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1、必修4 Module 5 A trip Along the Three Gorges知识点整理三27.take off(飞机)起飞,其反义词为land“着陆”。Please fasten f:sn your safety belt before we take off.脱下,解(拿)掉,其反义短语为put on“穿上”。Take off your dirty clothes and put on clean ones.(事业)成功,走红,突然大受欢迎The new magazine has really taken off.这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。(匆匆)离开,请假When he saw th

2、e police coming,he took off in the opposite direction.The guest in the red cap took off without saying goodbye.Ive decided to take a few days off from work next week.取消,停止(使用)There is no night-flight to Hong Kong at this time.The service was taken off at the end of this summer.这个时候没有到香港的晚班飞机,这一服务今年夏

3、末就取消了。take along随着携带You have no choice.You have to take along your cat.你别无选择,你必须随身带着你的猫。take on呈现;承担(工作,责任等),雇佣Dont take on any more responsibilities rspnsblti.不要再承担更多的责任了。The boss took on twenty people for his new company.take in 吸收;理解;收容,接纳;欺骗 Fish take in oxygen through their gills(gilll).鱼通过鳃摄取氧

4、气。 It took me a long time to take in what you were saying. The farmer took in the lost travellers for the night.那个农民收留了迷路的游客过夜。She was not easily taken in.take up占据;从事I wont take up any more of your time.我不会再占用你更多的时间。To keep healthy,Professor Johnson take up cycling as a regular form of exercise aft

5、er he retired.为了保持健康,退休后,约翰逊教授开始把骑自行车作为一种固定的锻炼形式。take down拿下;记下Please take down the picture from the walls.请把那些画从墙上取下来。take over接管,接手(尤指从他人手中接手掌管或接收。);接收Im afraid its not possible for you to take over the job.恐怕你不可能接管这项工作。take back取回,带回,收回(说过的话)I take back all I said about his dishonesty. A steamer

6、sti:m calls once a week to take back mail.汽船每周一次来把邮件取走。takefor把误当作At first I took him for a doctor. take apart拆开,拆卸Take the watch apart and see if you can see whats wrong with it. 把手表拆开来看看你能不能检查出什么毛病。take after 长相或举止像 (某个长辈)(不用进行时) Mary really takes after her mother; she has the same eyes,nose and h

7、air. 玛丽真像她妈妈,眼睛、鼻子和头发都一个样。 take away 拿走;拆去;解除,使消失;减去 There is only one thing that people cant take away from you,and that is your wisdom.只有一样东西是别人拿不走的,那就是你的智慧。 They took away the old house and built a new one.他们把老房子拆掉了,建了一栋新的。 This drug should help to take the pain away.这药可以止痛。take sth seriously严肃、认

8、真地对待某事 take a chance冒险,投机takefor granted认为是理所当然的takein ones arms(拥)抱(1)Briggs will_as general manager when Mitchell retires.A.get away B.take over C.set off D.run out(2)Some insects _the color of their surroundings to protect themselves.A.take in B.take off C.take on D.take out(3)Yao Ming,an NBA sup

9、erstar,became the boss of Shanghai basketball team,and is ready to_in the world of basketball.A.take off B.get off C.turn off D.come off(4)They are against the proposal,for it_too much farmland.A.puts up B.takes up C.gives up D.makes up(5)To keep healthy,most retired old people_jogging(jog dg慢跑) as

10、a regular form of exercise.A.take up B.make up C.carry out D.hold out(6) Dont be_by products_to make you look slim quickly.A.taken away;promised B.taken over;promised C.taken out;promising D.taken in;promising(7)Rod loves_clocks.However,he never manages to put them together again.A.taking apart B.gi

11、ving away C.making up D.turning off(8)After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane_her job as a doctor in the countryside.A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up(9)When are you leaving?My plane_at 10:15.A.takes off B.took off C.is about to take off D.will take off(10)Dont_more work than

12、you can do or you will break down.A.take on B.take off C.take over D.take in(11)When I was_the school football team because I was unfit,I knew it was time to quit_.A.taken off ;smoking B.taken up;having smoked C.taken down;to smoke D.taken apart,smoking(12)He will_his post岗位 as the head of the civil

13、 svl人民的,市民的 courts at the end of next nonth.A.take off B.take on C.take up D.take out(13)The piano is so big that it_too much room.A.takes in B.takes on C.takes off D.takes up(14)Green plants are producers since they_sunlight,water and carbon dioxidedaksad 二氧化碳to make sugar.A.take up B.take in C.tak

14、e over D.take on(15)He began to take political science_only when he left school.A.strictly B.truly C.carefully D.seriously(16)Tom tried to find a table for ten,but they were all_(give away,take up).(17)Yao Ming is very famous now.However,his basketball career_only after many years of hard work.A.too

15、k on B.took off C.took up D.took out(18)The meeting has been_ _(取消)。(19)Throughout the week,the boy_most of the work in the managers office.A.took down B.took off C.took in D.took over(20)A right is not something that somebody gives you.It is something that nobody can_.A.take away B.take up C.take over D.take in(21)He didnt_what I said because his mind was on something else.A.hold on


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