(北师大版)2012届高考英语一轮复习讲练精品学案 (13).doc

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1、Module 6Unit 18Beauty1breathless adj.气喘吁吁的,呼吸困难的,(因兴奋、恐惧等) 呼吸急促的;屏息的 【精讲拓展】 (1)breath n呼吸,气息U,(呼吸的)一次,一口气C breathe vi.呼吸;呼气;吸气vt.呼吸;呼出;吸入 (2)否定后缀less有两种意义: a表示“无”,“没有”(如:pitiless,valueless,homeless, endless,hopeless) b表示“不能”(如:tireless,reckless,effortless, restless, countless)I was breathless after

2、climbing the stairs.爬完楼梯后我就上气不接下气了。剑桥高阶The children were breathless as they watched the tightrope act.孩子们在看走绳索表演时呼吸都屏住了。Before the great building,we are breathless with amazement.在这座宏伟的建筑面前,我们都惊奇得屏住呼吸。【典型例句】即学即用完成句子When the name of the winner was to be announced,_ _ _ _ (每个人都屏住呼吸)After climbing the

3、high mountain some of us were _ _ _(上气不接下气)Our work seems _ (无止境的)答案:everyone held their breathout of breathendless2.adore vt.崇拜,崇敬;敬重;爱慕,热爱,极喜欢【精讲拓展】 adore sth./sb. adore doing.【典型例句】 People adore him for his noble character. 人们因他人格高贵而敬重他。 They adore God for all his works. 他们崇拜上帝所创造的一切。剑桥高阶 We ador

4、e our sisters and brothers.我们爱自己的兄弟姐妹。 She adores going to the theater.她就是爱看戏。 I adore chocolate.我非常喜欢巧克力。即学即用完成句子You will _ _ _.你将十分喜欢这部电影。She _ _ museums.她非常喜欢参观博物馆。答案:adore this filmadores visiting3accompany vt.陪同,伴随;随着发生,伴有,使附有; 为伴奏;为伴唱 【精讲拓展】 accompany sb.to (介词) 陪同某人到某地 company n公司; 陪同,陪伴(一种状态

5、) keep pany 陪伴某人 companion n伙伴,同伴He wished her to accompany him.他希望她陪他。Would you like me to accompany you to your room?我把你送到你的房间去,好吗?剑桥高阶Lightning usually accompanies thunder.电闪通常伴着雷声。He accompanied his speech with gestures.他演讲时附带着手势。Her mother accompanied her on the piano.她的母亲为她作钢琴伴奏。【典型例句】即学即用完成句子

6、Would you like to _ _ _(陪我去) the park?Would you like to _ _ _(陪我一会儿)?答案:accompany me tokeep me company4command n命令C,控制,控制权;指挥,指挥权U掌握; 运用能力Uvt.命令,指挥,统率;控制 【精讲拓展】 under/at ones command在某人的指挥下/听某人的吩咐 command sb.to do.;command that sb.should do.He hated being in the army because he had to obey commands.

7、他讨厌当兵,因为当兵必须服从命令。剑桥高阶She has a good command of spoken English.她的英语口语很熟练。He commanded that the troops (should) cross the water.他命令部队渡河。剑桥高阶He was told to command his temper.有人叫他控制脾气。【典型例句】即学即用It was commanded that the play _ again. Ashould put on Bwould put onCbe put on Dput on解析:含command的相关从句,从句要用sh

8、ould do。答案:CI commanded the person _ to be put into prison.Arefers Breferring Creferred Drefer解析:句意:我要求提到的那个人应送往监狱。referred to在句中作定语,修饰person。答案:C5.deliver vt.投递;传送;运送;发表;讲;宣布;给接 生,生(婴儿);解救;解脱 【典型例句】 The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 那个邮差准时地投递信件。 He delivered an important report at the mee

9、ting. 他在会上作了重要报告。 Education delivered him from ignorance. 教育把他从无知中解救出来。 She was delivered of her third child at home. 她在家里生下了她的第3个孩子。剑桥高阶即学即用单项填空 _ twice,the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.(2009北京卷,34)ABeing bitten BBitten CHaving bitten DTo be bitten解析:句意:应为两次被咬,邮递

10、员拒绝给我们投递信件,除非我们拴住我们的狗。过去分词作原因状语。主句主语the postman与bite为逻辑上的被动关系,排除C项;D项表将来;A项表进行;B项表示之前两次被咬,故选B。答案:B完成句子The speech _ _ _ _ _ _(奥巴马在会上发表的)inspired all the people present.答案:delivered by Obama at the meeting6refresh vt.使清新,使清凉,消除疲劳,使重新提起 精神,更新;使恢复 【典型例句】 I refreshed myself with an afternoon nap. 我下午小睡片刻

11、后又精神起来。美国传统 I looked at the map to refresh my memory of the road. 我看看地图以唤起对这条路的回忆。 This dish tastes very refreshing.这道菜很爽口。 There is nothing as refreshing as lemon tea. 什么都不如柠檬茶那样提神。即学即用完成句子_ _ _ _ _(一杯冷饮让我恢复精神)after a long walk in the sun.He looked at his notebook before the exam in order to _ _ _

12、_ _ _ _ _ _ _(想起一些生单词的用法)答案:A cool drink refreshed merefresh his memory of the use of the new words7freezing adj.冻结的;冰冻的;极冷的 【精讲拓展】 freeze v结冰 When the thermometer is at 0 degree centigrade,water will freeze. 当温度降至摄氏零度时,水便会结冰。 It froze hard last night.昨夜有严重冰冻。 frozen adj.冰冻的 The seedling was frozen

13、to death.幼苗被冻死了。 These frozen foods are the most convenient of all. 这些冷冻食品最为方便。 The lake was frozen over until late spring. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。It was freezing last night.昨天夜里非常冷。美国传统Its very cold today;the temperature has dropped to freezing point.今天很冷,温度降到了冰点。In the summer,large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.夏天收获的大量水果可冷藏或装瓶装罐加以保存。Tonight the temperature will fall to 3 degrees below freezing point.今夜的温度将降至冰点下3度。【典型例句】即学即用Without the air to hold s


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