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1、Unit 8 Our ClothesTopic 2 Different jobs require different uniforms.(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分得分第一部分 听力(20分). 听句子, 选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B C. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. Dress. B. Coat. C. Uniform. ( )7. A. Sorry, I dont know. B. Thats co

2、ol!C. Yes, I think so. ( )8. A. Thank you. B. Thats all right. C. Thats right. ( )9. A. Leather shoes. B. Slippers. C. Sports shoes. ( )10. A. I agree with you. B. Dont say so like that. C. I want to buy a suitable uniform. . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Hed better wear warmer clothes. B.

3、He feels a bit cold. C. He has a little cold. ( )12. A. He should wear a long coat and tight pants. B. He should wear a short coat and short pants. C. He should wear a short coat and tight pants. ( )13. A. Special clothes. B. Uniforms. C. Casual clothes. ( )14. A Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C.

4、 We dont know. ( )15. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. Thats right. . 听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. The students are going to play basketball. ( )17. The game will begin to play at 1:15 on Saturday afternoon. ( )18. The students can take the school bus to the gym. ( )19. The students should wear

5、school uniforms and sports shoes. ( )20. They can go there by themselves. 第二部分 英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(10分)( )1. Is _ possible that everyone likes the same clothes?A. thisB. thatC. itD. what( )2. The old man doesnt _ warm shoes when the weather gets cold. A. put onB. wearC. withD. in( )3. The dress looks

6、 _ _ you. Really? Then Ill take it. A. nice; inB. nice; onC. ugly; inD. ugly; on( )4. I think everyone should wear suitable clothes on every occasion. _. Different occasions, different clothes. A. Good luckB. Its my pleasureC. I agree with youD. The same to you( )5. Did Mr. White tell you _?Yes. He

7、said he went there in 2003. A. when he traveled to TibetB. how he goes to WuhanC. where he spent his holidaysD. why did he visit Kunming( )6. Its necessary _ us _ wear suitable clothes on every occasion. A. for; toB. for; forC. to; toD. to; for( )7. I think our parents should allow us _ _ own clothe

8、s. A. choosing; ourB. choosing; usC. to choose; ourD. to choose; us( )8. Sometimes the police wear casual clothes to _ special tasks. A. carry offB. carry onC. carry withD. carry out( )9. If a fat person wears a dark color, it will make him look _. A. slimB. slimerC. slimmerD. more slimmer( )10. I _

9、 you to buy tickets first if you want to travel in August. A. adviceB. adviseC. askD. tell. 情景交际。(5分)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有两项是多余的。A. I just like blue and green. B. Would you like to choose one for me?C. Thank you. D. Youre a little short,E. It looks so beautiful on you. F. Its a pleasure. G. Youre a litt

10、le fat,A: Hi, Mary. What a nice dress!B: 11 I just bought it yesterday. A: 12 I also want to buy one like yours. B: But I think it doesnt suit you. 13 so youd better try a dark color. A: I dont like dark colors. 14 Because blue is the symbol of peace and green is the sign of spring, youth and energy

11、. B: Oh, I see. Maybe you can try dark blue or dark green. A: All right. 15 B: Yes, Id love to. Lets go!. 完形填空。(10分)Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear 16 clothes. Now lets 17 some people talking about clothes.Hello, my name is Betty. I started working this year, so Im able to g

12、et new clothes more often 18 before. There are different people in my working place every day. If someone sees me in 19 once, I dont like to go out in it again. I like to wear bright colors and always dress up when I go to parties. I buy all kinds of clothes and I try to follow the latest way of 20

13、.Hi, Im Jack. I dont have much to say about clothes. Shopping 21 clothes isnt really the way of life Im interested in. Since Im still at college, I dont really mind 22 . I have two jackets and I often wear 23 . I know little about the way of dressing. I dont like the serious look.My name is Alice. Id like to say that my clothes have to be comfortable and make me 24 easy as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some small marketstheyre less expensive there. I go shopping for clothes about once a month. If I see 25 and


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