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3、磁同步电机调速系统中的应用也进行了较为深入的研究。仿真研究表明,和一阶自抗扰控制算法相比,这两种方案都有较强的抗负载扰动性能。关键词:自抗扰控制,永磁同步电机,调速,惯量辨识,自适应,阶次,模型补偿AbstractWith the rapid progress in power electronic technology, microelectronic technology, especially digital signal processors (DSP), and control theory, permanent magnetic synchronous motor (PMSM) A

4、C servo systems are widely utilized. And the research on the control algorithms of PMSM attracts great attention from domestic and foreign researchers. In this paper, the theory and application of active disturbances rejection control (ADRC) algorithm for PMSM speed-regulation system are studied dee

5、ply from three perspectives: the research on inertia identification technology, and the theory and experimental research on the application of one-order adaptive ADRC based on inertia identification; the theory and simulation research on two-order ADRC; the theory and simulation model-compensation A

6、DRC.The paper can be divided into four parts. First, the background of research on AC servo system is introduced. And the characteristics and flaws of major PMSM control algorithms are discussed in brief, and then the mechanism of PMSM speed-regulation system is illustrated. Second, after the analys

7、is of mechanism of ADRC, a simplified one-order ADRC algorithm is designed for PMSM based on vector control scheme, and the rule adjustment of parameters of simplified one-order ADRC is studied by experiments deeply. Experiment results indicate that, compared with time-varying PI control scheme, the

8、 simplified one-order ADRC scheme studied in this paper not only shows better transient dynamics, but also improves the anti-disturbance ability. Third, inertia identification technique is studied. Based on inertia identification result, the one-order adaptive ADRC implementation in PMSM speed-regul

9、ation system is studied through simulations and experiments. Simulation and experimental results indicate that, compared with simplified one-order ADRC, the adaptive one-order ADRC has stronger adaptation to the variations of inertia of the drive. In the end, considering that in one-order ADRC schem

10、e, is replaced by approximately, in order to solve the approximation problem, a two-order ADRC algorithm is presented. And considering the disturbance estimation difficulty of extended state observer in the case of big disturbance, a model-compensation ADRC algorithm is proposed to solve the problem

11、. Both algorithms for PMSM speed-regulation system are studied deeply by simulation. The results indicate that, both of them have stronger anti-disturbance abilities.Key words: ADRC; PMSM; speed-regulation; inertia identification; adaptation; order; model-compensation3目录目录摘要IAbstractII目录III第一章 绪论11.

12、1引言11.2交流伺服系统的控制算法研究现状21.2.1 智能PI控制31.2.2 自适应控制31.2.3 滑模变结构控制41.2.4 模糊控制51.2.5 神经网络控制51.2.6自抗扰控制61.3本课题的选题背景和意义61.4论文的内容及结构8第二章 永磁同步电机调速系统的原理及方案实现92.1 引言92.2 永磁同步电机的数学模型92.2.1 永磁同步电机在三相静止坐标系中的数学模型102.2.2 电机模型中使用的坐标变换102.2.3电机在坐标系中的模型112.3 永磁同步电机的控制策略122.3.1永磁同步电机的矢量控制方案122.3.2 永磁同步电机的直接转矩控制132.3.3 永

13、磁同步电机的解耦控制142.4基于矢量控制的永磁同步电机伺服系统的组成152.4.1 永磁同步电机调速系统的总体结构152.4.2 系统的硬件组成162.4.3 TI 公司的DSP芯片TMS320F2808简介162.4.4 智能功率模块IPM简介172.5永磁同步电机调速系统实验平台172.6 小结18第三章 永磁同步电机的一阶自抗扰方案的理论与实验研究193.1引言193.2自抗扰控制原理193.3永磁同步电机调速系统的一阶简化自抗扰方案设计233.4 永磁同步电机的简化自抗扰方案的实验研究263.4.1 ADRC 的参数调整273.4.2 永磁同步电机的简化自抗扰算法的程序实现313.4

14、.3 永磁同步电机的参数及实验测试指标和测试方法323.4.4 与变PI的性能对比343.5小结36第四章 永磁同步电机的一阶自适应自抗扰控制的理论与实验研究384.1引言384.2自抗扰控制器在惯量发生变化下的性能分析384.2.1 仿真分析384.2.2 实验结果分析424.3永磁同步电机的一阶自适应自抗扰控制方案设计444.4 惯量辨识的实验研究454.4.1 加速度法辨识转动惯量的实验研究464.4.2 动态响应法辨识惯量的实验研究474.4.3 基于转矩扰动观测器的惯量辨识算法的实验研究484.4.4 模型参考自适应法辨识惯量的仿真研究524.4.5 小结524.5参数的模糊自调整的

15、实验研究534.6 一阶自适应自抗扰的实验研究544.6.1 一阶自适应自抗扰算法的程序实现544.6.2 一阶自适应自抗扰与简化自抗扰的实验对比554.7小结60第五章 永磁同步电机的自抗扰控制改进算法的理论与仿真研究615.1引言615.2 永磁同步电机调速系统的二阶自抗扰控制器设计615.3仿真及结果635.4 模型补偿自抗扰控制算法的仿真研究655.4.1 模型补偿自抗扰控制器的原理665.4.2 永磁同步电机模型补偿自抗扰控制器设计675.4.3 惯量及阻尼系数的辨识695.4.4 负载力矩观测器的设计695.5 仿真结果分析705.6小结74第六章 结束语76参考文献79作者在学期间发表的论文83第一章 绪论第一章 绪论1.1引言电气传动系统是以电机的转矩和转速为控制对象,按生产机械工艺要求进行电机调速控制的自动化系统,主要由电动机和驱动器组成1。它作为现代工业生产设备的重要驱动源之一,是工业自动化不可缺少的基础技术,广泛应用于工农业生产、国防、科技及社会生活等各个方面。根据其所采用的执行部件直流电机或交流电机的不同,可以分为直流电气传动和交流电气传动。直流电气传动和交流电气传



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