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1、7A Unit 4 知识点梳理(下)课堂导入醒来 wake up 出去 go out吃早饭have breakfast 吃午饭have lunch吃晚饭have dinner 玩得高兴have fun起床 get up 去上学 go to school做早操 do morning exercises 上课have lessons进行课外活动do after-school activities 看电视 watch TV去睡觉go to bed迟到 be late for在上午 in the morning 从周一至周五 from Monday to Friday擅长be good at许多朋友

2、a lot of friends对某人友好 be nice to sb.课后 after class彼此聊天 chat with each other 在操场上 in the playground去图书馆go to the library 在下午 in the afternoon有一个阅读俱乐部 have a Reading Club读书 read books在周二 on Tuesday 喜欢打排球 like playing volleyball在校排球队in the school volleyball team 在周三下午 on Wednesday afternoon在晚上 in the e

3、vening 互相,彼此 each other过得愉快,玩得高兴have a good time 最忠心的祝福 best wishes去上舞蹈课go to dancing lessons 去溜旱冰 go roller skating去野餐 go on a picnic 每月一次 once a month对 有好处be good for 太多的 too much为 准备好 get ready for sth. 去阅读俱乐部 go to the Reading Club知识点梳理一词汇&短语: WORDS&PHRASES1. Children in China start school at 6

4、years old.1. start school 意为“开始上学”我 8岁开始上学。 I start school at 8 years old.2. at 6 years old “在 6岁的时候”。 在年龄前用介词at ,相当于“ at age+ 数字”或 at the age of 你在 16岁的时候就可以有身份证了。You can have the ID card at age 16.= You can have the ID card at the age of 16.【拓展】当我们询问别人年龄的时候,我们可以问: How old are you? 或者 What is your

5、age? 但不能说: How oldis your age?(2013 河北 ) age 7, Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.答案: B2. I would like to tell you about my life here.life 名词, 意为“生活,生命”常构成短语: all one s life 某人的一生 in one s life 在某人的一生中我们要尽力提高我们的生活水平。We should try our best to improve our life.3. How often do they exerci

6、se?how often 意为“多久一次,多长时间一次” ,它指动作发生的频率,与一般现在时或一般过去时连用。汤姆多久踢一次球?How often does Tom play football?【拓展】 回答 how often 时一般用表示频率的词或短语, 如 always ,usually ,often ,sometimes ,never ,once a week,twice a month 等等。(2013 黑龙江) My brother plays basketball twice a week . ( 就划线部分提问 )does your brother play basketbal

7、l?4. Sandy does not have much time to play tennis.have time to do sth. 意为“有时间做某事” ,此处动词不定式短语 to do sth 作后置定语修饰 time 。有类似用法的结构还有很多,见下面的例句:现在我有时间学习了。Now I have time to study.他没钱买车。He has no money to buy a car.(2012 天津 ) Why dont you go out to play?- I m afraid I can t. I have much homework .A. do B. d

8、oes C. doing D. to do答案: D5. Wish our team good luck!1. 这是一句表示祝愿的常用语, wish 后跟双宾语构成表示祝福的用语。祝你成功! Wish you success!2. luck 不可数名词,意为“运气”他经常在信上写“祝你好运” 。He often writes down “Good luck ” in his letter.【拓展】1. lucky 形容词,意为“幸运的” ,反义词是 unlucky ,意为“不幸的,不走运的”我够幸运,赶上了火车。I am lucky enough to catch the train.2. l

9、uckily 副词,意为“幸运地” ,反义词是 unluckily ,意为“不幸地” 。幸运的是,博物馆在假期开放。Luckily the museum is open during the holiday.不幸的是,那个女孩从自行车上摔了下来,伤了腿。Unluckily, the girl falls down from the bike and hurts her leg.2(2013 山东 ) I will have a math test tomorrow.-A. Good luck! B. Thank you! C. Well done! D. The same to you!答案:

10、 A6. I like to go on picnics with my family.go on picnics 意为“去野餐” ,相当于 go on a picnic夏天有时间时候,我们经常去野餐。We often go on picnics when we have time in summer.【拓展】1. go on 意为“进行”我想去南山旅行。I want to go on a trip to the South Hill.2. go on 意为“继续” 。常见用法:继续做某事 go on doing sth 继续做某事 go on with sth继续去做某事(另一件事) go

11、on to do sth稍微休息了一会儿,他们继续工作。After a short rest, they go on with their work.7. About once a month.once 副词,意为“一次”圣诞节一年一次。Christmas Day comes once a year.【拓展】1. once 副词,还可意为“曾经” 。他曾经住在上海。He once lived in Shanghai.2. at once 意为“立刻,马上” 。你立刻打扫你的房间。You clean your room at once.8. a girl in a skirtin+ 表示衣服的名

12、词,意为“穿 (衣服)的”穿裙子的那位女士是我的英语老师。The woman in a skirt is my English teacher.我总是穿牛仔裤。I am always in jeans.【拓展】1. in+ 表示颜色的名词,意为“穿 颜色的(衣服) ”,通常表示穿着的状态。穿红衣服的女孩是她的妹妹。The girl in red is her younger sister.你穿粉色的好看。You look good in pink.2.wear 及物动词,意为“穿着” ,表示穿的状态,通常可以用来表示穿衣服,戴帽子,打领带等。3那个女孩穿着一条红色的裙子。The girl we

13、ars a red dress.3. put on 意为“穿上” ,表示穿的动作。穿上鞋子,跟我去踢足球。Put on your shoes and play football with me.(2012 广西 ) It s too cold today. Why don t you your coat?-I am not feeling cold. I am a woolen sweater.A. put on; in B. put on; wear C. in; in D. in; put on答案: A9. a nurse at workat work 意为“在工作,从事”工作了一整天,

14、我们应该好好休息一下。After a long day at work, we should have a good rest.我的老师总是在办公室里忙于工作。My teacher is always busy at work in his office.【拓展】 at 构成的短语还有:在家 at home 在上学 at school 在吃饭 at table10. cook at noonnoon 作名词,意为“正午,中午” 。at noon 意为“在正午,在上午” 。我经常在正午回家。I often go home at noon.【拓展】 at night 意为“在夜晚”夜晚很冷,如果你

15、出去,你要多穿衣服。It is very cold at night. You should put on more clothes if you go out.11. Dislike 不及物动词 “不喜欢,厌恶”后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。她不喜欢香蕉。 She dislikes bananas.我不喜欢看电视。 I dislike watching TV.12. They help us get ready for the day.1. help sb. (to) do sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事” ,to 常省略。有时它也可以用 help sb. with sth. 替换你能帮我做作业吗?Can you help me do my homework?= Can you help me with my homework?2. get ready for 意为“为 做准备” ,后接名词或代词。请为聚会做好准备。Please get ready for the party.


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