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1、Ab antibody 抗体ACTH adrenocortieotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素ADH antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素AFE amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞AFP alpha fetoprotein 甲胎蛋白Ag antigen 抗原AID artificial insemination with donors semen 供精者精液授精AD autoimmune disease 自身免疫病AIDS acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合症(艾滋病)AIH arti

2、ficial insemination with husbands semen 丈夫精液授精AKP alkline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶AMPS acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖AR autosome recessive 常染色体隐性遗传ARDS adult respiratory distress syndrome 成人呼吸窘迫综合症ARV AIDS-related virus AIDS 相关病毒AS Arias-Stella reaction A-S 反应(阿-斯反应)ATP adenosine triphosphate 三磷酸腺苷topBBT ba

3、sal body temperature 基础体温BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin 卡介苗BFHR baseline fetal heart rate 胎心率基线BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BPD biparietal diameter 双顶径bpm beat per minute 每分钟心跳BSP bromsulphalein 磺溴酞钠(测肝功能)BV bacterial vaginosis 细菌性阴道病topCAH Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 先天性肾上原皮质增生cAMP cyclic adenosin

4、e monophosphate 环磷酸腺苷CBG corticosteroid binding globulin 皮质甾类结合球蛋白CC choriocarcinoma 绒毛膜癌CCT chorionic corticotropin 绒毛膜促性腺激素CEA carcinoma embryonic antigen 癌胚抗原CEE 3 cyclopentyl-17-ethinyl estradiol ether 炔雌醇-环戊醚CF chemotactic factor 趋化因子CHM complete hydatidiform mole 完全性葡萄胎CIN cervical intraepithe

5、lial neoplasia 宫颈上皮内瘤样病变CIS carcinoma in situ 原位癌CMV eytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒CPD cephalopelvic disproportion 头盆不称cpm counts per minute 次分CRP c-reac tion prot ein C-反应蛋白CSA cell surface antigen 细胞表面抗原CST contraction stress test 宫缩应激试验CT chorionic thyrotropin 绒毛膜促甲状腺素computerized tomography 电子计算机 X 线断层照相

6、术CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压DC diagonal conjugate 对角径D dilatation and curettage 刮宫术DES diethylstilbestrol 己烯雌酚(乙菧酚)DHA dehydroepiandrosterone 脱氢表雄酮DHAS dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 硫酸脱氢表雄酮DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation 弥漫性血管内凝血DNA deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸DNase deoxyribonuclea

7、se 脱氧核糖核酸酶topEl estrone 雌酮E2 estradiol 雌二醇E3 estriol 雌三醇EC external conjugate 骶耻外径E/C E3/creatinine 雌三醇肌酐ED early deceleration 早期减速EDC expected date of confinement 预产期EDRFs endothelinum-derived relaxing factor 血管内皮细胞舒张因子EE ethinyl estradiol 炔雌醇EI eosinophilic index 嗜伊红细胞指数EIA enzyme-immunoassay 酶免疫试

8、验EIN endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia 子宫内膜上皮内瘤样病变ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 酶联免疫吸附试验ER estrogen receptor 雌激素受体ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate 红细胞沉降率ET endothelin 内皮素topFAD fetal activity acceleration determination 胎儿活动加速测定FDP fibrinogen degradation product 纤维蛋白原降解产物FECG fetal el

9、ectrocardiography 胎儿心电图FHR fetal heart rate 胎心率FIGO Federation International of Gynecology and Obstetrics 国际妇产科协会FM fetal movement 胎动FSH follicle stimulating hormone 卵泡刺激素FSH-RH follicle stimulating hormone releasing hormone 卵泡刺激素释放激素FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption 荧光密螺旋体抗体吸收试验GFR

10、 glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率GIFT gamete intra fallopian transfer 配子输卵管内移植Gn-RH gonadotropin releasing hormone 促性腺激素释放激素Gn-RH-a gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist(analogue) 促性腺素释放激素激动剂(类似物)GTD gestational trophoblastic disease 妊娠滋养细胞疾病GTT gestational trophoblastic tumor 妊娠滋养细胞肿瘤Gy grayunit辐

11、射吸收剂量单位,lGy=100radstopHAIR hemoagglutination inhibition reaction 血凝抑制反应HAV hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HBAg hepatitis B antigen 乙型肝炎抗原HBcAg hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎核心相关抗原HBIG hepatitis B immunoglobulin 乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白HBsAg hepatitis B surfac

12、e antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HCV hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HCG human chorionic gonadotropin (人)绒毛膜促性腺激素HCT human chorionic thyrotropin (人)绒毛膜促甲状腺激素HDN hemolytic disease of newborn 新生儿溶血性疾病HELLP syndrome hemolytic anemia,elevated liver function and low plate

13、let countsyndrome溶血,肝酶升高及血小板减少综合征(HELLP综合征)HGG human gammaglobulin (人)丙种球蛋白HGH human growth hormone (人)生长激素HIV human immunodeficiency virus (人)免疫缺陷病毒HLA human leukocyte antigen (人)白细胞抗原HM hydatidiform mole 葡萄胎HMG human menopausal gonadotropin (人)绝经期促性腺激素HPG human pituitary gonadotropin (人)垂体促性腺激素HPF

14、 high power field 高倍视野HPL human placental lactogen (人)胎盘生乳素HPV human papilloma virus 人乳头状瘤病毒HSAP heat stable alkaline phosphatase 耐热性碱性磷酸酶HSG hysterosalpingography 子宫输卵管造影HTLv human T lymphotrophic virus type (人)嗜 T 细胞病毒重型HSV herpes simplex virus 单纯疱疹病毒H-Y antigen histocompatibility Y antigen 组织相容性

15、Y 抗原topIC intercristal diameter 髂嵴间径ICP intrahepatic eholestasis of pregnancy 妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症IFN interferon 干扰素Ig immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白IHM invasive hydatidiform mole 侵蚀性葡萄胎IL interleukin 白细胞介素IRDS idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 特发性呼吸窘迫综合征IS interspinal diameter 髂棘间径IT intertrochanteric diameter 粗隆间径IU,iu international unit 国际单位IUD intrauterine device 宫内节育器IUGR Intrauterine growth retardation 宫内发育迟缓IVF-ET in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer 体外受精与胚胎移植iv gtt intravenously guttae 静脉滴注LAK lymphokine activated killer



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