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1、基数词序数词讲解与练习(含答案)基数词序数词练习题Name No. I. Choose the best answer ( )1. Please turn to .A. Page 11B. the 11st pageC. page 11D. page the 11th ( )2. At night we can see stars in the sky.A. thousands and thousands ofB. thousand and thousands ofC. a thousand and thousandsD. thousand and thousand( )3. There ar

2、e some in our classroom.A. hundred of booksB. the hundreds of booksC. hundreds of booksD. hundred of book( )4. I have been to the village . A. a hundred timeB. hundred timesC. hundreds of timesD. hundred of times( )5. There are students in our school.A. four hundred and forty five C. four hundreds a

3、nd forty five ( )6. The teacher told me to go over B. the three firstC. three the firstD. the first three( )7. May is of a year. A. the fifth monthsB. the fifth monthC. the five monthsD. the five month ( )8. We live in .A. the twenty-first centuryB. the century twenty-oneC. century twenty-oneD. the

4、century twenty-first( )9. He said he was going to be free in .A. one and a half hourB. one hour and halfC. one and half hoursD. an hour and a half( )10. -How many English books are there on the table? -There is only _ English book on it.A. aB. anC. oneD. the( )11. Mr Smith stayed in last night.A. Ro

5、om 403B. the Room 403C. the 403 roomD. 403 the room( )12. The road is .A. two thousand and five hundred metres longB. two thousands metres longC. long one thousand five hundred metreD. a thousand and five hundreds metres long( )13. He joined the army on of May 1980.A. 1 stB. the 1C. firstD. the firs

6、t( )14. Is Sunday the day of the week?A. aB. oneC. onceD. first( )15. March the is Women s Day.A. eighthB. ninthC. tenthD. eight( )16. September is the month of the year.A. ninethB. ninthC. nineD. the twelvethB. four hundred and forty fiveD. four hundred and forty five lessons. A. thirst three( )17.

7、 December the is Christmas.A. twen ty-fiveB. twen ty-fifthC. twen tieth-fiveD. twen ty-five( )18. Ano ther way of say ing Less on 12 is A. Less on ten-twoB. Less on Ten-sec ondC. the Twelfth LessonD. Twelfth lessonII. Complete the sentences according to the numerals :(用 past或to的句型)1. What time is it

8、 ? (8:30)It s . 2. What is it ? (9:15)It s . 3. What time is it ? (7;45) It s .4. What was the date ? (189奔 1月 226日)It13.他每天早上总是第一个至y校14.第三天早上玛丽没有迟到15.这本书我昨晚读了20页16. 最 近 的 医 院 离 他 们 学 校 约 牛 -5 公 里 。17.在二十世纪三十年代 18. 中华路21号参考答案III. Tran slate the followi ng into En glish.I. 电话号码8485308 3. 童 成 千上万的儿5.

9、45路公共汽 车 7. 五分之四 2.第六十四中学 4. 两个月半 6. 三 分 之 一 8. 第I. 选择题15. AACCB 610. DBADC 11 15. DADDA 1618. BBCII. 完成句子:1. It s half past eight.2. It s a quarter past nine. It s a quarter to eight.4. It was January twen ty-sixth eightee n nin ety-three.III. 翻译短语和句子:1. Telepho ne nu mber/ Tel. No. eight four eigh

10、t five three o eight2. No. Sixty-four Middle School3. thousa nds of childre n4. half and two mon ths/ two mon ths and a half5. No. 45 bus/ Bus 456. one third7. four fifths8. Room 5019. the seco nd floor10. the third time 11. Book V 12. half and two weeks/ two weeks and a half13. He is always the fir

11、st to get to school every morni ng.14. The third day Mary wasn t Oe I read so pages of the book yesterday evening.16. The n earest hospital is about four to five kilometers from their school.17. in the 1930s 18. 21 Zho nghua Road 一、基数词 下面把100以内的基数词分为四类。1、第一类:one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six六seven 七e

12、ight 八nine 九ten十eleve n 十人一-twelve 十二 这一类共计十二个单词,在结构上与其他的基数词相比较是特殊 的,就象不规则的动词一样,要求逐个的硬背下来,这对学好其他的基数词和序数词都是及其 重要的。2、第二类:thirtee n 十三 fourtee n 十四 fiftee n 十五 sixtee n 十六 seve nteer 十七 eightee n 十八 nin etee n 十九这一类基数词共有七个。它们在结构上有两个特点:一是在发音 方面都有两个重音;二是在拼法上都有后缀teen。除了 thirteen和fifteen之外,都是纯粹地在另 个基数词的后面加

13、上后缀一 teen。但要注意eighteen的拼法, eight本身有t字母,因此只加ee n二3、第三类:twenty 二十thirty 三十forty 四十fifty 五十sixty 六十seve nty 七十eighty八十nin ety九十这类基数词共有八个。都是十位的整数,均以后缀ty结尾。其 中 sixty、seventy、eighty、ninety 基本上是在相应的基数词后面加 上后缀一ty。但要注意eighty的拼法,eight本身有t字母,因此只 加一y。4、第四类:这一类和很简单,可以看成是一种合成词。其结构方 式是:用十位整数加上个位整数,其间用连字符号“一”连接,表示

14、“几十几”。这类基数词的变化都是规则的。如:twenty-one 二十forty-six 四十六seve n ty-eight 七十八ninety-five九十五二、序数词下面把1一99的序数词也分为四个类。1、第一类first (1st) 第一sec ond (2nd)第二third (3rd)第三(在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的 最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。 )这类序数词只有三个,在整 个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下 来。2、第二类:fourth (4th)第四 fifth (5th)第五 sixth (6th)第六 seve nth (7th)第七 eighth (8th)第八 nin th (9th)第九 ten th (10th) 第十 eleventh (11th)第十twelfth (12th) 第十二thirteenth (13th) 第十三 fourteenth (14th) 第十四 fifteenth (15th) 第十五sixteenth (16th)第十六seve n tee nth (17th)第十七eightee nth (18th)第十八nin etee nth (19th)第十九 这一类序数词共有



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