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1、英文句型一、描述事物的关键句型1.It is动词原形“做某事的是(的)”It+be动词+形容词+to动词原形=其他It是形式主语,后面的动词不定式是该句型真正的主语。It is good for you to read English in the morning. 晨读对你有益处。2. It isthat/if /whether/wh从句,某事是(的)It+be动词+形容词+if从句在此句型中it是形式主语,用来指代后面从句的内容。It is not surpris ing why an alcoholic died of liver cancer. 个嗜酒者死于肝癌并不令人惊讶。3.It

2、is kind of sb to 动词原形;It is hard for sb to 动词原形,某人做某事是(的)如果这种句型中的形容词是用来形容人的品质,就要在形容词后面加上介词“ of如果形容词是用来形容事物,则加上介词“ for。It is kind of you to help my little brother with his homework.你真好,帮助我弟弟做家庭作业。It is impossible for you to finish the work in the three days.你想三天就把这项工作做完是不可能的。4.It seems/appears th从句,某

3、事看起来似乎It appears to me that we need to call the police. 我认为我们应该报警。It appears as if it s going to rain. / It looks like it 似乎要下雨了。s going to rain.5.It is a pity (that)从句,某事真是令人遗憾本句型中的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面由 that引导的从句,其中that可以省略。It is a pity that you can。t come你不能来参加聚会,真是遗憾。6.It is natural/stra nge that 从句,

4、会是很自然的 /奇怪的此句型中it是形式主语,用来表示后面从句的内容,中间使用that连接。此外,从句中的动词也可用should+动词原形表示。It is stra nge that such a figure like him should live such a modest life.说来真怪,像他这样的人居然可以生活得如此简朴。7.It is th从句,是才。此句型为典型的强调句型,that所引导的从句对前面的主语起到了解释说明的作用,同时也是对主语的强调,所以从句和主语有了相应的因果关系。It was because of team work that we were able to

5、 win the champi on ship.因为团队的合作我们才能赢得胜利。8.It was notun til从句t,直到才。”此句型it was notuntil+某一时间点+that从句,意为 直到才。”It was not un til he got sick that he realized the value of health.直到他生病了,才体会到健康的重要性。9. in order to 动词原形/so as to 为了 此句型意为 为了目的”,想做就得”。He is work ing part time in order to pay his way through c

6、ollege. 为了完成学业,他半工半读。10. too+ adj./adv. to v. “太而不能”The situation is too difficult to explain.情况变得太复杂,我无法解释。11. 主语+be used to+动词原形 “被用来。”A harmer is used to drive nails into the wall.锤子是用来将钉子打进墙里的。12. 主语+be said to动词原形据说是”此句型解释为 据说是 ”,be thought to 意为 被认为 ”;be reported to 意为 据报导”;be estimated to 意为据

7、估计”Mr. Smith is said to be over 105.史密斯先生据说已经超过一百零五岁了。二、比较两者的关键句型13. 主语+动词 as形容词/副词as和一样”Un dersta nding the philosophy is just as importa nt as the action. 了解原则和行动是一样重要的。14. 主语1+not动词as形容词/副词as+主语2“ A不象B那样”I am not as in terested in En glish as Tom.我不像汤姆那样对英语感兴趣。15. 主语+动词asas eve像往常一样She was as bea

8、utiful as ever after so many years.过了那么多年,她美丽如故。16. 主语+动词times as形容词/副词as“ A是B的倍”He earns twice as much as I do.他赚的钱是我的两倍。The new route is four times as wide as the old one. 新路是老路的四倍宽。17. The more the “越就越”The more haste, the less speed.欲速则不达。The sooner, the better.越快越好/事不宜迟The more careful you are,

9、 the fewer mistakes you will make. 你越谨慎,就越不容易犯错。18. 主语+动词+ more and more(形容词 )“越来越 ”表示“变得”的动词有:become, get, go等,多数情况下可互换。It gets more and more difficult to un dersta nd what the math is talk ing about.越来越难理解数学在讲什么了。Oil price are going higher and higher.油价越来越贵。19. 主语+ be动词+ the +最咼级+of all 是之中最” 通常情况

10、下省略最高级后的名词。The river is the most shortest among them. 这条河流是它们之中最短的。 Safety is the most important of all.安全是最重要的。20. 主语+be动词+ most+形容词非常”Most除了表示最高级外,也可用作副词来修饰后面的形容词,相当于very,表示 最、非常的意思,前面不加the ,而用a来替代。还有其他用法,如Make the most of (充分利用)Most every evening(几乎每晚)Most of all (特别是)That really was a most illu

11、min at ing lecture!这是一个非常有启发的演讲。It was a most beautiful sun set. / It was a very beautiful sun set. 非常美的落日。21. 主语+be动词+ the last (名词)to动词原形/that从句最不可能”The last在此句型中表示最不可能”Last还有一些惯用法,女口 the last straw(造成全面崩溃的临界点);the last minute(最后一刻); the last word (定论)。Washing the dog is the last thing that I want

12、 to do.给小狗洗澡是我最不想做的事。He would be the last person to tell a lie.他是最不可能说谎的人。22. The former / the latter前者后者”I eat lots of fish and chicken, but I prefer the latter.我常吃鱼跟鸡肉,但是我比较喜欢鸡肉。Out of the two suggestions, I prefer the latter.在这两项建议里,我偏向后者。23. one thi ng,ano the是一回事又是一回事”用来强调两件事的不同,通常用于强调后者。One ma

13、n s meat is another man人有不同同的爱好。To know is one thing; to teach is quite another.知道是一回事,教又是另一回事。To be con fide nt is one thi ng; to win is ano ther.有信心是一回事,但是赢得比赛又是一回事。24. Some and some / Some and others 一些而另一些”该句型只是分辨两者的不同,没有比较两者优劣的含义。Some stories are interesting and others are corny.有些故事很有趣,有些故事很无聊

14、。三、一句话用两个动作的关键句型25. It occurs to sb to动词原形/that从句某人突然想到某事”Occur to表示想到的意思。It是形式主语,that从句是句子真正的主语。表示突然想到”还有其他的表达,如I have an idea. And idea occurred to me.我有点子了。It suddenly occurred to me that I knew how to answer the question.我突然想到该如何回答这个问题。26. It takes人+时间+ to动词原形“完成某事需要时间”在此句型中,it作形式主语,通常用来表示 to后面所

15、接的动词或动词短语,表示做某事会花费某人多长时间。Spe nd也有花费的意思,可用来指花费金钱和时间,必须用人作主语,后面用动名词。句型:人+spend + money or time + 动名词 / on 名词。It will take about eleven hours to fly from Taipei to Los Angeles.从台北飞到洛杉矶大约需要十一个小时。How long do you spend on your homework ? 你花多少时间在你的家庭作业上?27. It takes/requires动词原形从事某事需要(条件)”此句型中,takes/requires可接某人或条件(时间、金钱等)It takes a lot of time to persuade my father.我花了很长的时间才说服了我的父亲。28. It cost(s) sb +金钱+ to动词原形化金钱做某



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