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1、常用银行英语存户 depositor 存款单 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 自动存取机 a banding machine存款 to deposit 存款收据 deposit receipt私人存款 private deposits 存单 certificate of deposit存折 deposit book, passbook 信用卡 credit card本金 principal 透支 overdraft, overdraw双签 to counter sign 兑现 to cash兑付 to honor a cheque 拒付 to dishonor a

2、 cheque止付 to suspend payment 支票 cheque/check支票本 cheque book 记名支票 order cheque不记名支票 bearer cheque 横线支票 crossed cheque空白支票 blank cheque 空头支票 rubber cheque票根 cheque stub/counterfoil 现金支票 cash cheque旅行支票 travelers cheque 转帐支票 cheque for transfer未付支票 outstanding cheque 已付支票 canceled cheque伪支票 forged cheq

3、ue 庄票/银票 Bandars note行长 president 储蓄银行 savings bank大通银行 Chase Bank 花旗银行 National City Bank of New York汇丰银行 Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation麦加利银行 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China中央银行 central bank/ national bank/bankers bank发行币银行 bank of issue/bank of circulation商业银行/储蓄信贷银行 commercial

4、 bank储蓄信贷银行 member bank/credit bank贴现银行 discount bank 汇兑银行 exchange bank委托开证银行 requesting bank 开证银行 issuing bank, opening bank通知银行 advising bank, notifying bank 议付银行 negotiation bank保兑银行 confirming bank 付款银行 paying bank代收银行 associate banker of collection 委托银行 consigned banker of collection清算银行 clear

5、ing bank 本地银行 local bank国内银行 domestic bank 国外银行 overseas bank钱庄 unincorporated bank 银行分行 branch bank信托储蓄银行 trustee savings bank 信托公司 trust company金融信托公司 financial trust 信托投资公司 unit trust银行的信托部 trust institution 银行的信用部 credit department商业信贷公司/贴现公司 commercial credit company/discount company街道储蓄所 neigh

6、borhood savings bank, bank of deposit自助银行 self-service bank 建设银行 construction bank工商银行 industrial and commercial bank 交通银行 bank of communications互助储蓄银行 mutual savings bank 邮局储蓄银行 post office savings bank抵押银行 mortgage bank, building society 实业银行 industrial bank家宅贷款银行 home loan bank 准备银行 reserve bank特

7、许银行 chartered bank 往来银行 corresponding bank承兑银行 merchant bank, accepting bank 投资银行 investment bank合资银行 joint venture bank 钱庄 money shop, native bank信用社 credit cooperatives 票据交换所 clearing house公共会计 public accounting 商业会计 business accounting成本会计 cost accounting 折旧会计 depreciation accounting电脑化会计 compute

8、rized accounting 总帐 general ledger分户帐 subsidiary ledger 现金出纳帐 cash book现金帐 cash account 日记帐/流水帐 journal/day-book坏帐 bad debts 投资 investment结余 surplus 游资 idle capital经济周期 economic cycle 经济繁荣 economic boom经济衰退 economic recession 经济萧条 economic depression经济危机 economic crisis 经济复苏 economic recovery通货膨胀 in

9、flation 通货收缩 deflation货币贬值 devaluation 货币增值 revaluation国际收支 international balance of payment 顺差 favourable balance逆差 adverse balance 硬通货 hard currency软通货 soft currency 国际货币制度 international monetary system货币购买力 the purchasing power of money 货币流通量 money in circulation纸币发行量 note issue 国家预算 national bud

10、get公债 public bond 股票 stock, share债券 debenture 国库券 treasury bill债务链 debt chain 套汇汇率 cross rate, arbitrage rate外汇储备 foreign currency (exchange) reserve外汇波动 foreign exchange fluctuation 外汇危机 foreign exchange crisis贴现 discount 贴现率 discount rate, bank rate黄金储备 gold reserve 金融市场 money /financial market股票交

11、易所 stock exchange 经纪人 broker佣金 commission 簿记 bookkeeping簿记员 bookkeeper 申请单 an application form对帐单 bank statement 信用证 letter of credit保险库 strong room/vault 等价税则 equitable tax system签字式样 specimen signature 营业时间 banking hours, business hours付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash|cash payment/payment

12、 by ready cash以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill以物品支付 payment in kind 付清/支付全部货款 payment in full/full payment支付部分货款/分批付款 payment in part/part payment/partial payment记帐付款/会计帐目内付款 payment on account定期付款 payment on term 年分期付款 annual payment月分期付款 monthly payment/monthly instalment延滞付款 payment in arrear 预付货/先付 payment in advance/prepayment延付货款 defe



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