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1、如何使英语作文“亮”起来一 使用高级词汇和句型,增加文章亮点高考书面表达的评分标准在语言的运用上对考生提出了更高的要求,即在考察短文语言准确性的基础上,进一步强调了用词的得体性;表达方式的多样性以及语言的连贯性,我们要尽可能地多使用高级词汇和复杂句型,增加文章的亮点。归纳1 学会使用高级过渡词过渡词犹如“桥梁”和“黏合剂”。恰当地使用过渡词避免结构松散,层次不明,表意不清等弊端,使文章条理清楚,文字连贯流畅,结构严谨,富于逻辑,更具有说服力和感染力。常用的过渡词有:递进型:besides,whats more, let alone, worse still, moreover, even, f

2、urthermore, in addition, additionally解释型:that is (to say), in other words, or , in this case, actually, as a matter of fact,转折型:however/but/yet/although/otherwise/instead/on the contrary/ on the other hand/ in spite of列举型:firstlysecondlyfinally/ on the one hand/ on the other hand举例型:for example/ for

3、 instance/ such as / that is/ like/ take for example因果型:because (of)/since/ therefore/ as a result/ thanks to /thus / due to/ owing to/ hence / as a consequence of 让步型: though /although/ in spite of/ despite顺序型:firstnext and then finally/ first then after that finally并列型:and /or /also/ as well as 时间

4、型:afterwards/ soon/ later / the moment/ hardlywhen/ no sonnerthan/ immediately/ gradually / suddenly/ finally 总结型:in conclusion / in a word / to sum up / in short / on the whole / in brief 见解型:in my opinion / personally speaking / as far as I am concerned / in my eyes / in my view / to my mind练习 用合适

5、的过渡词填入下面短文的空白处。Dear friends, As we all know, we are what we eat. 1 ,its very important for us to form healthy eating habits. 2 , bad eating habits are still very common abong us students. Some of us often go to the school without breakfast; some like to have snacks; some others are particular about

6、food; and 3 some eat or drink too much. All these bad habits will surely do harm to our health. To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include a proper amount of fish , meat, vegetable, fruit as well as main food. 4 ,wed better have meals regularly.5 , we should try to de

7、velop healthy eating habits to build up a strong body. Only in this way can we have enough energy to study better. Thats all.Thank you !归纳2 尝试使用高级词汇 高考书面表达最高档的评分标准中,对词汇的要求有:“应用了较多的词汇”和“词汇有些许错误,但是为尽力使用高级词汇所致”。高级词汇的使用会使书面表达上升一个得分档次,所以同学们在平时的训练中要有意识地使用一些高级词汇。尽管目前没有固定的标准,但一般认为超出考纲的词汇均视为高级词汇。练习:1 A terri

8、ble earthquake happened in Wenchuan , Sichuan Province on May 12th, 2008. 2 He knows English very well.3 The problem is too difficult for me.4 The dictionary is very valuable.5 I suddenly had a good idea .I6 Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.7 Well try our best to protect the

9、 environment.8 Our school is at the foot of the hill.二 注重句式变化要提高语言表达的档次,在句式运用上就不能一味地使用简单局和陈述句,一篇文章过多使用简单句型会显得句子单调、无生气,不能给人一种含金量高的审美享受。所以,在整篇文章中,避免仅使用一两种句型,而应该根据实际情况灵活运用所学的各种句式,使文章有声有色。这样有助于考生在高考中出类拔萃,赢得高分 归纳1 使用倒装句,强调句,改变句子单调性练习:1 We can have enough energy to study better only in this way.(倒装)2 Our

10、Ah Fu had saved my little sister bravely.(强调句)3 Though the earthquake was merciless, we human beings are compassionate and caring.(倒装)归纳2 使用各种从句,提升句子“凝聚力”练习:1 Jiuzhaigou is well known for its beautiful lakes. Its water is clear and looks colorful.(定语从句)2 He is a learned person. We all admire him ver

11、y much.(定语从句或状语从句)归纳3 运用并列句,感叹句,使句式灵活多样练习1 He leads us to a wonderful world of “why”.(感叹)2 Wang Bin works hard at his studies. Li Ming works hard at his studies, too.(省略)归纳4 使用排比,增强气势1 I love life. I love Mother nature. I love peace. I hate any form of violence.2 Ill stay with my parents for some ti

12、me and chat with them and do homework.三 如何使句子简洁明快值得注意的是有些学生误认为复杂句型就是多用各种主从复合句,这种理解是错误的。在写作时,我们还要追求语言的简洁性。这里的“简洁“并不等于简单、孤立的短句,而是利用一些非谓语动词、介词短语、同位语、with的复合结构、省略、代替等手段将松散的简单句、并列句及过度复杂的复合句简化,从而达到长、短句结合的效果,增强文章的可读性。归纳1 使用省略,精简句子,增强凝聚力。1 Should students make friends on line? Some people may say yes to thi

13、s question.2 When it is heated, water will change into vapor.3 Do you think youd like it? If you dont like it, I can try and find another place for you .归纳2 使用不定式, -ing短语。过去分词,提高句子表达能力1 Grandpa and the children were very happy to see that the bird flew away in the sky.2 When he was asked what to do,

14、 he refused to answer.3 The driver escaped and didnt stop. He left the old man lying on the road.归纳3运用介词(短语)压缩句子,使句子更加简洁,实用,高效1 He doesnt give us answers immediately. He encourages us to think by ourselves.2 The young man couldnt help crying when he heard the bad news .3 Our school lies at the foot of a mountain. There is a river flowing in front of it.


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