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1、MoulFnasy Literture1 系列,丛书_ 2. 精制的,精巧的_.小型望远镜_4(小说,电影的)女主角_3.神志不清的,昏昏沉沉的adj_1.疲惫,筋疲力尽n._15. 渴望._16热泪盈眶v._7巡逻,巡查v_18.轻拍,轻打v_1.看不见的dj._20僵硬地,不灵活地dv_-_21.警觉地,警惕地ad._22.(以鼻)吸气,嗅,闻_2.抽动,颤动v_.谨慎,小心_25. 眨眼睛v_6.大略地,粗略地av._2.深深地,极度地ad_8完全陌生的_9.吸引,诱使v_30.俯身,弯腰v_31.爬,攀v_3.结构,框架_3.林荫大道,大街n_4.完全地,绝对地dv_35.视野,景象,


3、adj_5.拖,拽,拖着走_6.围巾n_6.(头发)卷曲的_68.(表惊讶)天哪!哎呀!_6.惊叫,大叫v_7.魔法的,不可思议的adj_Irductio:1. pla aimprnt part / rolein 在中起重要作用2. hae themain part i (a fm) 在中担当重要角色3. have influnc on/o/sb.(sth.) 对 有影响Radingassg:4. be supefed ih xausin 累得脑子发木5. ca e hd 让脑子清醒6. pd ouof 蹑手蹑脚地走出来7. ut dow 放下;镇压8. d ot oes hd 伸出手9. l

4、l the same 尽管如此;虽然这样10. rub ans 在上蹭11. fel such alnging o sh. 渴望做某事12. tears scadn eye 某人热泪盈眶13. tunaw 转身跑了14. rachout 伸出15. be invisiet b.th 对于来说是看不见的;隐形的16. step forward 向前迈17. stand still 站着不动18. castbot(arond) sth 匆忙寻找某物19. roghly suaen hae 大体成方形20. ess meeaross 不到一米宽21. be levl wt th. 与处于同等高度22

5、. without te sihtestdubt深信不疑23. frtht reasonalone仅仅是这个原因24. ookfurther向深处望25. sramle through 爬过去26. be lad iththe sctof fwer 充满了花香27. onhe sope斜坡上Litenng AnVocbla28. eene oeselon s. for st 因某事而对某人进行报复29. fall i lve wih sb. 爱上某人30. jump outof 跳出来31. put asellon 对施咒语Fcti32. spara om 与分离Vobuary & Raing

6、33. he idea for 对的想法34. onheack f an eneloe 在信封的背面35. add lesh othe bones o he fitory给第一部小说添加内容36. e aoited wth与联系在一起37. hae the burdn din st. 有的负担38. nadstment o 对的调整39. argt fo . 的目标40. ppea to 吸引41. i an age of 在的时代42. e responsble or 对负责43. much t the lre of e shoolchildrn 令上学的学生十分满意的事44. be rst

7、ried to 限制在45. trale int 把翻译成46. disribute to 向 发行47. on eosit he bnk 在银行的存款eadg racice48. restre sthtosb.把恢复(归还)给49. head of sb. 在面前50. look bac over oe shouder回头看51. catc limpeof瞥见52. lavethdooopn 开着门53. sut oel nto 把自己关在54. sethn gowng 出差错55. r aumbel over oesead打着伞56. shape lik 形状像.一样57. st ou r

8、amongthe tee 从树林里出来58. o ao 为了1.Whnever he was askd whyhe s lat for ass, e oul ner ceessy,alws _th sae thng.ayn B. sid C. to say having ai2. W of provide ourchidrenwithtys, oalls r basetals, _that allchidren like thshgs.A. thinkig B. hink C.t hin Dthoht3. Dont it there _ nohing Co and hel m with thi

9、s table.A. do B to do C. oing D anddong4. The wild flowes loked lika st orage blake_ e eert. overigB oved C. cover D. to cove5.W _ dieentcultre, we ftn ay attetin n tohe difernces withotnotin temany similariiesA comared bn coprd C comprig D. hai copred6 Wnaskeby thepolice, e sad tat herebered_at he

10、party , but ot _.A. o arriv ; eaing to rrive ; to eav C rrivi ; eaving D. arivig ; toleav7. I couldnt dm hoeworkithll tat nose_A. goingon B gso C.went on D. t on 8. H had n ace _ to wokad was badlnjred.A. driin Brivn. to rive D. drove9.With hs ohr _ him,he isgting nwll hs work.A. helpB. t hlp C. helpingD hes10._ at the ofice,. Gree fn apers preparedor his bo wereft hme.T re B.O rrivin C. As ariv . Whie arivin11. Jae wet ofto h prty



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