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1、填词1. 突然起火2. 展望未来3. 一道闪电4. 常客5. 填表格6. 被吓呆7. 人流8. 参加葬礼9. 购物指南10. 做体操11. 挂在墙上的画12. 头条新闻13. 击中某人的腿部14. 受伤15. 获得独立16. 限制移民17. 发展重工业18. 搜集信息19. 从外国进口食物20. 给某人留下深刻印象21. 带路22. 仰卧23. 降低劳动成本24. 对文学一无所知25. 被闪电击中26. 采取法律行动27. 适应28. 亲自,本人29. 不辜负期望30. 将曝光31. 给某人一个教训32. 发起一场运动33. 对嫉妒34. 把投资在35. 染上了病毒36. 被誉为37. 全心全

2、意地38. 与协调,一致39. 三把豆子40. 有做的习惯41. 在某人的指导下42. 散布流言蜚语43. 泄露,出卖(秘密)44. 开始做,开始认真对待45. 履行诺言46. 外形的,形式上的47. 培养,领养48. 检查,视察49. 香的,芬芳的50. 摩擦(力)51. 基础的,根本的52. 有影响力的53. 闪耀,瞪眼54. 光荣,荣耀55. 治理,统治56. 重力,地心引力57. 炙烤,烧烤58. 保证,保单59. 公道,正义60. 家庭,一户人家 / 用适当的介词填空1. For our lack of beds, the sofa often functions _ as a be

3、d.2. Young people are fond _ reading our books issued in a new format.3. He isnt fit _ the financial service work, so I will do it in place of him. 4. If the water is not hot enough, tea leaves will float _ the surface of the water.5. My foster father forbade me _ meeting my friends online at the In

4、ternet caf.6. Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ the form of a question.7. He was always firm _ his purposes and became an expert in the frontier of physics at last.8. If you are going to follow someone, focus _ their talents, not their bad characters.9. It is always the case one t

5、hing happens _ a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.10. The headmaster foresaw that the students would gain fun _ their social practice. 11. It was generous _ him to offer to help.12. Glance quickly _ the graph and answer the questions.13. She didnt look happy, glaring _ him beside t

6、he grills.14. The boy has grown _ and became a guard.15. _ general, the northerners are keen on dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.16. To be honest, the future is hidden _ us.17. At last she hit _ the perfect title for her new fiction.18. That year Hitler heated _ the aggressive war in

7、 Europe.19. He turned the room upside down to hunt _ the lost key.20. _ the guides guidance, we had a good time in Beijing.21. Most of the students have a hunger _ knowledge.22. I happened to hunt _ a collection of humorous stories last month.23. There were the older jazz musicians who hung _ our ho

8、use when I was young.24. In this heavenly world, people live in harmony _ nature and the outside world is forgotten.25. Dont hesitate to make friends and never forget that it is important to be honest _ your friends.26. The plants are inspected _ disease regularly.27. Our demand for this product is

9、steadily _ the increase.28. You are old enough to be independent _ your parents.29. He informed us _ his decision about raising our income.30. Instead _ doing homework for her, I can help her with her studies.31. It is important _ children to learn to get on well with each other.32. The import and e

10、xport trade of national electronic components has increase _ 5%.33. He was injured in a car crash accident when driving _ the influence of alcohol.34. I was impressed _ his inspiring words, and I decided to cooperate with him immediately.35. The second trip to Lijiang made a deep impression _ him, a

11、nd changed his initial impression.36. There is a knock _ the door.37. This book is intended _ children.38. Everyone should be treated _ justice.39. Have you invited Mary _ your birthday party?40. It is too soon to make a judgment _ the result.41. Judging _ her accent, she must be from Sichuan.42. Th

12、is book is a useful introduction _ international trade.43. You can search all the information you need _ the Internet.44. The journalist had an interview _ the excellent interpreter. 45. She has no intention _ wearing all her jewelry to the wedding.46. President Obama attended the opening ceremony o

13、f the Olympics _ the invitation of President Hu.47. The man intended to buy insurance to insure his car _ fire and theft.48. The contents of the report were leaked _ the press.49. A subway line will link the airport _ the city centre.50. The majority of local farmers earn their living _ labor.根据汉语提示

14、,用括号内的词语完成句子。1. The weather forecast said the temperature would remain _(零度以下)all day. (freeze)2. He went to California and soon _ (发财了). (fortune)3. Dan _(把太阳镜折起来) and put them in his pocket. (fold)4. Amy joined a painting group but _(好像无法融入), so she left. (fit)5. On that foggy night, trucks and cars _(在公路上川流不息). (flow)6. Ronaldo is undoubtedly considered _(是最好的足球前锋之一). (forward)7. They held a fierce debate over whether _


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