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1、最新资料,WORD档,可下载编辑!SME实用手册SME Manual本手册指在帮助中小企业所有人在自己企业内建立操作手册。The manual is designed to assist SME owners to implement an operations amnaul within their business.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS概述 OVERVIEW.经营手册 Operations Manual 企业概述 Business Overview 人力资源管理 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT雇佣政策 Employment Policies 员工记录

2、Team Member Records招聘和选拔 Recruitment and Selection 业绩管理 Performance Management培训I Training 沟通和激励 Communication and Motivation 职业健康和安全 Occupational Health and Safety 客户服务 CUSTOMER SERVICEK务标准 Service Standards 顾客选择 Customer Selection 顾客反馈 Customer Feedback市场营销 MARKETING企业识别 Corporate Identity 战略营销 St

3、rategic Marketing 公共关系 Public Relations 采购和存货管理 PURCHASING AND STOCK MANAGEMENT采购 Purchasing 存货管理 Stock Management行政管理 ADMINISTRATION电话、 信息和电子由B件 Telephone, Messages and Email 由B件和重要信函 Mail and Couriers 计算机和互联网 Computers and the Internet 安全 Security 会计 ACCOUNTING应付账款Creditors 应收账款Debtors专艮行往来账 Bank

4、Accounts固定资产Fixed Assets 领导能力LEADERSHIP概述OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual经营手册的目的Purpose of the Operations Manual本经营手册旨在提供必要的资源,以帮助员工改进工作表现,并帮助企业 达成目标。The purpose of the Operations Manual is to provide all team members with a resource to assist them in performing the roles and to assist the business to

5、meet its objectives.最重要的是,所有员工都应熟悉本手册,并遵守手册中列出的政策和程序 以及相关联的制度和程序文件。这样做使企业上下得到统一,并强化了我 们在市场中的地位。It is essential that all team members are familiar with the manual and follow the policies and procedures outlined in this document and the associated systems and procedures documentation. This creates uni

6、formity throughout our business and strengthens our position within the marketplace.经营手册的保密性Security of Operations Manual在经营手册中包含的信息及相关的政策、程序都属企业的机密。为了从企 业的安全保护着想,对手册的内容保密是十分必要的。这些手册是企业的 知识产权,并集企业知识积累之大成。The information contained within the Operations Manual and associated policies and procedures is

7、 confidential. It is essential for the protection of the business that the contents are kept confidential. These manuals are our intellectual property and bring together the cumulative learning of our business.严禁将手册或相关文件从企业中拿走。任何交给员工用于履行职责的手册都属企业财产No manuals or associated documentation are to be rem

8、oved from the business. Any manuals given to you in order for you to fulfilyourrole obligations remain the property of the business.除了常规工作的需要,你不能拷贝手册中的任何部分。不遵守此条约的员 工将受到纪律的处理。You are not permitted to copy any part of the manual other than for genuine business use. Team memberswho do not comply with

9、this will be subject to disciplinary procedures.手册更新Manual Updates手册或相关文件将定期更新。From time to time it may be necessary to update the manual or associated documents.每个员工都有责任保有最新的与其任务相关的文档。如果员工认为需要增 加一个新系统,或修改一个现在的系统,他需要先向直属经理咨询。所有 系统应该利用标准的系统模板进行归档。Every team member has a responsibility to keep up to d

10、ate the documentation that relates to their role. If a team memberbelieves that a new system needs to be documented or an existing system amended, they should consult their manager. All systems are to be documented using the standard systems template.请参阅:Please refer to:,“系统模板”Systems_Template企业概述Bu

11、siness Overview我们的企业Our Business请详述企业背景,内容应包括:Please detail a background to the business. You should include the following:1 .企业成立日期、建立方式2 . When and how the business was first established3 .当前企业的股东分别是谁4 . Who the current owners of the business are5 .企业是做什么的?生产商、零售商、批发商等 ?6 . What you do i.e. are yo

12、u a manufacturer, retailer, wholesaler etc?7 .企业做得如何8 . How you do it9 .企业提供什么产品和服务10 .What products and services you provide11 .企业地址,包括所有商店的地址、办公室、工厂等12 . Whereyou are located including the address of all shops, offices, factories etc远景宣言Vision Statement我们有一个企业远景宣言,它清晰地确定了企业正在做的事情以及做完这些事情之后的样子。该远景宣

13、言应该作为我们的工作指南和基准,来衡量 我们的业绩。We have a corporate vision statement that clearly defines what the business does and what the business will look like whenit is finally done. This vision statement should act as a guide for our work and benchmark for us to measure our performance.请参阅:Please refer to:M乐旦日“Vi

14、sion Statement企业宗旨Mission Statement 我们有一个企业宗旨 We have a corporate mission statement请参阅:Please refer to:“企业宗旨”“Mission Statement ”组织结构图Organisational Chart企业应让所有员工了解组织结构以及企业内部的报告关系。So that all team members are aware of the structure and reporting relationships within the business a current organisati

15、onal chart is available.Please refer to:“组织结构图”“Organisational Chart.”内部和外部关系标准Internal and External Relationship Standards以下关系标准适用于企业内的所有员工:The following relationship standards apply to all team members within the organisation.所有员工都应公开地、诚实地和专业地与所有顾客沟通一一在内部和外部 都是如此。All team members will communicate openly, honestly and professionally with all customers - Both internal and external.1 .在说“请”和“谢谢”时,冠上别人的名字。2 . Always say “please” and “thank-you using the person name.3 .决不挖苦嘲讽。4 . Never use sarcasm.5 .始终要象当事人在场时一样地谈论一个人6 . Always talk about a per


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