(广州版)五年级英语下册教案 Module 3 Unit 7(2).doc

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1、 广州版小学英语五年级下册Module 2 our school and our classUnit 7 Is Yongxians New School Larger?一、教学目标语言知识学会本课“四会”要求的词语:large, bright, more, more than初步感知形容词的比较级及句型:“morethan”,“muchthan”学生能朗读和表演课文。语言能力学生能掌握本课的词语,理解其正确的意义,并会运用。学生能用本课的句型进行交际性的语言对话。二、重难点 形容词的比较级用句型。三、教学步骤ProcedureTeachers activityPupils activityPu

2、rposeLeading-inGreetingPlayCD-roomReview some adj.words learned beforeGreetingSing a songsay out the words and sentencesWarm up Review some adj wordsPre-flaskGuessing GamePut the pictures on the blackboard, Let Ps to find out their characteristics and compare themAsk Ps to make sentence with key wor

3、dsPlay a gameLook and sayGroup workTo create various chances of using English.Learn how to study and find out the questions by themselvesWhile-flaskShow the pictures two different schools and present some sentences in the dialogue.Read the dialogue follow the tape.Learn to say out the sentences.Lear

4、n、listen and read the dialogue in pairsTo help the pupils get more clear of the dialogue and the words.Posr-faskPracticeAsk ps make an investigation about “My new school”.Answer the questionsTalk about “My new school”To offer more chances for the pupils to describe the new schoolHomeworkRead the new

5、 words and the dialogue after the tape and then read by themselves loudly and correctly.Copy the dialogue.Unit 7 Is Yongxians New School Larger?Work with Language 教学内容这节课学习的内容是Module3 Unit7,Work with Language1、2,主要是巩固形容词比较级的基本句型。同时,学生在这节课会接触到名词性物主代词,并结合比较级使用。教学对象分析五年级学生经过四年多的英语学习,已经积累了一定的学习基础,他们初步找到

6、适合自己的学习方式,对贴近生活的学习内容有强烈的兴趣。本节课让学生用自己或自己的物品与同学进行比较,激起他们的兴趣。但同时学生将在这节课接触到名词性物主代词,并结合比较级在句子中使用,是个难点。教学目标1.语言知识a能正确拼、读以下词汇: bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, fatter, thinner, stronger, his, hers, theirsb.重点句型:A is -er than B.My pen is longer than yours. His dog is fatter than hers.2.语言技能a.能用重点句型参与游戏、活动。

7、b. 能chant英语小诗 good, better, best能运用所学句型进行对话、比较。3.情感态度在词汇、句子学习中增强学习英语的兴趣和参与热情,逐步养成良好的学习习惯。让学生真正成为学习的主体,主动学习。4.学习策略通过交际性操练,让学生更深刻体会交际运用对语言学习的重要性,并积极、主动与他人合作,运用英语于交际中。 教学策略TBL(任务型教学):以任务为主导,以活动为载体,以学生为中心,通过完成特定的交际活动促使学生语言交际能力的发展。创设情景,设计多样化的游戏,用游戏突破重难点,让绝大部分学生开口练习。教学重点、难点重点:1.部分形容词的拼读 2.基本句型:A is -er th

8、an B. 3.理解名词性物主代词his, hers, theirs,并能在实际语境中进行比较难点:1.形容词物主代词和名词性物主代词的区别 2.两种物主代词同时存在的一个句子的时候,如何就两事物进行对比e.g. My pen is longer than yours. His dog is fatter than hers.教学媒体:电脑、CAI、图片、 录音机、实物投影等教学步骤Steps ContentsAimsI Warm up II Lead inIIIPre-taskIVWhile- taskVDevelopmentVI summaryVIIAssignment 1.Chant t

9、he rhyme “good, better, best”2.Guessing game (review adjective) T: Lets play a game, guess the meaningTell kids todays objectsT: we have learned unit7 dialogue, today well learn more about the comparative degree. Review the comparative degree T: first, look at me, there are 2 small balls. This is sm

10、all, that is smaller. How to spell “small”? What about “long, short, tall, fat, thin”?1. Game: You are a liar.(Teacher says sentences, kids keep silent if the sentences are correct, but shout, “You are a liar” if the sentences are not consistent with the truth.)2.Ask Ps to make sentence with key wor

11、ds(CAI) 13 Ps in a group, teacher show pictures with CAI, let Ps make sentences in groups. (5 pictures, each group makes a sentence, but whole class for the last sentence.)3. Race game: (pass the baton and say sentences) T: are you tires? Lets play a game to relax. (Only 2 mins) e.g. my hair is long

12、er than your hair (let Ps compare with me first, then play this whole class)4.present “his” “hers” and practice T: (follow last part) your bag is bigger than his/ her bag. We can say “Your bag is bigger than his/ hers”. 5.present “theirs” T: Lets check the score board. Group A is better, but dont gi

13、ve up , group B. your is than theirs6.let kids talk about their school e.g. Our swimming pool is smaller than theirs.Our toilet is nicer than theirs.6-7 Pupils in a group, make comparison with members. e.g. Your bag is bigger than hers.Hers office is nicer than hisHis bottle is taller than ours.Let

14、pupils tell me their ideas to prove “our school is nicer than before”, and give advice” what should we do to make it better?”Let Ps make a conclusion1. Copy the new words “his, hers, theirs”2. Have a diction about module 3,* 3.To be a little designer, write a report for our school.(选做)Let all the kids warm up togetherLet kids clear what well learn todayCreate more input of the basic pattern, so that the kids can make sentences in the next part easily.Practice the basic pattern.Compare themselves naturallyPresent “his, hers” in sentences.Encourage pupils to say more sente



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