某物4. I formed the habit of _ _ him / _ _ his office in the aftern

10、oon. 顺便拜访5. Your father is ill. You should _ _ a doctor at once. 找来,请来6. The army was _ _ to cut through fallen trees and to help clear the roads and paths. 召集7. People dont like being _ _. 骂人8. Theyve _ _ the game because of the thick fog. 取消9. He _ _ me to speak immediately after him. 请某人做某事10. I

11、_ _ the people of this country to work hard for national unity. 号召11. A notice displayed in the shop window _ _ _ the recent increase in prices. 引起对的关注12. _ _ sb give sb a call make a call(1) The situation calls _ immediate action. (2) The sound of happy laughter called _ memories of his childhood.

12、(3) Could you call _ Mum on your way home?6 carry1. He had learned enough German to _ _ a conversation. 进行2. One person should _ _ where the other had left off. 继续下去3. I was chosen to _ _ our experiment. 执行,展开4. He did not _ _ his promise to us. 履行5. After destroying the village, the enemy _ _ all t

13、he cattle. 抢走6. The work is tough, but weve determined to _ it _. 顺利完成(1) They are trying to carry _ a new policy. (2) What a pity! The should have carried _ the good business. (3) -Its a good idea. But whos going to carry _ the plan?-I think Tom and Greg will. 7 come1. _ _ _ you didnt get here in time? 是怎么回事2. He _ _ realize that he was mistaken. 渐渐地(表逐渐变化的过程)3. My dream has _ _. 变成现实4. He talked about his _ trip to the United States. 即将到来的5. How did the accident _ _? 发生,造成6. I _ _ this book in an old bookstore on the Fourth Avenue. 偶遇


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