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1、(文末附答案)高中英语虚拟语气解题技巧总结2单选题(经典例题高频考点-名师出品必属精品)1、_ anyone treat me like that, I _ complain to the manager.AShould; wouldBDid; shouldCWould; mightDCould; might2、But for the fact that he the truth , he for a weeks imprisonment.Adidnt know; would be.Bhadnt known; might have punished.Cdidnt know; would hav

2、e been punished.Dhadnt know; could be punished3、 _fired, your health care and other benefits would not be immediately cut off.AWould you beBShould you beCCould you beDMight you be4、If I had found a good job, I _ more money.AsaveBshould saveCsavedDwould have saved5、It is_ that he should have failed t

3、o win the race.AcertainBwonderCcuriousDmess6、If you had brought your swimming suit with you, we _ swimming in the lake now.Acould goBcould have goneCcan goDhave gone7、I wish I _ her the news and then she wouldnt be worried now.Adont tellBdidnt tellChavent toldDhadnt told8、I requested that he _ an ho

4、ur earlier.AcameBcomesCwill comeDshould come9、-Your head teacher is really a thoughtful man.-Exactly. If he_,he _ me in todays class before all my classmates.Aisnt; would punishBwasnt; would punishChadnt; would have punishedDwerent; would have punished10、His pale face suggested that he_ill and his t

5、eacher suggested that he_to the hospital at once.Ashould be; sendBwas; should sendCwas; be sentDwere; be sent11、Where are the children? The school bus is leaving. I wish they _ always late.AarentBwerentCwouldnt beDhadnt been12、If it_ for the joint efforts made by the whole nation, we couldnt have co

6、ntained the coronavirus in such a short time.Ahadnt been.Bshouldnt have been.Chasnt been.Dwouldnt be.13、We were delayed at the airport. _ we would have been here by lunch time.AHoweverBInsteadCProbablyDOtherwise14、If we could live our life once again, I suppose many people _ a different one.Awill ch

7、ooseBwill have chosenCwould chooseDwould have chosen15、The young man insisted that he _ nothing wrong and _ free.Adid; setBhad done; must be setCshould do; should be setDhad done; be set16、We_for the spring outing last week, if it had not been for the thick fog.Awould have goneBmust have goneCneed h

8、ave goneDcan have gone17、If the contest _ tomorrow, I would probably go to see it.Ais to take placeBwere to take placeCwas taken placeDwould take place18、The project _ possible had the relations of the two countries not reached their current level.AwerentBwerent to beCshouldnt beDwouldnt have been19

9、、Many things we benefit from now wouldnt be around _ Albert Einstein.Aaside fromBthanks toCbut forDregardless of20、If he had been working hard, he _ in the office now. However, he didnt.Awould be workingBwere to be workingCwas workingDshould work21、I highly recommended that he _ another chance to tr

10、y.AgivesBgaveCgiveDbe given22、Thank you for your assistance, without _I might have been in danger.-Thats all right, anyone in my place _ the same thing.Athat; will doBit, wouldCwhich; can have doneDwhich; would have done23、Most of the local people insist that the old temple _ as it has a long histor

11、y.Ashould not pull downBmust not pull downCnot be pulled downDwould not be pulled down24、He talks about Roman as if he _ there before.Ahad beenBwasCwereDhas been25、If God _everything in the world, the strange creatures in fossils _so many years before.Ahad created; shouldnt existBhad created; couldn

12、t have existedCshould create; wouldnt existDcreated; wouldnt have existed26、I wish I _ an architect because then I _ be able to design my own house.Aam, will beBwere, wouldCwill be, couldDwas, could27、_ you have any further questions, please contact us at the address above.AWouldBShouldCCouldDWill28

13、、_for the free ticket, I would not have gone to see films so often.AIf it is notBWere it notCHad it not beenDIf it has not been29、The requirement of the government is that the citizens not set off fireworks from January 1, 2019 on.AshallBshouldCcanDmay30、I couldnt have made great progress in English

14、_for your help.Ahad it not beenBshould it not beCdid it not beenDwere it not31、Our English teacher insisted that the homework _ tomorrow morning.Amust be handed inBhand inCbe handed inDwould be handed in32、_ to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I _ not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.AIf it were left wouldBShould it leave mustCWould it be left shouldDWas it left would33、We all agreed to his


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