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1、OImproing The Cpetitivenss f Rea tae Enterie Baedo tConcpt of an Contrction Keywods: Leanconsution,Real esta enteprie,CometitiveneAbstract Real satindustry,oneofpillar ndr o hinas ecnomy, ha aarge numberf enterpries, but f ochhve acetainslead qualiicton. Thsgves rise te moet overallleve f ral estate

2、mare Curetl, Chisrealestate nterpriss are onroted witore dmorecalenge n oportunit.However, te way to sze oporuniis an meethalengs or impronteir oeall ee mkes te study o teir petitiveessgnifcan. Base on the idea ofan costctin, thisessay, inlin wth e composition o ompetitesf relestate erpris, puts fow

3、ard cuntermaures f improvigitIntrductionAt preset, te situatChas ral ste indstrisar ro promiing Realettenrprises aref varn size. Thogh there aa largenumbr ofhem,t ostohem aresmal d eiumsized enterpise ving smll sie, poor qaliaion,ea management ndsae prodcto etitivee. any f tem hae a nrrow vonin a he

4、y arin pursuit tl immediae inteet rather tha long-term deelopmen. Such enterrissare boud to b liat in the future cmption. For th, tway to purue graer dveloptandmintainaniprove thei cmpeitveness n he market is a prob that isrthy of dying ow. Theyshouldintrouce ewmageet cocet, howev, the ntoductionofl

5、construcionie ll mprovetheompitivenessffectely.Wys o mproe teCopiivs of ReaEte EntrprieIn a mptitiv mark, ompttivesof ra s eepres reersto the fact tht heysnd ie, eft o mone onbuldi upthr sourd cpacity and btning ailbleextern esouces, ad maa comprehee utlizaton of tem Whiecatingvalueorthe cosumr, yea

6、zhe valu f snhicailty i whole al tamarket. Tr wa t impro tir compettivenes e p orwarin thefolowngpargraphs:Increasin ded Vluo Bldigs .The keyof fuure enterprisecopetiti lies n not nlpdoff o the cosumsut also addevalue or he roduc reizthe xmized value of consume1. Vae is the bsis omeasui everthing.If

7、 a ductsvale recgnze by cnsms, ntepiewleannvinc i the mket competition. he esence of increain rodctdd vlue presuppsd b cnsumr demd. niue rans can b ceated on te basisof its opertie an adanage The wayto ncase add vluof uidings can roeedom follwin aspects:1) Imrovn rout Quaity For conmer, prdu qlity n

8、 importfctr infuencig their wlne to urche. Thrfore,for rea esate entepres, budingquaitan aplicbility rte suprmeactors detrmining csurs satisaction. Tat w relstate ntrriss hould ce uildg ualty i a bac postin.2) Seekig Podct CharacersticBefe eveloin pojt, e etate enteprs shoudsudyts haceisicscncientio

9、usy f characristicarenotobvious, the enterpiseshoul t to hiliht builng haracteristics by omemeans inorder o atrat conumes tobuy. 3) Dveifie Produti. Cosuers gan hgher demandof buiins. Ferbuildin funcioncnotcomelsaisf hem.t psent, thy o no implyusebidings afe shetr, instead,thi s only a prsuppsitin.

10、Abuilding shol onfort the dvelomentrend o ur time, lo he tenof he ime, ad ofer cnsumersmentlly andysologcaly heathy, oforabe environmet or ven a fiitadpersonironmnt.) Stngheni Estat minitratn Este adminisrtivestructure is a compan hat ofs consumers aminitrion and rvic. I istah to he bildgs ar he ae

11、nse.Nt becomes n iispensle par f a reidenc omnty I an stat cmpany admiistrateswell, rsdnts ifuality wll hhr d thei life phlophyndlifestyle wil aso be cnge.This will natral reci unifrm rcognitifr coumers. Tu, realestae enrpis should improve thi estate aditrtn. nhancingmanResorcnagemn .eal estateindut

12、ry,one of ila inusrie ofChinaseconmy, find t ve more iprtat to ehace tovrall stegth andcmieness. Efctiv anget ofhma esuce is aniortantfactor nhaning ntpie cometitieness2 Thus, he rucal linof exeditintranformon of ecnomic velom patten m of hman resorce opostonndgarcbility.rnty, humareurcemanaement in relstate entrpre still uffrs fm oblemslke ck of senior maa



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