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1、地点介绍一个国家、地区或城市的简介,一般应包 括其地理位置、首都、人口、气候、物产 与历史等。Part 1词汇积累1. 地理概况:位于is located in/lies in; 在的中心 in the center of在的东部in the east of (范围之内)to the east of (范围之外) 是的首都on the east of(毗邻)is / serves as the capital of. 第二大城市the second largest city由组成is made up of / consists of2.历史:has / with a history of (

2、400 years)3 人口:has / with a population of (5 million)4. 面积:covers / has / with an area of (2,000 square kilometers )5. 气候:气候温和enjoys / has mild climate不冷不热neither too cold nor too hot阳光/雨量充足enough / adequate sunshine / rainfall6.物产:丰富/盛产be rich in /be abundant in自然/旅游资源natural / travelling resources

3、7.特色:以闻名be famous for/ be well-known for8.景观:风景名胜places of interest吸引世界各地的游客attracts tourists / visitors from all over the world交通方便The transportation is convenient. 经济发展快The economy is developing rapidly. 适合居住a good place for people to settle downuseful structures:Location:lie in/to/on the east of.

4、,be located in,There stands/lies Area:cover/have/with an area of,take upPopulation:have/with a population of., the population of is Climate:the climate is, enjoy the nice weatherHistory:have/with a history ofCharacteristics:be famous/known for/as9 place of interest, be rich in.Part 2范文解析Basic Writin

5、g Dan Xia Mountain The information you need is as follows地理位置 面积 人口 气候 历史 特色韶关北部,距离广州280千米 215平方千米,列广东众山之首 170, 000夏热冬凉,秋季为最佳旅游季节 超过1400年以丹霞地貌(Dan Xia landform) 出名,有丰富的生物资源Geographical information地理信息:丹霞山位于/坐落在韶关北部。 Dan Xia Mountain is located in the north of Shaoguan city. Dan Xia Mountain lies in

6、the north of Shao Guan city.丹霞山距离广州280千米。 Dan Xia Mountain is about 280 kilometers away from Guangzhou.Dan Xia Mountain,which is about 280 kilometers away from Guangzhog is located in the north of Shaoguan city.非限制性定语从句Located in the north of Shaoguan city一 Dan XiaMountain is about 280 kilometers aw

7、ay from Guangzhou-过去分词佐状语Dan Xia Mountaim about 280 kilometers away from Guangzhou- is located in the north of Shaoguan city.同位语Geographical information地理信息:丹霞山占地面积为215平方千米。 Dan Xia Mountain covers an area of 215 square kilometers. Dan Xia Mountain takes up an area of215 square kilometers丹霞山位列广东众山之首

8、。 Dan Xia Mountain is listed the top of all of the mountains in GuangdongWith an area of 215 sauare kilometers号 Dan Xia* Mountain is listed the top of all of the mountains in Guangdong. With复合结构作状语Having an area of 215 square kilometers- Dan Xia Mountain is listed the top of all of the mountains in

9、Guangdong.现在分词作状语Population 人口:丹霞山拥有170,000人口。 Dan Xia Mountain has a population of170,000.History 历史:丹霞山拥有超过1400年的历史。 Dan Xia Mountain has a history of more than 1400 years.Dan Xia Mountain has a population of 17O5OOO5 and it has a history of more than 1400 years.并列句With a population of 1700(h Dan

10、Xia Mountain has a history of more than 1400 years.With复合结构作状语With a history of more than 1400 yeas Dan Xia Mountain has a population of 170,000.Climate 气候:丹霞山夏热冬凉。 It is hot in summer and cold in winter on Dan Xia Mountain.秋天去丹霞山旅游是最好的。 The best season to visit Dan Xia Mountain is autumn. Autumn is

11、 the best season to visit Dan Xia Mountain.It is hot in summer and cold in winter on Dan Xia Mountain, so you,d better go there in autumn.结果状语从句Because / Since it is hot in summer and cold in winter on Dan Xia Mountain, yofd better go there in autumn.原因状语从句Characteristics 特色:丹霞山以丹霞地貌(landform)而闻名。 D

12、an Xia Mountain is famous/known for its Dan Xia Iandform. QO)丹霞山有丰富的生物资源。Dan Xia Mountain is rich/abundant in biological resourcesDan Xia Mountain is famous for its Dan Xia landform and it is rich in biological resources.并列句Dan Xia Mountain is not only famous for its Dan Xia landform, but also rich

13、in biological resources.not Only.but also.连接两个对等成分 Dan Xia Mountain, which is about 280 kilometers away from Guangzhou,is located in the north of Shaoguan city. With an area of 215 square kilometers, Dan Xia Mountain is listed the top of all of the mountains in Guangdong. Dan Xia Mountain has a popu

14、lation of 170,000, and it has a history of more than 1400 years. Because it is hot in summer and cold in winter on Dan Xia Mountain, yoifd better go there in autumn. As we all know_ Dan Xia Mountain is not only famous for its Dan Xia landform but also rich in biological resources.介绍澳大利亚的基本情况:位詈位于大洋洲

15、(Oceania),是世界第六大国面积769万平方公里|人口约2,000万气候干旱,只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量交通方便,适合居住经济旅游业起重要作用特色明媚的阳光,数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动植 物,吸引世界各地的游客1. 澳大利亚位于大洋洲(Oceania),是世界第六大 国家。(一句多译)2. 澳大利亚的面积为769万平方公里,人口约为2,000万。3. 它气候干旱,只有少部分沿海地区有充足的雨量。4 它交通方便,适合居住。5. 旅游业在经济中起重要作用。6它以明媚的阳光,数不清的牛羊和奇特的野生动植 物而著名,吸引世界各地的游客来到这里观光。(一句多译)1 澳大利亚位于大洋洲,是世界第六大国家。1) Australia, which is located in Oceania, is the sixth largest country in the world.2) Located in Oceania, A


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