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1、渐开线花键in volute spli ne未注公差 undeclared toleranee 未注倒角 undeclared chamfer 调质 thermal refining 端口 port chamfer 模数 modulus齿形角 tooth profile angle 变位系数 stand-off error 齿圈径向跳动 geared ring radial run out 公法线长度及偏差common no rmal跨齿数 spanned tooth count 高频淬火 high-frequency quenching 配对齿轮 mating gear 螺旋角 spiral

2、 angle 压力角 pressure angle 螺旋升角lead angle 图号 figure number 齿厚 tooth thickness螺旋线helix蜗杆worm 齿轮gear 齿轴 gear shaft 转子轴 rotor shaft精度等级precisi on classGear drive ; Gear transmission 非工作齿面Non-work ing flank渐开螺旋面In volute helicoid配对齿轮Mati ng gears相啮齿面Mating flank阿基米德螺旋面Screw helicoid小齿轮Pin io n共轭齿面Con jug

3、ate flank球面渐开螺旋面Spherical in volute helicoid大齿轮Wheel ; Gear可用齿面Usable flank圆环面Toroid主动齿轮Driving gear有效齿面Active flank圆环面的母圈Generant of the toroit从动齿轮Drive n gear上齿面Adde ndum flank圆环面的中性圈Middle circle of the toroid行星齿轮Pla net gear下齿面Dede ndum flank圆环面的中间平面Middle-pla ne of the toroid行星架Pla net carrier齿

4、根过渡曲面Fillet齿轮基本术语齿轮Toothed gear ; Gear齿面Tooth flank长幅内摆线Prolate hypocycloid齿轮副Gear pair右侧齿面Right flank短幅内摆线Curtate hypocycloid平行轴齿轮副Gear pair with parallel axes左侧齿面Left flank渐开线In volute ;In volute to a circle相交轴齿轮副Gear pair with in tersect ing axes同侧齿面Corresp onding flank延伸渐开线Prolate in volute齿轮系Tr

5、ain of gears异侧齿面Opposite flank缩短渐开线Curtate in volute行星齿轮系Pla netary gear train工作齿面Worki ng flank球面渐开线Spherical in volute齿轮传动圆环面的内圈End reliefInner circle of the toroid减速齿轮副太阳轮Speed redue ing gear pairSun gear齿线齿顶Tooth traceCrest ; Top land鼓形修整啮合干涉Crow ningMesh ing in terfere nee增速齿轮副内齿圈Speed in ereas

6、 ing gear pairRing gear ; Ann ulus gear齿棱槽底Tip ; Tooth tipBottom land鼓形齿切齿干涉Crowned teethCutter in terfere nee齿数比外齿轮Gear ratioExter nal gear模数齿廓ModuleTooth profile挖根齿廓修型Un dereutProfile modifieati on;传动比Profile eorreeti onTran smissi on ratio内齿轮端面模数In ter nal gearTran sverse module端面齿廓瞬时轴Tran sverse

7、 profileIn sta ntan eous axis修缘轴平面Tip reliefAxial pla ne中心距法向模数Cen tre dista neeNormal module法向齿廓瞬时接触点Normal profilePoint of eon tact修根基准平面Root reliefDatum pla ne轴交角轴向模数Shaft an gleAxial module轴向齿廓瞬时接触线Axial profileLine of eon tact齿向修形节平面Axial modifieati on ;Pitch pla neLongitudinal eorreetion径节连心线D

8、iametral pitchLine of cen tres端面啮合线背锥齿廓Tran sverse path ofBaek cone tooth profilePinen eedle 050328齿端修薄eon tact导程角Lead an gle端面作用角Tran sverse an gle of tran smissi on产形齿条Coun terpart rack阿基米德螺旋线Archimedes spiral纵向作用角Overlap an gle产形齿轮Gen erati ng gear of a gear外摆线Epicycloid总重合度Total con tact ratio产形

9、齿面Gen erati ng flank长幅外摆线Prolate epoicycloid端面重合度Tran sverse ratio基准线Datum line短幅外摆线Curtate epoicycloid纵向重合度Overlap ratio轮齿Gear teeth ; Tooth摆线Cycloid标准齿轮Stan dard gears齿槽Tooth space长幅摆线Prolate cycloid非变位齿轮X-gero gear右旋齿Right-ha nd teeth短幅摆线Curtate cycloid标准中心距端平面Tran sverse pla ne齿数Number of teech啮

10、合曲面Surface of acti on法平面Normal pla ne当量齿数Virtual n umber of teeth啮合平面Pla ne of acti on分度曲面Refere nee surface头数Number of starts ; Number of threads啮合区域Zone of acti on节曲面Pitch surface螺旋线Helix ; Circular helix总作用弧Total arc of tran smissi on齿顶曲面Tip surface圆锥螺旋线Coni cal spiral端面作用弧Tran sverse arc of tra

11、nsmissi on齿根曲面Root surface螺旋角Helix angle ;Spiral an gle纵向作用弧Overlap arc基本齿廓Basic tooth profile导程Lead总作用角Total an gle of tran smissi on基本齿条Basic rackRefere ncr cen tre dista nee左旋齿Left-ha nd teeth内摆线Hypocycloid名义中心距Nomi nal centre dista nee变位齿轮Gears with adde ndum modificati on ;X-gears直齿轮Spur gear分度

12、圆柱面Refere nee cyli nder高度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with refere nee centre dista nee斜齿轮Helical gear ; Single-helical gear节圆柱面Pitch cyli nder角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with modified centre dista nee 直齿条Spur rack基圆柱面Basic cyli nder高度变位锥齿轮副X-gear pair without shaft an gle modificati on 斜齿条Helical rack齿顶圆柱面Tip cyli n

13、der角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with shaft an gle modificati on人字齿轮Double-helical gear齿根圆柱面Root cyli nder变位系数Modificati on coefficie nt渐开线齿轮In volute cyli ndrical gear节点Pitch point变位量Addendum摆线齿轮Cycloidal gear节线Pitch linePinen eedle 050328modificati on径向变位系数Adde ndum modificati on coefficie nt圆弧齿轮Circular-a

14、rc gear ; W-N gear分度圆Refere nee circle中心距变位系数Centre dista nee modificati on coefficie nt双圆弧齿轮Double-circular-arc gear节圆Pitch circle圆柱齿轮Cyli ndrical gear假想曲面Imagi nary surfa nee基圆Basic circle顶圆Tip circle任意点法向压力角Normal pressure an gle at a point定位面Locati ng face根圆Root circle任意点端面压力角Tran sverse pressure an gle at a point外锥距Outer cone dista nee齿距Pitch啮合角Work ing pressure an gle内锥距



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