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1、Humans and NatureHumans and NatureU Unit nit 5 5高考高考方向方向(1)记叙文、应用文记叙文、应用文中的媒体报道及日记,记录或报道自己或他人参与的一次中的媒体报道及日记,记录或报道自己或他人参与的一次环境保护环境保护活动如:垃圾分类、光盘行动、节约用水活动;活动如:垃圾分类、光盘行动、节约用水活动;介绍介绍“地球一小时地球一小时”活活动;介绍动;介绍“世界水日世界水日”;介绍;介绍“无车日无车日”活动;活动;(2)在)在议论文议论文中考查涉及以下内容:自然灾害产生及治理措施、动物灭绝及保中考查涉及以下内容:自然灾害产生及治理措施、动物灭绝及保护措施


3、求相关人员或部门帮助中提出环境问题及请求相关人员或部门帮助。Useful words and expressionsUseful words and expressionsTypes of pollution/Types of environmental problemsair pollution/haze/smogwater pollutiondesertification and endangered animalsrubbish problemsfood wastewater shortage1.环境污染的原因(Causesofenvironmentalpollution)2.坏的影响(

4、Badeffects)3.环境保护措施(Measuresofenvironmentalprotection)环境污染的原因、影响和解决措施Other useful expressions of environmental problems1.环境污染环境污染的原因(的原因(Causes of environmental pollution)(1)cut down trees 砍伐树木砍伐树木 (2)pollute the environment/air 污染环境污染环境/空气空气(3)lead/water/noise/air/white pollution铅铅/水水/噪音噪音/空气空气/白色污

5、染白色污染(4)The rubbish was everywhere.到处是垃圾。到处是垃圾。(5)send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air排放烟雾和有毒气体排放烟雾和有毒气体(6)pour waste water into rivers without being treated往河里排放未经处理的废水往河里排放未经处理的废水2.坏的影响(Bad effects)(1)acid rain 酸雨酸雨 (2)abnormal climate气候异常气候异常(3)global warming 全球变暖全球变暖 (4)sea level rise

6、 海平面上升海平面上升(5)greenhouse effect 温室效应温室效应 (6)extinction of animals 动物灭绝动物灭绝 (7)be harmful to/do harm to.对对有害有害 (8)flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市水淹低洼城市(9)drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across.干旱干旱/洪水洪水/沙尘暴横扫沙尘暴横扫(10)The polluted water causes diseases and death.污染的水导致疾病和死亡。污染的水导致疾病和死亡。(11)Vegetatio

7、n has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.随着现代城市的快速发展,植被已大大减少。随着现代城市的快速发展,植被已大大减少。3.环境保护措施(Measures of environmental protection)(1)reserve,preserve自然保护区自然保护区 (2)More nature reserves are supposed to set up to protect wildlife.应该建立更多的自然保护区来保护应该建立更多的自然保护区来保护野生野生生生物。物。(3)callon/a

8、ppealtocommonpeopletosave/conserve/preserve energy/food/water号召节约能源号召节约能源/食物食物/水水.(4)Government has played an important role in water/food/ocean/forest conservation(/protection).政府在水政府在水/食品食品/海洋海洋/森林保护方面发挥了重要森林保护方面发挥了重要作用作用.3.环境保护措施(Measures of environmental protection)(5)sort rubbish 垃圾分类垃圾分类 (6)ra

9、ise the awareness of protecting the ecology 唤醒保护生态唤醒保护生态的的意识意识 (7)make proper use of water resources合理利用水资源合理利用水资源 (8)go green生产或使用绿色产品生产或使用绿色产品 (9)take action/steps/measures to protect the environment 采取措施保护环境采取措施保护环境(10)ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班骑自行车上班 (11)develop/use up/run out of renewable res

10、ources发展发展/用尽可再生资源用尽可再生资源(12)fight against pollution 与污染作斗争与污染作斗争 (13)sustainable development 可持续发展可持续发展(14)eco-friendly products 生态友好的产品生态友好的产品 (15)deal with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾正确处理垃圾3.环境保护措施(Measures of environmental protection)(16)recycle textbooks/trash 课本课本/垃圾回收利用垃圾回收利用(17)ban smoking in pub

11、lic 禁止在公共场合吸烟禁止在公共场合吸烟(18)improve our living conditions 改善居住条件改善居住条件(19)keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡保持自然界的平衡(20)stop/keep/prevent sb.from doing 阻止某人做阻止某人做(21)ban the abuse of plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋禁止滥用塑料袋(22)dont litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾不随地扔垃圾/吐痰吐痰(23)carry/shoulder the responsibility for

12、this 为此承担责任为此承担责任(24)sustainable development可持续发展可持续发展 Humans and NatureHumans and NatureU Unit nit 5 5Lesson 1 Lesson 1 A Sea StoryA Sea Story1.What is a“Moskoe-strom”?2.Who wrote the story?You are going to read a text adapted from the short story“A Descent into the Maelstrm”.Read the fact file on

13、the right.Answer the questions.P30 2Edgar Allan Poe wrote the story.It is a system of tidal whirlpools in the Norwegian Sea.1.When(time)2.Where(place)3.Who(character)4.Why(cause)5.What(event)6.How(outcome)one day about three years agoin the seathe writer and his two brothers.meet a whirlpool the boa

14、t was pilled into the whirlpool.only the writer surviveThe six factors in a story:WorkingrouptocompletethemindmapThree years agoMy brothers and I“Moskoe-strom”fell into the seawere carried towards the direction of the whirlpoolwhirlpoolcalmertied myself to a barrelhelp me floatfrightenedhe stayed in

15、 the heavy boattry and escapebecame less wildother fishermen4.Listen and complete the blanksMother Nature is good,but also cruel butcher.大自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷大自然是善良的慈母,同时也是冷酷的屠夫。的屠夫。雨果雨果假定你是李华,你校英文报社将举办主题为自然灾害的征文活动。请你给美国朋友Bruce写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:1.说明缘由;2.请他介绍美国的自然灾害并谈谈影响、应对措施等;3.告知征文截稿日期。注意:1.词数100左右;2.开头和

16、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Bruce,_Yours,Li Hua写作提升Unit 5 Humans and Nature Lesson 3 Race to the Pole First Reading:Read abd answer the following questions1.Whats the main idea of the text?A.The lesson from Captain Scott.B.An experience of the race to the poleC.The way to the South Pole can be too hardD.Enough food will ensure us to go.2.According to the time clue,how many parts can we divide the text into?(Para.1-3)Part Two(Para.4-5)Part Three (Para.6-10)Part Four(Para.11)Four partsBefore the journeyJour



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