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1、Continuation Writing Technique:How to write logicallyContentContentI.Lead-inII.Case studyIII.Discussion&Self-evaluationIV.Rewrite&Present&EvaluateThree logicians(逻辑学家)walk into a bar.The waiter asks,“Would everyone like a beer?”The first logician said,“I dont know.”The second one said,“I dont know,t

2、oo.”The third said,“Yes.”Q:Who want/wants a beer?A.Only the third logician.B.The first and third logicians.C.The second and third one.D.All of them.Principle of consistency(原文一致原则)The content should be cohesive,coherent,and consistent.Principle of being postive(正能量原则)The story should be positive and

3、 promote core socialist values.Principle of tortuous(曲折性原则)The story should have twists and turns,where the characters encounter difficulties or problems,but will solve them eventually.logicplotstructurepositive energyHow to write?续写,就是接着说,展开说。Well begun is half done.Steps:Steps:阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语

4、续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It all began when my younger brother,Chris,and I went over to Uncle Howards for Thanksgiving.When we finally got to my uncles,Chris and I went outside to see if Uncle Howard needed help with anything.Since Chris was only nine,he got the easier job of cleaning up the watering cans.I

5、was twelve,old enough to help load the wheelbarrow(手推车).But we still found time to ask Uncle Howard a lot of questions about turkeys.He must have been impressed,because when we were finished,he winked at my dad and handed us one turkey egg.“You kids put this under a hatching hen,”he said,“and in twe

6、nty-five days,youll have a fine turkey!”Chris was so excited that he nearly dropped the egg on the way home.Dad put the egg under an old hen,and every day Chris and I would check to see if it had hatched yet.Twenty-five days seemed like forever.Finally,on the twenty-sixth day,Chris and I walked into

7、 the coop(鸡舍)after school to find the old hen scratching on the floor.Behind her was one ball of fluff(绒毛),falling over its feet and looking sort of confusion.When it got older,we could tell that it was a tom(雄火鸡).We named it Timothy.Timothy grew and grew,dashing towards the feed we threw out.He lik

8、ed to wander in the woods and find tasty berries and weed seeds.Mom kept telling us not to get too attached to Timothy,because we were going to have him for Thanksgiving.But we never paid too much attention to what that really meant.Then,one day toward the end of October,Dad gave Chris and me instru

9、ctions.“I want you to start giving him corn along with his regular feed,”he said.“We want a nice,thick-fleshed bird for Thanksgiving.”After Dad turned and walked away,Chriss face began to wrinkle,just as it does before he starts to cry.Paragraph 1:I comforted Chris,saying we could hide Timothy where

10、 people couldnt find him._ Paragraph 2:With Timothy gone,Uncle Howard provided another turkey on Thanksgiving._Foreshadowing in Para.1:background informationWHO:_ WHEN:_WHERE:_WHY:_WHAT HAPPENED:_Chris,I,Uncle Howardbefore Thanksgiving Dayat Uncle Howards houseto celebrate Thanksgiving DayUncle Howa

11、rd handed us one turkey egg(Para.1)It all began when my younger brother,Chris,and I went over to Uncle Howards for Thanksgiving.When we finally got to my uncles,Chris and I went outside to see if Uncle Howard needed help with anything.Since Chris was only nine,he got the easier job of cleaning up th

12、e watering cans.I was twelve,old enough to help load the wheelbarrow(手推车).But we still found time to ask Uncle Howard a lot of questions about turkeys.He must have been impressed,because when we were finished,he winked at my dad and handed us one turkey egg.Predict:Predict:1.What may happen to the t

13、urkey egg?1.What may happen to the turkey egg?2.Whats our attitudes toward the turkey egg?2.Whats our attitudes toward the turkey egg?3.How will we celebrate the Thanksgiving Day?3.How will we celebrate the Thanksgiving Day?Foreshadowing in Para.2Think:1.What happened to the turkey egg?2.Why did we

14、give the turkey a name?Whats our feelings toward it?2.It showed our love for the turkey.(Para.2)“You kids put this under a hatching hen,”he said,“and in twenty-five days,youll have a fine turkey!”Chris was so excited that he nearly dropped the egg on the way home.Dad put the egg under an old hen,and

15、 every day Chris and I would check to see if it had hatched yet.Twenty-five days seemed like forever.Finally,on the twenty-sixth day,Chris and I walked into the coop(鸡舍)after school to find the old hen scratching on the floor.Behind her was one ball of fluff(绒毛),falling over its feet and looking sor

16、t of confusion.When it got older,we could tell that it was a tom(雄火鸡).We named it Timothy.1.It was hatched(孵化孵化)into a turkey.Foreshadowing in Para.3 Think:1.What does it mean“we were going to have him for Thanksgiving”?Will him be killed or be a mascot of Thanksgiving?Or will he be sent to others?2.Why“we never paid too much attention to what that really meant”?(Para.3)Timothy grew and grew,dashing towards the feed we threw out.He liked to wander in the woods and find tasty berries and weed see


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