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1、条据 条据是当事人借到、领到、收到或归还钱财时留给或受到对方的有效凭证。条据大体上分为两类,即凭证性条据(如借条、欠条、收条等)和说明性条据(如请假条、留言等)。条据的格式和写法英文条据应用词简单、准确,没有其他客套语;时间放在信纸的右上端,签名(全名)放在信纸的右下方。其写法与中文条据在格式上有所区别,见下表: 中 文 英 文 收条 今收到张华培训费人民币壹仟伍佰元(1,500元)整。此据。 收款人:赵明(盖章) 2002年9月1日 September1,2002 Received from Zhang Hua training fee RMR1,500. Zhao Ming1. 借条(Re

2、ceipt for a Loan) (1) Febuary 15,2003Borrowed from the library of Baiyun College a copy of A New English-Chinese Dictionary.Return within 2 weeks. Li Ming 右上角写明借期具体写明被借方、借物和还期右下角签名 (2) Febuary 15,2003To Mrs.Wang Ling, Botrrowed from Mrs.Wang Ling ten thousand yuan(RMR10,000)to be paid back within on

3、e year from this date with interest at 9% per year. Ling Ming右上角写明借期具体写明被被借方、借款数额、利息和还期签名2. 收条(Receipt) September1,2002 Received from Zhang Hua training fee RMR1,500. Zhao Ming右上角写明日期具体写明钱财及其数目签名3. 请假条(Asking for leave) April 6,2003 Dear Mr .Wang, Qwing to a bad cold ,I am unable to attend your clas

4、ses today and ask for a days sick leave. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. Li Ming右上角写明日期请假对象具体写明请假原因和期限签名4. 留言(Massage)To Mr.Black,Ms.Marie Smith of ABC Company visited this morning at 11:30 and asked you to call her backat 23901188 in office hour. Linda顶头写明被留言人具体写明留言实项留言人签名练习1兹向白云学院外语系(计算机

5、系、经济系、管理系等)借录音机1台,10天后归还。 经手人:刘鹏 2003年2月28日2.今借到刘德华先生人民币叁仟元整,1年内归还,年息6厘,此据。 经手人:张军 2003年2月28日3.今借到IBM公司市场部罗强佣金450美元。此据。 经手人:张军 2003年2月28日5. 龙老师: 我因昨晚感冒发烧,现在体温仍达39C,所以今天不能来上学,请假1天,望老师准假。 学生:王杰 2003年9月3日通知、启事和海报 通知、启事和海报是个人或团体向大众告知某一件事情的简短文字,一般有标题、正文、落款(或时间)3部分组成,涉及主办单位、活动内容,议程安排、时间和地点等。 通知、启事和海报的格式和写

6、法1. 通知(Notice) (1) Notice All teachers and students of Grade I are requested to meet in the department conference room on April 30(Thursday)at 4:30p.m.to hear are a report on “Computer Assisted Language Learning”. The Foreign Languages April 28,2003居中写标题正文写明通知对象、事情、时间和地点签名日期 (2) Notice Please be inf

7、ormed that School Clinic willbe conducting a flu-shot on September 15 from 9:00am to 5:00p.m. The cost is RMR6 for faculty,Staff and students. Adminidtrative Office Sep.12,2003居中写明标题正文写明通知对象、事情、时间、和地点签名日期2. 启事(Announcement) (1) Temporary Relocation of Office We regret that this office cannot be used

8、 this week because of leaking central heating pipes . Customerscan now reach us at Room 109 ,the White Swan Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. Jenny Jones Manager July6,2001居中写标题正文写明启事的内容签名日期 (2) FOUND I happened to find a purse ,inside which there are cards , cash and other th

9、ings .Loser is erpected to come to our classroom to claim it. Zhang Jun Class 2,Senior 1,FLD Jan.12,2002居中写标题正文写明通知对象、事情、时间和地点签名日期3.海报(Playbill) Free Lectures in English on “Peoples and Cultures in China”By Professor Zhang Haiyang,Central University of Nationlities From 9 to 11a.m.,Saturday, Sep.13,20,27,2003 At the China International Cultural Exchange Center. (和平里建材大厦对


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