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1、New Con c ep t En glish Book II Lesson1Less on5一、单项选择1. the teacherat this college last year ? Yes, he did.A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many 3、Heuntil it stopped raining.B. did nt waitC. leave4、 For the whole period of two mon t

2、hs, there no rain in this area.bebee nbee n5、Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?A . It s none of your bus in ess!C .Take it easy.6、A great number of studentsA. are,goesB. is,goesme!yourself.ond of films, but a good stude nt seldom?C. are,goD. is,goto the cin ema7、If their housenot like ou

3、rs, what it look like?,is, does , does , is8. I min thatfilmA. in teresti ng, in terestedC. i nterested, i nterested9.?1 am Italia n.B. in terested, in teresti ngD. in terest ing, in terest ingA. What s your jobB. What s your namedo you fromC. What n ati on ality are you10. I dont havewriti ng paper

4、, I only havealks.A. any, any B. any, someC. some, some ,any11. Look, the little dogafter a big cat!A. runsB. is runningC. is going to runruning12. It s very cold.your coat.A. Take offB. Put onC. Turn onoffman could not bear could not it.the last day he made a big was the day of his holiday.calls at

5、 every house in the every one.atout at二、改写句子Change the senten ces with what or what a(n)16. It was very hot yesterday.hot day it was yesterday!17. It is so coldcold weather it is!18. You have such an old bike.old bike you have!19、The book Tom is read ing is very in teresti ng.in teresti ng book Tom

6、is read ing!20、We live in a very no isy place.n oisy place we live in!三、用所给单词的适当形式填空:21、He is not very(friend) towards( 对)newcomers(新来的).22、She slammed the teleph one dow n(an gry).23、It was a sudden(decide)24、She works for that restaura nt as a(waiter)25、She is very(exciting) about winning the firs

7、t prize.26、 What have you been done(late)27、We are very (please) with our new house.28、She( rare) visited her aunt.29、“ What do you wan? ” She asked (rude)30、I had a long (converse) with her the other day (不久前一天)四、词组互译31、none of your business 32、up to now 33、在中部 34、Dear me! 35、去看戏 五、阅读理解A.How many d

8、iffere nt lan guages are spoke n in the world today? There are about 5,000 differe nt lan guages. Nearly 900 languages are spoken in India .Chinese is the language spoken by the biggest number of people in the world . But the most widely( 广泛 地)spoken language in the world is English . 300, 000, 000

9、people speak English as a first language . Nearly twice as many-about 650 million ( 百万)people speak it as a foreign language .How many words are there in the English language? There are about 490, 000. Also , there are about300,000 words used in science(科技).There are more words in English than in an

10、y other language . But most people use no more than 60 , 000 words .Children , leaving school at the age of 1 6 , know about 1 5 , 000 words .Chin ese lan guage is spoke n.most cou ntries in the world600 cou ntriesthe biggest n umber of people in the world650 million people speak English as .first l

11、an guageas the n ative speakerssecond languageEnglish words are used by most people .thousandhundred thousandthousandknow about 15 , 000 words .start school at the age of 6study at schoolfinish school at sixtee nof the followi ng is trueare no more tha n 5,000 differe nt Ian guages in the world .is

12、the most widely-used Ianguage .Indian people speak 800 Ianguages .B.One day a poor stude nt was walk ing through a tow n. He had not had an yth ing to eat for several days and he was very hun gry. And whe n he saw a man selli ng homemade hamburgers, he let out a scream and fell to the grou nd. When

13、the surprised seller asked the stude nt what the matter was, the stude nt an swered,Ihamburgers. In fact, I hate them. When ever I see them, I feel ill and can t eat. ”The hamburger seller the n thought that he would play a joke on the stude nt. He put ten hamburgers in the comer of a room and then

14、locked the student in it. After a short time, the hamburger seller opened the door of the room. He was surprised to find that the student had eaten all the hamburgers. The student explained.“ Forsome stra nge reas on, I sudde nly decided that I liked hamburgers.”The hamburger seller was angry that t

15、he stude nt had fooled him. He asked what other thi ngs he did not like to eat. “ Oh, I like everything,” answered the student,ent TwExcephatetlie momi two cups ofgood strong tea! ”41. The stude nt was very hungry because.was illhad not eate n for a long timesaw the hamburgers42. The hamburger seller wan ted to the stude nt.B,pull upa joke on43. The hamburger seller was surprised to find the stu


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