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1、Book 1 第一册1 Greetings 问候语1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.3. Im John Smith. 4. Are you Bill Jones?5. Yes, I am.6. How are you?7. Fine, thanks. 8. How is Helen?9. Shes very well, thank you.10. Good afternoon, Mr. Green.11. Good evening, Mrs. Brown.12. How are you this evening? 13. Good night, John. 14. Go

2、od-bye, Bill.15. See you tomorrow. 2 Classroom expressions 课堂用语16. Come in, please.17. Sit down. 18. Stand up, please. 19. Open your book, please.20. Close your book, please.21. Dont open your book.22. Do you understand? 23. Yes, I understand.24. No, I dont understand.25. Listen and repeat.26. Now r

3、ead, please.27. Thats fine. 28. Its time to begin.29. Lets begin now.30. This is Lesson One. 3 Identifying objects 辨别物品31. Whats this?32. Thats a book.33. Is this your book?34. No, thats not my book.35. Whose book is this?36. Thats your book. 37. And whats that?38. Is that a book?39. No, it isnt.40.

4、 Its a pencil.41. Is it yours?42. Yes, its mine.43. Wheres the door?44. There it is.45. Is this book his? 4 Identifying objects.辨别物品46. What are these?47. Those are books.48. Where are the books? 49. There they are.50. These are my pencils.51. Where are your pens?52. Theyre over there.53. Are these

5、your pens? 54. Yes, they are. 55. Those are mine.56. These are your books, arent they?57. No, they arent. 不,不是。58. Theyre not mine. 不是我的。59. These are mine, and those are yours.60. Those arent your pens, are they? 5 Identifying people by occupation 辨别身份61. Who are you? 62. Im a student.63. Who is th

6、at over there?64. Hes a student, too.65. Is that lady a student?66. No, she isnt. 67. Those men arent students, either.68. Am I your teacher?69. Yes, you are.70. That man is a teacher, isnt he?71. Yes, he is.72. Who are those people?73. Maybe theyre farmers.74. Arent they students?75. I really dont

7、know. 6 Introductions and courtesies 介绍和礼节76. Whats your name?77. My name is Jones.78. Whats your first name? 79. My first name is Bill.80. How do you spell your last name?81. Jones. J-O-N-E-S.82. Whats your friends name?83. His name is John Smith.84. John and I are old friends.85. Are you Johns bro

8、ther?86. No, Im not.87. This is Mr. Jones. 88. How do you do? 89. Mrs. Jones, this is Mr. John Smith.90. Very please to meet you. 7 Days and months of the calendar 年历的周日和月份91. What day is today?92. Today is Monday. 93. What day was yesterday?94. Yesterday was Sunday.95. What day is tomorrow?96. What

9、 month is this?97. This is January.98. Last month was December, wasnt it ? 99. Yes, it was.100. What month is next month? 101. I was in the hospital for several weeks.102. Where were you on Tuesday?103. You were here in February, werent you?104. No, I wasnt .105. Your friend was here a week ago, was

10、nt he? 8 Talking about objects 谈论事物106. Do you have a book?107. Yes, I do.108. You have a radio, dont you?109. No, I dont . 110. I dont have a phonograph, either.111. Dees this radio belong to you? 112. Yes, I think it does.113. How many sisters and brothers do you have?114. Dont you have my hat?115

11、. Yes, I have both your hat and your coat.116. Does John have a yellow pencil?117. Yes, he does.118. He has a radio, doesnt he?119. No, he doesnt have one.120. He already has a phonograph, but he doesnt have a radio yet. 9 Telling time 述说时间121. What time is it?122. Its two oclock. 123. Its a few min

12、utes after two.124. My watch is fast and your watch Is slow.125. Excuse me. Can you tell me the correct time?126. No, I cant . 127. I dont know what time it is.128. I dont think its four oclock yet.129. It must be about three thirty.130. I get up before six oclock every day.131. The restaurant doesn

13、t open until seven forty-five. 132. Will you be here at ten oclock tomorrow? 133. Yes, I will. 134. Well be on time, wont we? 135. I hope so. 10 Talking about dates 谈论日期136. Whats the date today?137. Today is November first, nineteen sixty-three.138. When were you born? 139. I was born on November f

14、irst, nineteen thirty-five.140. Today is my birthday.141. My sister was born in nineteen thirty-eight.142. I dont know the exact date.143. Where were you born?144. I was born in a little town not far from here.145. What do you know about the tenth century? 146. I dont know anything about that.147. Lets talk about something else.148. Where were you during the month of April last year?149. I dont remember where I was then.150. Where will you be nest year at this time? Book 2 第二册1 Talking about objects and people 谈论物品和人151. What do you want?152. I want a cup


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