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1、必修4 Unit 2 Language Points 导学案【学习目标】掌握单词和词组的用法,提高在语境中运用的能力。通过学习,合作探究,掌握概括框架知识和正确运用的方法。学会用英语表达思想,并全力以赴,激情投入【使用说明及学法指导】十分钟熟记,理解并总结基本用法。三十分钟合作探究,建立每个词条的知识树五分钟成果点评课内探究案,巩固落实。课前预习案【自主学习】-大胆试1. strugglev.挣扎;努力;拼搏;斗争 n. (为争取自由、政治权利等而进行的)斗争,奋斗常用结构:struggle with与斗争struggle for 为争取而斗争struggle against与斗争;为反对而斗

2、争struggle to do sth. (=make great efforts to do sth.) 努力做某事struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来She struggled to keep back the tears. 她努力忍住泪水。It was a hard_ on time. 为使工作按时完成, 我做了一番努力。易混辨析struggle/fightstruggle指较长时间的、激烈的斗争,往往指肉体及精神上的战斗。fight意为“搏斗,打斗,打架”,表示“斗争”时,包含体力和勇猛的因素。(1)单项填空The working people have never

3、 stopped their struggle unfair treatment. A. against B. for C. from D. to (2)完成句子 我们应当帮助那些仍在为独立而斗争的人们。We should help those who are still . 他们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。They had to all kinds of difficulties.2. In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. 1974年

4、,他成为世界上第一位种植高产水稻的农业先锋。 不定式放在表示次序的词the first, the last, the best以及the only, the very, the right等词后面, 且这些词与动词不定式有逻辑上的主谓关系,结构为:the first/last/best/only/very/right .+n. + to do sth.表示“第一个/最后一个/最好的一个/唯一的/恰好的/合适的做某事的人/物”。He is always _and the last to leave. 他总是第一个来并且最后一个离开。The last man to leave the sinkin

5、g ship was the captain. 最后一个离开正在下沉的船的那个人是船长。单项填空He is the last person to Marys birthday party. A. to invite B. to be invited C. invited D. being invited 3. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.这种特殊的稻种使得同样的田地多收获三分之一的产量。make it + adj./n

6、. +to do/其他 (it作形式宾语) 使做(某事)成为I make it a rule to recite 10 words a day.我把一天记10个单词作为惯例。I remember I _to you that you shouldnt be late again.我记得我向你明确表示过你不该再来晚了。【链接】除make外,以下动词也可以用于此结构:find, consider, think, believe, feel 等I find it not difficult to learn a foreign language well.4. expandv.扩大;扩展;增加;增长

7、;(使)膨胀;阐述;使变大常用结构:expand.into.将扩展/发展成expand on 阐述;详谈He is thinking of expanding his business. 他在正考虑扩大他的生意。In ten years the citys population expanded by 12%. 十年之中,该市人口增加了百分之十二。联想拓展expansion n. 展开;膨胀;扩展expansive adj. 广阔的;易膨胀的易混辨析expand/extend/spread/stretch expand 意为“展开,扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还可指范围和体积的扩大。 exten

8、d 意为“伸出,延伸”,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度,宽度的向外延伸,也可指时间的延长。 spread 意为“传播;蔓延;铺开”。一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围,如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。 stretch 意为“伸展(身体等),拉长;连绵”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展,不是加长。 The fire soon to the nearby houses.The tourist season from May till October. A balloon when it is blown up.The cat out in front of the fire.5. thanks to由于;

9、多亏;因为(多用于表达正面意思,有时用作反语)_, we were successful. 由于你的帮助,我们成功了。Thanks to you, I was saved from drowning. 多亏你,我才没被淹死。Thanks to the bad weather, the match had been cancelled. 由于这倒霉的天气,比赛被取消了。联想拓展表示“因为,由于”的短语还有:because of,owing to,on account of,due to,as a result of。温馨提示以上这些都是介词短语,因此后面可以跟名词或动名词而不可以跟从句。来源:学

10、|科|网单项填空It was your timely help that we accomplished the task on time. A. Because B. thank C. thanks to D. as the new policy, we are now having a happy life. A. Thanks to B. Because C. For D. Thanks for6. rid .of摆脱;除去You should rid yourself of that bad habit. 你应该改掉那个坏习惯。联想拓展be rid of 摆脱get rid of 摆脱

11、;除掉;去掉rid oneself of debt 还清债务break away from 摆脱;放弃You must break away from such a bad habit. 你必须改掉这样的坏习惯。It wont be long before we can be/get rid of the pest altogether.不用太久,我们就能把这种害虫消除干净。高手过招同义句转换 Could you rid yourself of the bad habit of smoking? Could you the bad habit of smoking? 7. Using his

12、hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before. 用他的杂交水稻种子,农民们种出的粮食比以前多了一倍。倍数表达法:Abe倍数asadj.asBAbe倍数比较级thanBAbe倍数the +(由某些形容词变化而来的)n.ofBIm not going out with a man whos twice as old as me. 我不愿意和一个年纪比我大一倍的男人一起参加社交活动。We got three times as many people as expected. 来的人超过我们预料人数的两倍。Yo

13、ure not half as clever as you think you are. 你可不像自己想象的一半那么聪明。单项填空What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is it is long. A. half not as wide as B. wide not as half as C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half 8. would rather 宁愿,宁可would (not) do sth. 宁可(不)做某事would rather do than do= would dorather than do=prefer to do rather than do . 宁愿做.而不做 would rather(that)did (与现在或将来事实相反)would rather(that)had done(与过去事实相反)Id rather you didnt. (常用来



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