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1、高考英语读后续写环境描写精选一、日月星辰、城市霓虹1.The sun kissed the vibrant green fields, casting a warm and golden glow over the surrounding landscape.太阳亲吻着生机勃勃的绿田,将温暖而金色的光芒洒在周围的景色上。2.I caught the sun rising through the clouds, sending streaks of fire from one end of the world to the other.正赶上太阳冲破云层,把火焰般的光束洒向世界的每一个角落。3.

2、The sunshine slanted through the window, moistening our hearts and easing all the misunderstanding between us.阳光透过窗户,湿润了我们的心,缓解了我们之间的误会。4.The sun was at its highest, baking the ground with its flames and making the air still and unbearable.太阳处于最高点,用火焰烤着地面,空气静止、令人难以忍受。5.The moon shone brightly in the

3、 midnight sky, casting a silvery glow that reflected off the calm surface of the lake月亮在午夜的天空中熠熠生辉,投射出银色的光芒,在湖面上闪烁。6.The starry night sky twinkled with countless celestial diamonds, illuminating the world below with their ethereal beauty星空闪烁着无数的天上钻石,在下方的世界上闪耀出它们空灵的美丽。7.The city skyline glittered wit

4、h a vast array of lights, illuminating the bustling streets below城市天际线闪耀着各种各样的灯光,照亮了下方熙熙攘攘的街道。二、风、雨、云、电闪雷鸣、大雪纷飞1.The rain came pouring down in torrents, a gust of wind roaring in its way, accompanied by rumbling thunder echoing through the sky雨倾盆而下,狂风呼啸,隆隆的雷声响彻天空。2.The sky was overcast, darkened wit

5、h gloomy clouds, and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a huge gray quilt.天阴沉沉的,乌云密布,整个世界仿佛都被笼罩在一张巨大的灰色被子里。3.The chilling winds whipped through the barren desert, carrying with them a sense of loneliness寒冷的风在贫瘠的沙漠中呼啸而过,带来一种孤寂的感觉。4.A gentle breeze caressed the blooming flowers, carrying their

6、delicate fragrance through the air.一阵温柔的微风轻抚着盛开的花朵,将它们精致的芳香带在空气中飘荡。5.The feathery snowflakes danced in the night air, making a beautiful picture.鹅毛般的雪花在夜空中飞舞,像一幅美丽的画。6.The wind howled, piling up snow in drifts, blinding the night with ice-white dust.风呼啸着,堆着阵阵飘动的雪,用雪白的颗粒蒙蔽了黑夜。三、花早树木、鸟鸣虫叫、山高流水1.The de

7、nse forest teemed with life, as chirping birds and rustling leaves created a symphony of nature茂密的森林充满了生机,鸟儿的鸣叫和树叶的沙沙声创造出了一曲大自然的交响乐。2.Birds were singing, and the air was filled with laughter, and everyone was in the best of moods.鸟儿在唱歌,空气中充满了笑声,每个人都心情大好。3.The crystal clear water of the pristine lake

8、 shimmered under the gentle rays of sunlight, reflecting the serene beauty of its surroundings.纯净的湖水在温和的阳光下闪烁着,映出周围宁静的美景。4.It was a clear stream that ran quite merrily along on its narrow way through the luscious damp greenness.这是一条清澈的小溪,在这片甘美而潮湿的绿色土地上,沿着狭窄的水道欢快地流淌着。5.The tree stood straight from th

9、e grass, its pink blossom blew away with a large gust of wind as graceful a dancing ballerinaThe new leaves sparkled with the morning dew.这棵树从草地上笔直地立着,它的粉红的花朵随风飘散,就像一个跳舞的芭蕾舞演员。新叶在晨露中闪闪发光。6.After a tiring and long journey, we found ourselves in a fairyland: winding rivers, warm breeze, deep valleys,

10、high mountains and green grass.经过一段漫长而疲惫的旅程,我们发现自己身处仙境之中:蜿蜒的河流、暖风、深谷、高山和青草。7.The misty fog envelops the rolling hills, creating a mysterious and enchanting atmosphere浓雾笼罩着连绵起伏的小山,营造出一种神秘而迷人的氛围。四、万籁寂寂1.Surrounded by strange sounds of wild beasts and endless darkness, Jane was full of regret and despa

11、ir.被野兽奇怪的声音和无尽的黑暗包围着,Jane 充满了悔恨和绝望。2.In an instant, everything suddenly gone quiet.Birds didnt chirp, leaves didnt rustle and insects didnt singA feeling of stillness crept up on me刹那间,万物都突然寂静无声,鸟儿不再歌唱,树叶不再沙沙作响,昆虫也停止了欢唱。一种寂静的感觉悄悄向我袭来。3.Biding farewell to the last beams of sunlight, darkness gradually swallowed everything on the horizon and blanketed the whole world eventually等待最后一缕阳光褪去,黑暗逐渐吞噬了地平线上的一切,最终笼罩了整个世界。4.The tranquil atmosphere is only interrupted by the occasional sound of a nearby stream, adding to the peaceful ambiance宁静的氛围只被附近小溪偶尔的声音打破,增添了和平的氛围。2



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