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1、Unit 1 Making friends一、 语言知识与语言技能项目内容要求语言知识语音1. 正确掌握单元音/i:/, /i/,/, /e/及辅音/p/, /b/的发音方法;2. 正确区分单元音/i:/, /i/,/, /e/的长短音;3. 正确掌握单元音及辅音的拼读规则。单词基本要求German, grammar, sound, complete, hobby, country, age, dream, everyone, Germany, mountain, elder, friendly, engineer, world, Japan, yourself, US,拓展要求flat, b

2、log,词组基本要求ask somebody about, close to , go to school, (be)good at, make friends with, all over, d like to=would like to 拓展要求live with, be far from, best wishes , on the Internet, in my free time, hear from somebody,日常交际用语Hello, everyone. Welcome to My name is Im fromMy favourite subjects are My dre

3、am is to Email me, pleaseWhats your name? What are your hobbies?What does your father/mother do? I like swimming. I hope to语法1. 知道用what ,where, who, when, why, which, how, how old and how many表达特殊疑问句。2. 知道a and an的基本用法。功能与话题1. 能听懂别人的个人情况,包括:姓名、爱好、喜爱的学科、父母职业等。2. 能通过电子邮件的方式介绍自己个人情况, 包括:姓名、爱好、喜爱的学科、父母职

4、业等。3. 能运用特殊疑问句询问别人的个人情况,包括:姓名、爱好、喜爱的学科、父母职业等。 / Unit 2 Daily life二、 语言知识与语言技能项目内容要求语言知识语音1. 能准确读出下列辅音音素:/s/, /z/, /iz/ ,归纳其发音归律; 2. 能根据音标拼读单词,并能准确拼写单词。单词基本要求daily, article; never; ride; usually; so; seldom; Geography; break; bell; ring; end; practice; market; guitar; grade拓展要求band; together; table t

5、ennis词组基本要求once or twice a week, junior high school, love/enjoy doing, on foot, take part in, have a good time, in the evening/ later in the afternoon, go to bed, have breakfast/lunch/dinner, get up, 拓展要求brush ones teeth, morning break, play the guitar, do morning exercises, wash ones face, a piece

6、of bread, arrive at, help somebody with something, 日常交际用语I am seldom late. How short it is! Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We make great music together. 语法The simple present tenseAdverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency功能与话题1. 能描述自己的日常生活。2. 能听懂关于周末生活的特殊信息。3. 懂得向你的同学询问他/她的日常生活。Unit 3 The Ea

7、rth一、语言知识与语言技能项目内容要求语言知识语音1. 能准确读出下列辅音音素:/, /:/, / /, /:/, / u/, /u:/, /k/ and /g/,归纳其发音归律; 2. 能根据音标拼读单词,并能准确拼写单词。单词基本要求Earth, protect, report, part, land, field, large, provide, pollution, burn, pollute, into, ground, kill, must, important, fact, kilometer, own, catch, few, away, problem拓展要求quiz, p

8、attern, energy, 词组基本要求on Earth, on the land, under the water, providewith, putinto, throw away, stop doing something, 拓展要求throw away, lifeup, keepalive,日常交际用语The Earth is a beautiful place.SomeSomeThere areon Earth.We must stop doingIt is important for us toWhat can we do to protect the Earth?Are th

9、ere any other things we can do?What problems do we have?Air has no smell.Air has no taste.We need air to survive.Air pollution comes from语法1. 知道名词分为可数和非可数名词。2. 能运用There is/are描述“某地/某时存在某物”。功能与话题1. 读懂介绍地球的海报,了解地球的陆地、海洋、天空的景色。2. 听懂介绍海洋知识的小测试。3. 能简单说说保护地球的意见。4. 以“保护地球”为题,完成一份小报告。Unit 4 Seasons三、 语言知识与语

10、言技能项目内容要求语言知识语音1. 掌握双元音/ ei /、/ ai /、/ i /和辅音/m/、/n/、/的拼读规则。2. 正确朗读相关的单词和句子。单词基本要求Australia, wet, kick, town, blow, everything, trip, shine, picnic, dry, snowy, spend, relative, during, grandparent拓展要求footprint, puddle, brightly, packet词组基本要求take a trip, go on a picnic, make a snowman, spend time wi

11、th somebody, fly kites, go swimming, have a picnic拓展要求go to the beach, during the winter holidays, get married, during the day日常交际用语The wind blows gently.Everything turns green.It is exciting/nice/interesting toThe Sun shines brightly.Winter is often cold and snowy.I have a lot of fun.Which season d

12、o you like best?I like summer best.语法1. 知道形容词的常见用法,包括形容词做定语、位于be动词后做表语。2. 理解It is +形容词+动词不定式的意思,并能正确运用。功能与话题读懂有关四季的文章,了解四季的气候特点、自然现象和人们在不同季节中的常见活动;听懂有关天气的描述;谈论对某一季节的喜好;以“我最喜爱的季节”为题,完成一篇短文。Unit 5 Visiting the Moon一、 语言知识与语言技能项目内容要 求语言知识语音1. 正确掌握单元音/ /:/及辅音/l/ /r/ /h/的发音方法;2. 正确区分单元音/:/ /的长短音;3. 正确掌握单

13、元音/ /:/及辅音/l/ /r/ /h/的拼读规则。单词基本要求diary, space, nervous, leave, able, tie, ourselves, without, weak, breathe, if, camera, garden, work, machine, postcard, return拓展要求spaceship, spacesuit, float, rock词组基本要求more than, be able to, have to, so that, help somebody do something, on the Moon, take photos, as

14、as, that is, such as,拓展要求tieto, get weak, be excited about, bring back, at the school gate, at the moment, a large amount of日常交际用语能在适当的情景中用以下用语表达喜悦、喜好、请求帮助、肯定、抱歉和认可,并在社交中运用。 喜悦:Im so happy! / I cant wait!喜好:I like your new camera, Jerry. / I love taking photos.安慰:Dont worry.请求帮助:Can you help me tie the rope to the chair? 肯定:Certainly. 抱歉:Sorry, Im busy. 认可:Thats a good idea.语法1. 掌握will +V. 和be going to + V.的结构;2. 掌握will +V. 和b


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