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1、Part 1 Daily Reception日常接待Addressing People 称呼 Greetings 问候 Providing Services 服务Instructions to Fill Out the Forms 填单 Charges 收费Dealing with Complains 处理纠纷 Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假钞Greetings 问候1. Good morning, sir/madam. Welcome to Harbin bank. What can I do for you?早上好,先生/女士,欢迎光临哈尔滨银行,能为

2、您效劳吗?2. How do you do? Sir. Is there anything I can do for you?先生,您好。请问要办理什么业务?3. Madam, are you being attended to?女士,是否有人接待您了?Providing Services 服务1. Pardon?/Would you mind repeating your question, please? 请您再说一遍好吗?2. May I ask your nationality? 请问您的国籍? 3. Please take a seat. 请坐。4. Please wait a mo

3、ment./just a minute, please. 请稍等。 5. Im sorry to keep you waiting, sir/madam, but Ill be with you in a moment.先生/女士,很抱歉请你稍等,我一会儿就回来。6. Please follow me. /Come with me, please. 请跟我来。7. This way, please 这边请。8. Go upstairs, please. 请上楼。9. Please go to counter No. 4. You can change your money into small

4、 notes there.请到4号柜台兑换零钞。10. Please feel free to ask for any banking service during your stay in Harbin.您在哈尔滨期间,如需要请随时找我们办理各种业务。Instructions to Fill Out the Forms 填单1. This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name, passport number, your nationality and the amount you intend to change.这是兑换水单,请填写您

5、的姓名,护照号码,国籍以及您打算兑换的金额。2. Sorry, you forget the date; it goes at the top in the right-hand corner.抱歉,您没写日期,在右上角顶端。3. Please fill in this application form and sign your name.请填写这张表格并签名。4. You have to write the amount in numbers and in words as well.金额既要求小写,也要求大写。Charges 收费1. The charge for the T/T is

6、100 yuan.您的电汇费用是100元。2. I will figure out the charges and then type them out.我会算出服务费金额并打印出来。3. We would also charge you an extra service commission.我方将向您收取额外的服务费。4. At your request, we deducted it from the remittance.按照您的要求,我方已将费用从汇款金额中扣除。Dealing with Complains 处理纠纷1. How do you do? Sir. Im the serv

7、ice manager. Would you please have a talk with me about it?你好,我是大堂经理。您愿意就此事和我谈一下吗?2. Just take it easy.别急。(常用来稳定对方情绪。)3. Well, please calm down, I think I can help you with the problem. 请您冷静,我能帮助您。4. Please have a seat and tell me what happened?请坐,能说说事情经过吗?5. From now on, I must improve my service t

8、o satisfy the customers.以后我一定改进我的服务水平,使顾客满意。6. Well pay attention to this and improve our services accordingly.我们一定重视并相应的加以改进。7. Thank you very much for your understanding and suggestions.非常感谢您的理解和提出的建议。8. Its very kind of you saying so. All this is just our duty and responsibility.谢谢您的夸奖,这是我们的职责,是我

9、们应该做的。Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假钞1. After technical examination, weve found this note is counterfeit.经技术检验,您的这张钞票是假币。2. According to the relevant regulations, forged notes are to be confiscated.按照有关规定,假币必须予以没收。3. Well issue a receipt to you certifying that the note you presented to us is cou

10、nterfeit, and has been confiscated by the bank.我们会给您开收据,这张收据能证明您的钞票是假钞,且已被我行没收。Part 1 Conversation Aclerk: Would you please fill out this form? Its necessary for you to draw money.customer: By all means. clerk: Oh, Im sorry to trouble you, but could you write the sum in words not in figures?customer

11、: Yes, Id love to.clerk: Youve got a wrong word here. Would you mind correcting it?customer: Sorry, I will.clerk: Thank you, here is your money. Please count it.A:取款需要填单,请您填写这张单子好吗?B:当然可以。A:哦,对不起,打扰一下,您能把金额大写而不是小写吗?B: 好的。A: 您写错了一个字,请您改正一下,行吗?B: 真对不起,我这就改。A:谢谢。这是您的钱,请点一下。Part 1 Conversation BCustomer

12、: Im afraid Ive lost my passbook. Ive looked everywhere, but I havent found it.顾客:我丢了存折,我到处都找了,但没找到。Clerk: Do you have a code number?职员:有密码吗?customer: Yes, I have.顾客:有。Clerk: So, it doesnt matter. Even if someone has got your passbook and come to cash your money from your account, we wont give him m

13、oney if his code number is wrong. Now please tell your name and address. And can you tell me your balance on your account? And show me your identification please.职员:有密码就没关系。即使有人拿您的存折来兑现,如果他的密码不对,我们也不会给他钱。现在请告诉我您的姓名和地址。请告诉我您的账上有多少钱,并出示您的身份证件,好吗?Customer: My balance is about 8000 Yuan. And here is my

14、passport.顾客:账上约有8000元。这是我的护照。Clerk: Yes, your name, address, code number and balance are all correct. Ill give you a new passbook in a minute.职员:对了,您的姓名、地址、密码和余额都和账上记录的相符。我马上给您开一本新存折。 Customer: Thanks a lot.Part 1 reviewMiss Mrs. Ms 小姐 夫人 女士 Would you mind doing ? 您是否介意?Nationality n.国籍Counter n.柜台S

15、mall notes 小面额钞票Exchange memo 兑换水单Application form 申请表Fill in/out 填写Amount n.金额In numbers 小写In words 大写Charge n.费用、价格 bank charges 银行手续费,服务费 v.收费 charge somebody some money for somethingCommission n.佣金(付给销货员,代理,经纪人的手续费,通常按业务金额的一定百分比收取。)Remittance n. 汇款service manager 大堂经理Would you please do ?请好吗?(询问性质,委婉)Counterfei



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