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1、上海牛津版8A词性转换复习(三)U1(-)I I received some Christmas cards enclosed with some from my pen pals.(photo)2. Tlie young girl works as a a fivestar hotel, (wait)3. Tlie childien were excited when they saw the two pandas, Tuantuan,and YUanyuan(real)4. He has decided to study ill to be an accountant (English)5

2、. Dont give up. Letrs tiy to find an (easy) way to leam Englishwell.6. “ Susan is a little today/lier mother says, (good)7. Tlie works hard(work)8. all love to have family together, (paity)9. It is the most popular of hei novels, (probable)10.1 met the of the famous computer company, (own)II My new

3、flat is on the floor of that building, (nine)12. His ambition is to be an (engine)13. Ail ob is to design buildings, (architecture)2. waitressKeys: 1 photos、6. b 亡 ttur 7. worker3. really4. England5. easier8. parties 9. probably10. owner (s)11 ninth 12. engineer13. architects(二)1. Its muchto go to P

4、udong Iiiteniational Airport by undeigioundthan by bus. (quick)2. The Shanghai Animation and Comics Exliibition (上海动漫展)was held in July, 2013. (ten)3. Tliese were taken during my tnp to Hong Kong. Dont you tliiiikthey are beautifiil? (photo)4. He opened liis eyes wide and looked at me (angry)5. Be c

5、areful when you cross the street. is the most important(safe)6. The computer is too heavy for me to remove. Would you please me? (helpful)7 Its too here、so what he said was difficult to hear, (noise)8. We sat in the moonsliine. (quiet)Keys: quicker tenth photos angrily Safety help noisy quietly(三)46

6、. Tliis book is veiy (help) to you. Youd better read it.47. Wc are amazed at the (high) of the building. Ifs really thehighest one in Asia.48.1 think climbing is much more (excite) than diving.49. Nancy wants to be an (engine) when she glows up.50. Some of the gills are active in the(physics) Educat

7、ion lessons.51. (speak) is leanit in the first years of humans* life.52. Wc are planning our summer holiday. I think well (probable) enjoyour holiday in England53. Wlio is the (many) valuable footballer among the three?Keys:46.helpfill 47. height 4&exciting 49. engineer 50. physical51. Speech 52.pro

8、bably53.most(四)1. He wants to be an ill the ftitiue. (account)2 Please return the completed form、 a recent photograph.(enclose)3. Pm the of this new bicycle(own)4. December is the month of the year, (twelve)5. Write your address ill the top-right hand of the letter, (comer)6. She was one of the tenn

9、is players of her generation (一代)(better)7.1 heard the musician the violin in her room(play)8. There are two changes in the world, change and chemicalchange(physics)Keys: accountantenclosing owner twelfth comer bestplaying physicalU2(一)1 The Blacks always go during the winter holidays.(ski)2. Jane i

10、s good at Maths, so she will probably be an in thefiitiue. (account)3. The ambition of my pen pal in England is to be ail in thefiitiire (architecture)4. If you dont have enough tiaiiiiiig every day, youll be too fatsoon.(physics)5. There is a at the end of a letter, (sigil)6. He works as an ill Sha

11、nghai.(engine)7. Dont forget to your email addi ess at the end of party.(change)8. Kitty is a Cliinese gill, but she was boni ill (Geniian)9. Julia Roberts is a famous in the world.(act)10. Help to the fruit, everyoiw.(you)Keys: 1. Skiing 2 accountant 3 architect 4. physical 5. signature6. engineer

12、7. exchange 8. Geniiany 9. actress 10. youTS 亡 Ives(二)1 Our gills have (achievement) their goal ill music competitionthe firstQprize for group singing2. Tlie painter got 1,200 yuan from the (sell) of his oil painting.3. Miss Lin is (response) for our class She is our class teacher.4. Eveiy moniing w

13、e some business problems overbreakfast.(discussion)5. Who was the first (come) this evening.6. John, (not make) any noise, your father (sleep).7. Tlie child often (watch) TV in the evening8. Mike (read ) English every day?9. Wc often (play) in the playgiound.She and I(take) a walk together every eAA

14、eniiig.Keys: 1. achiuvud 2 sales 3. responsible 4. discuss 5. to come 6. dont make7. is sleeping 8 doesift watch 9. does read 10. play take(三)40. The teacher has (collection) all the kids at the school hall41 Megan is keen on sports and he goes to the gym(two) a dny.42. He came home later than usual

15、 that day. That s quite (usual)43. I tried my best to work out the Maths problems(succeed)44. We may invite one of the most famous (businesswomen) to assistour manager45. A (discuss) will be made to the study an this project next time.46. she was unhappy because of her in the exam (fail)47. Finally she became the (sale) manager of this shopping centreKeys:40. collected41. twice


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