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1、高考英语求助信写作指导和练习【试题探究】假定你是李华, 你和同学根据英语课文改编了一个短剧。请你给外教Miss Evans写一封邮件, 请她帮忙指导。邮件内容包括: 1.剧情简介; 2.指导内容; 3.商定时间、地点。注意: 写作词数应为80左右。Step 1: 精准审题 谋篇布局人称第一人称、第二人称时态一般现在时和现在完成时要点1.写邮件的目的2.说明求助事项Step 2: 字斟句酌 巧饰亮点要点1: 我写邮件是想就我们改编自课本的一个剧本征求您的意见。高级词汇: Im writing to ask you for advice regarding a play adapted from

2、our textbook.高级句式(利用定语从句升级): Im writing to ask you for advice regarding a play that we have adapted from our textbook.要点2: 我们不确定情节是否完整, 我们也想知道如何使用适当的语气来完美地说台词。高级词汇和句式(宾语从句): We are uncertain whether the plot is complete.We are also wondering how to use proper tones to speak the lines perfectly.高级句式(

3、利用not only.but also合并两个句子): We are not only uncertain whether the plot is complete, but also we are wondering how to use proper tones to speak the lines perfectly.高级句式(利用倒装句升级): Not only are we uncertain whether the plot is complete, but also we are wondering how to use proper tones to speak the lin

4、es perfectly.Step 3: 衔接过渡 斐然成篇Dear Miss Evans, How is everything going? Im writing to ask you for advice regarding a play that we have adapted from our textbook.The play is about how money influences the attitude of people treating others.However, not only are we uncertain whether the plot is comple

5、te, but also we are wondering how to use proper tones to speak the lines perfectly.Hopefully, you would be so kind as to give us some guidance.If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8: 30 a.m.tomorrow in the school theater.Wed appreciate it if you could do us a favor.Yours, Li Hua【句式储备】1.篇头开篇表意, 请求

6、帮助I wonder if you could do me a favor to pick up my uncle at the airport.我想知道你是否能帮我一个忙, 到机场接我叔叔。Would you like to do me a favor to have my draft polished?你愿意帮我润色草稿吗?2.篇中详细描述, 讲清困难Faced with the above problems, I am anxious to get your help.Would you please offer me some advice on maths learning?面对上述

7、问题, 我渴望得到你的帮助。你能给我一些数学学习建议吗?Now, I struggle a lot in my study.Ive found that hardly do I take sports due to too much homework.现在, 我在学习上很痛苦。我发现由于作业太多, 我几乎没时间运动。3.结尾盼回复, 希望得到帮助I wonder if you can help me with these difficulties.I would really appreciate it if you could help me.我想知道你能不能帮我解决这些困难。如果你能帮助我

8、, 我真的很感激。I would appreciate it very much if you could offer me some necessary/timely help(give/lend me some practical/valuable advice).如果你能给我一些必要的帮助/及时的帮助(给我一些实用的/有价值的建议)我会很感激。【拓展储备】假定你是李华。最近你校英语俱乐部将举办主题为“魅力中国”的演讲比赛, 请给你的外教Cheslie 写一封电子邮件, 请她帮助润色你的演讲稿并给予你有关演讲技巧的指导。内容包括: 1.写信原因; 2.你的困惑; 3.请求帮助。注意: 1.

9、写作词数应为80左右; 2.可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。Dear Cheslie, I am writing to ask you to do me a favor._Yours sincerely, Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Cheslie, I am writing to ask you to do me a favor.Ill participate in an English speech contest with the title “Charming China”.Ive finished my speech draft, but I find it far from

10、satisfactory.Firstly, Im not sure of some proper expressions in English and not aware of the mistakes in grammar and sentence structures.Would you please go through the attachment to this email and then help me correct the mistakes and polish the speech draft? Besides, I am pretty nervous about the

11、speech, so Id like you to offer me some presentation skills, which can improve my performance.Id appreciate it if you could give me your guidance.Looking forward to your early reply!Yours sincerely, Li Hua【要点精练】1假定你是李华,你的英语听力存在一些问题,你想让你的英国笔友Wesley给你推荐几个提高英语听力水平的网站。请你给他发一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.你的英语听力情况介绍;2.提出请

12、求;3.期待回复。注意:1.写作词数应为80左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Wesley,How are you doing?_Yours sincerely,Li Hua2假设你是李华,去纽约旅游,从机场乘一辆黄色的出租车去假日饭店(Holiday Inn),到达酒店后发现遗失了一件行李箱。在失物招领处,工作人员要求你用英文写一份书面材料。 内容包括: 行李遗失的过程; 行李箱的概况; 联系电话: 1-703-3543269。注意:1.字数80左右。2.文章中不能出现个人真实信息。Dear Sir/Madam,_Yours sincerely,Li Hua3假定你是学生李华,你写了一篇介绍剪纸艺术的英文博客(blog),希望请外籍教师Bob润色一下。请你给他写一封电子邮件。内容包括:1.写信的事由:2.表达感激。


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