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1、应聘英文自我介绍 应聘英文自我介绍 hello,m ame is xx. gradate fro xxcolleage.m mjoris e-come. e p ofy cours ar ava, sp, q anoher abou operton for cmputrsftware te other partis cemaketig, logsic managentand s on hich is eaed to interntionl ad i am very livlyand cheerfl, an i lie wbtrevry mu. so i thnkiill bel to e in

2、ernatiol trade ily as i no oly astrputer uas internet tr. iwil ty y best t looking frcusomrsfo orpany slong as you cn ive m n cance. thanks ve much! 应聘英文自我介绍2 dear si, woul like taskyu t onidermy alficaonfr he oiin in sale tt you dvetised in . igradutedfromte colle fbusinssdmnisrtion i ju of xxx.inc

3、e tt tme i b aing niht crse aciy pechnic insles technquesanddveriing. forth past fouyears,hvworked as a sppinsaesmanor mersk, e of th wold laest sipping cmpny atprest m their he salesmanandccno ove one quarterof the saei asia. beremy pent eployet, iwokefor abc chais boutiq sa aleslrk.wewokd mail o c

4、oisoandi as abe to ara ubstantiamot ath i was vry yug i would it makea chane becusi eel tha i ca go no frthe in my presentjob, feeltat my abiity andm raining houdenble eo aance int a beter and mor rsponspston,and it apears hat hs will not e foth-comn atmy presntpst. ifyou wold like o know mor about

5、my abilty, ican beavaiblo anintrview at any tim onvenien tyou. 应聘英文自我介绍3 尊敬的公司人力部: 您好,我是一名刚毕业的大学生,知道贵公司要招聘一个x经理职位,今天我要应聘的职位是*经理。我平时喜欢跑步和看书,喜欢读书,因为它能丰富我的知识;喜欢跑步,因为它可以磨砺我的意志。 我是一个活泼开朗、热情、执着、有坚强意志的人。今天竞聘的是营销经理,那么我谈谈自己对营销的理解。营销人员首先就要做好自我推销,让一个陌生人信任自己是有一定难度的,但只有客户相信自己,才会相信自己的产品,才能更好的将产品推入市场, 我认为作为一名营销经理,


7、我能胜任这份工作,也能很好地完成这个工作。 应聘英文自我介绍4 Helo! ts my esreto comheen have acan tointroucemysl. Iwl grduae fo Beiingnite Teachr Trainingnierstad liei Beg haoyngdstrit; mar sViual omicato design.On cllgays,I studid some rahic rtistDesgn, Pg ig, Book Desig,Webte Desiand oon. Her my Eprtfolio, peaeeit.Bese, fewe-

8、orks inmy flash sk. Plaseeithen yo are onvnin. Tan you very much! 中文翻译: 你好!我很高兴来到这里,并有机会介绍我自己。本人毕业于北京联合师范大学,现居北京朝阳区,主修视觉传达设计。 在大学期间,我学习了一些美工设计、包装设计、书籍设计、网站设计等。这是我的组合,请看。此外,在我的硬盘,一些作品。方便时请看。 非常感谢! 应聘英文自我介绍5 good moning, mynae is ja, it s rellyaga notohv thisopportny frainterview, wldle t nswerweveryu

9、 may ris, nd ihpe canakea good pfrmacetay, nay enol in ti presiio unvrsty in seembr.no i wlntdce mysl bfly,i am 1 yars ld,bon in hloniang povnce ,northeast of chin,ania crruntl seno stdntt beijin xx nimy maj s packaigegneeing.ad i willeivemy bahelr dgreafter y gradution n juein he as 4 eas, spndost

10、of my time n stud,i hve passe e4/6 with a asend iave acquiredbasic knledge ofpackagingndpublshin both i eoy an i prati esd,iavatenseeal pacang exhbtion holdi bjing, thisis ou advantag study hee, i hve take a tur t omebgftor ad copany.troug these have aeeplydestandin domesti pacang indtry ompard to d

11、velopecntries uch as s, unortunate, ltuhwehavade exraordir progrss inc 9,our akaginidusry are till nderdelope,, unstable, the station oeployes i thi fied ar aard.bt hav ulcnfience in a bright ture if ony ou eoy cnk h rowh cesill guess you mabe intetdnh reason ch tolaw,and ht is y pla dug grate sudy

12、lie,iwould ietotel you that urselaw is oe of y ifeln goal,i lkemy major akagng an i ont ive u,if i canpursue my te dgre he i wil combielawith yformreduaio. i will ok harintheields ,pat,trdmak, origt, on he basef my yartuy indeparment of pp, my carcer i cannot desibiwel, bt iow i m optmiticanconfient. sometimes iprfe tosty one,readig, lisening t sic,ut am notonely, iliketoat wih mcassmats, alot tal everything ,y favorite pasie salbal,aing s or surfonline trough colege lfe,laro toblance btween sudy and nertainment.


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