2022年高中英语 Unit 2 The environment Period 1 Welcome to the unit教案 牛津译林版必修5

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2022年高中英语 Unit 2 The environment Period 1 Welcome to the unit教案 牛津译林版必修5_第1页
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2022年高中英语 Unit 2 The environment Period 1 Welcome to the unit教案 牛津译林版必修5_第2页
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1、2022年高中英语 Unit 2 The environment Period 1 Welcome to the unit教案 牛津译林版必修5Lead-in1. Dictate some words2. Brainstorm: A: The topic of this unit is “The environment”. Can you explain “the environment” in your own words?(1. It is the place where people, animals and plants live. 2. It is the natural world

2、) B: When we talk about “the environment” what word or words will e to your mind? You can look them up in a dictionary or discuss it with your partner, then e to write then on the blackboard. (harmony / harmonious ; peace / peaceful ; destruction / destructive ; pollution ; disaster ; protection ; e

3、nvironmentalists ) C: Questions: 1. pared with the last few years, do you think the environment is getting better or worse? 2. What might be the reason for the changes, do you think?D: Discussion: Talk about the following topics: 1) flood 2) forest fires 3) the greenhouse effect 4) acid rain Sharing

4、 information Please turn to page 21. There are six pictures. Please describe each picture, starting with theone with the rubbish. You should describe: what you see in the picture and explain the possiblecause of each onePic. 1 . 1.How do you feel when seeing piles of rubbish like this? 2. As far as

5、you know, how do people deal with everyday rubbish? 3. Do you think it possible for us to classify rubbish as recyclable or that cannot be recycled? 4. Do you think rubbish is a big problem for the environment?Pic. 2. 1. Look at the picture, there is smoke ing out of the chimney. Suppose this factor

6、y is in your neighborhood, how do you think the smoke will affect you? 2. Which is more important, the economic benefits a factory can bring to a neighborhood or the environment? Why?Pic.3. 1. What can you see in the picture? 2. Why do people chop down so many trees every year? 3. What can human and

7、 the environment benefit from trees? 4. What will happen if we continue chopping down so many trees? 5. What can we do to prevent this from happening?Pic.4 1. It is reported that every year the losses caused by forest fires amount to millions of dollars. In your opinion, what might be the reason for

8、 the terrible forest fire? 2. Who should take the responsibility of taking good care of the forest? 3. Do you think the forest plays an important part in balancing nature? Pic.5. 1. Have you ever experienced any sandstorms or have you ever seen some on TV? 2. Whenever we talk about sandstorms, what

9、kinds of images will occur in your mind? 3. What measures has our government taken to better our environment?Pic.6. 1. Do you prefer to live with a factory nearby? Why or why not? 2. Sometimes we can read such kind of report. All the fish in a fish pond are killed by the poisonous waste and polluted

10、 water poured from the factory nearby. What do you think of the phenomenon? Who should be blamed for this? 3. If you were in charge of the factory, how would you deal with it and how would you pensate(补偿) for the damage?Questions: Answer the three below the pictures Possible answers1. Of all the pic

11、tures, forest fires and sandstorms sometimes are partly caused by nature and all the other are caused by man 2. Volcanoes and tsunamis are other natural disasters that damage the environment. 3. In agriculture, farmers use fertilizers to stimulate crops to grow and pesticides to kill pests. Intime,

12、these fertilizers and pesticides go into rivers and lakes, as a result, plants, animals, andeven people sometimes are killed by drinking the polluted water.Practice Turn to page 102-103. Read the articles and finish these questions.Language focus1. strike / hit: (灾难)袭击(某地)(p. 102) e.g. A terrible fl

13、ood struck / hit that mountain area and caused a lot of deaths. The hurricane hit / struck the village at midnight, so the loss was great. In 1906, a strong earthquake hit / struck the city and made thousands of people homeless.2. recover from:从恢复、康复(p. 102) e.g. Our teacher has recovered from the bad cold. Three days passed before she recovered from the shock. It will take decades for these countries to recover from the disaster.HomeworkPreview Reading


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