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1、 模块 3 Unit 2 Language高频单词词汇 词组,短语 击败,战胜 替换,代替 entire养育,培养 因此,所以 过程,进程 accent ban pure 独特的 version 风俗;习俗 interrupt 行为,行动 hunt 外表,外貌 indicate press battle pattern drag 如此 ; 从而;因为 servant access 现在,如今 词汇拓展1. occupy vt. 占据;占 occupation n. 职业2. official adj. 政府的 n. 官员 office n. 办公室 officer n. 军官 official

2、ly 公务上;正式地 3. contribution n.捐助;贡献 contribute v.捐助;有贡献 contributor 捐赠者4. distinction n. 区别,差别 distinguish v. 区别,辨认 5. concern vt. 与有关;使担心n. 担心,关怀 concerned adj. 有关的,涉及的 concerning 有关,关于7. conclusion n. 结论;结尾 conclude v. 下结论称;完结8. interrupt v. 阻碍,打断 interruption n. 防碍,中断9. represent vt. 象征;描绘 represe

3、ntation n. 描写;代表 representative adj. 代表的;n. 代理人10. simplify vt. 简化 simple adj. 简单的 simplification 简易化,简化 11. combine v. 使联合;结合 combination n. 结合;联合12. convenient adj. 方便的;适宜的 convenience n. 方便,便利15. racial adj. 人种的,种族的 race n. 人种;种族重要词组及表达方式1. 通知某人某事inform sb. about/ of sth. 2. 有史以来 all through hist

4、ory 3. 对感到困惑 feel puzzled about 4. 开始被使用 come into use 5. 被所替代 be replaced with/by 6. 经历巨大的变化go through huge changes7. 在中起到作用 play a part in 8. 控制 take control of9. 与有关 relate to = be related to 10. 尊敬 look up to 11. 阻止某人做某事 stop sb. from doing 12. 漏掉,省去 leave out13. 从发展成develop from into 14. 在于,因为

5、in that 15. 总之,最后 in conclusion16. 查生词 look up a new word 17. 对非常关心show great concern for 18. 说正题 get to the point 19. 正视某人 look sb. in the eye20. 作出决定 make a decision / decisions21. 充当,担任 work as22. 与混合 mix with 23. 采纳这想法 take the idea24. 成为一部分 become part of25. 使某人尴尬从而做某事 embarrass sb. into doing

6、sth.26. 把考虑在内 take into consideration27. 将介绍给;将引入 introduce to 重点单词1. occupy vt. 占领,占据;占(空间、地位等);占去时occupation n. 职业;占领be occupied with sth./ in doing sth. = occupy oneself with sth./ in doing sth. 正从事/专心于,在忙着by occupation 职业上 = by profession 【名师点拨】 1) 当用occupy作状语时,如后接介词with或in,用occupied形式;如接oneself

7、,则 用occupying形式。 2) 类似用法的词有:be devoted to/devote oneself to; be dressed in/ dress oneself (sb.); be faced with/ face sth.; be dedicated to/ dedicate oneself to; be seated in/ seat oneself等。 Fully _ in looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy various activities in the clu

8、b. A. attached B. occupied C. contributed D. devote2. raise vt. 举起,抬高,提高(音量);使某人晋升,种植;饲养(家畜);抚育(子女);引 起(疑问、开心);提出(问题、质疑、抗议等raise sb. to ones feet把某人扶起来 raise ones voice提高声音raise money for. 为筹款 raise a question提出问题raise a family养家糊口 raise hopes/ awareness 唤起希望/ 意识 raise vt.raised, raised举起;提高;提出;饲养ri

9、se vi. rose, risen上升;起身arise vi.arose, arisen 出现;发生;升起arouse vt.aroused, aroused激起;引起;唤起 1. raising a family 2. raise peoples living conditions Those who want to say anything more _ your hand and then _ to speak. A. arise; raiseB. raise; riseC. raise; arouseD. rise; raiseconcern vt. 与有关;使关涉;使担心 n. 担

10、心,关怀;关系concernedadj.有关的,涉及的;忧虑的担心 concerning = regarding = about prep. 有关;关于 arouse/ cause/ give concern 引起忧虑 show concern for 对担心concern oneself with/ about 使自己关心某事 be concerned about 对担心as far as sb. is concerned 在某人看来,就某人而言The drilling in Antarctica dragged on slowly because of lack of money, equ

11、ipment breakdowns, environmental _ and severe cold. A. concerns B. assumption C. occupations D. ignorance4. access vt. 接近,使用;n. 接近的机会,享用权accessible adj. 可到达的,可进入的have access to 使用,接近 havegetgainobtain access to获得接见,可以进入,可以使用be accessible to sth. 可进入,可使用 Im afraid Im not to help with the talent show,

12、 for I am fully occupied with my own project. A. reliableB. availableC. convenientD. accessible5. convenient adj. 方便的,便利的;适宜的,合适 convenience n. 方便,便利;便利的事It is convenient for/ to sb. at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候for (the sake of) convenience 为方便起见 for the convenience of 为了的方便if it suits ones convenie

13、nce 如果对某人方便在某人方便时,只能用 if it is convenient for/to sb. / if it suits ones convenience,绝不能用 if sb. is convenient。The secretary arranged a(n)_time and space for the applicants to have an interview. A. important B. spareC. publicD. convenient6. differ vi. 相异/有区difference n. 不同;区别;差数;争执different adj不同的;相异的;differ from 不同于;和不同;和意见不一致 differ in 在方面意见不同differ with sb. 与某人意见不同 be different from与不同make a difference起作用;产生影响 make no difference没有 作用或影响According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _ from the age of 27


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