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1、词汇(Vocabulary)pervade ( v) :spread through,saturate or permeate every part of充满;弥漫 -haze ( n.) :1ight thin mist or smoke薄雾;烟雾;尘雾 -tint ( n.) :a color or a shading of a color,esp. a gradation of a color with reference to its mixture with white色彩;色泽(尤指色彩的浓淡) -chore ( n.) :any daily or routine tasks(un

2、pleasant,uninteresting or difficult);a daily necessary job,esp. in a house or on a farm(usupl)日常零星工作,零星活儿(如家庭杂务,农场杂活等)(常用复数) -squawk ( n.) :loud harsh sound粗厉的叫声 -camouflage ( v) :disguise(a thing or person)in order to conceal伪装(物或人);隐蔽;掩饰 -swirl ( n.) : twist and curl旋转;转动;回旋 -spangle ( v) :cover o

3、r decorate with spangles or other bright objects用闪光的金属片等装饰 -quarterdeck ( n.) :part of the highest level of a ship,used only by officers(供军官使用的)船尾甲板 -awning ( n.) :movable covering,esp. one made of canvas,used to protect shop windows,shipdecks,etcfrom sun or rain(用于门、窗、甲板等)遮阳篷;遮雨篷;凉篷 -august ( adj.)

4、 : causing feelings of great respect;noble and grand;venerable for reasons of age or high rank可敬的,可尊敬的;德高望重的;高贵的 -squeal ( n.) :a highpitched,shrill cry or sound,somewhat prolonged长而尖的叫声 -boatswain ( n.) :a ships officer or petty officer in charge of the deck crew,the rigging,anchors,boats,etc水手长 -b

5、eckon (v) :make a silent sign,as with the finger,call(someone)(用招手)表示招呼;召唤(某人) -expedite ( v) :perform quickly and efficiently迅速处理,速办 -spick-andspan ( adj.) :(short for spickand-spannew)neat and clean,very neat or smart and new(spickandspannew的缩写形式)极整洁的,极干净的;崭新的 -pit ( v) :mark with small scars使留下疤痕

6、 -aghast ( adj.) :feeling great horror or dismay;terrified;horrified惊愕的,惊骇的,惊吓的 -scupper ( n.) :an opening in a ships side to allow water to run off the deck船侧的排水孔 -drove ( n.) :a moving crowd of people(行动的)人群 -salvo ( n.) :simultaneous discharge of artillery or other firearms,esp. as salute,or in s

7、eafight(枪炮的)齐射(尤指礼炮的齐鸣,海战中的齐射) -quartermaster ( n.) :petty officer or mate who attends to the ships compass,navigation,signals etc(兼管信号等的)舵手;航信士官 -escort ( v) :go with as an escort;accompany to protect or show honor or courtesy to护卫,护送;陪同,伴随 -watertight (adj.) :so snugly put together that no water c

8、an get in or through不透水的;水密的;防水的 -bunk ( n.) :a shelf like bed or berth built into or against a wall,as in a ship(船上的)铁架帆布床,(船上的)铺位 -scrounge ( v ) :colloqmanage to get or find by hunting around口(四处)搜寻 -purse ( v) :draw(the lips)tightly together皱起;缩拢 -aluminum ( n.) :one of the chemical elements,a silvery,lightweight,easily worked metal that resist corrosion and is found abundantly,but only in combination铝 -swell ( n.) :a large wave that moves steadily without breaking波涛(汹涌) -



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