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1、初中英语八年级下册(鲁教版)Unit 4 How can we become good learners?Section B 2a2e -评测练习荣成市好运角中学 孙承霞课堂评测练习I. Pre-reading1. Leading-in. Who is the girl?. What do you think of her? 【设计意图】检测学生能否对诗词大会一举成名的武亦姝这一知名人物进行简单的口语交流,以及在口语活动中能否做到语音、语调正确。2.Free talkIn our class, who is the best Chinese learner? who is the best M

2、ath learner? who is the best English learner? Are they born with the ability to learn well?Why do they learn so well?【设计意图】检测学生能否对身边熟悉的学习优秀者这一话题进行简单的口语交流,以及在口语活动中能否做到语音、语调正确。II. While-reading 1. Skimming Main ideaDivide the passage into 3 parts and match the main idea with each part.Part 1Part 2Part

3、 3Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5Paragraph 6It mainly talks about four good habits.Learning is a lifelong journey.Successful learners have some good habits in common.【设计意图】该步骤旨在训练并检测学生的略读技巧,旨在获取文章的大意,不要求学生获取所有细节信息,提高学生的阅读速度,培养学生按意群读的习惯,而不是一字一句的去读,提高阅读速度。2. ScanningTask 1. Di

4、scussingHow to create an interest in learning?【设计意图】让学生带着问题听老师给出事例,不但能提高他们的听力水平,而且更好地捕捉了生词的含义,于无形中了解文章内容,并检测对具体问题的处理能力。Task 2. Read Para 2 and answer the question.Why is it a good idea to connect something you need to learn with something you are interested in?【设计意图】让学生带着问题详读第二段,更好地捕捉详细信息,更深层次了解文章内容

5、,检测对文章的理解程度。Task 3. Read Para3 and answer the question 1. Whats the Chinese translation(汉语意思) for “Use it or lose it” and “Practice makes perfect”?_2. How did Alexander Graham Bell succeed in inventing the telephone?_【设计意图】让学生带着问题详读第三段, 检测学生利用语境猜测词义、根据关键词捕捉详细信息来理解文章难点的能力水平。Task 4. DiscussionWhat can

6、 we learn from him?_【设计意图】问题的设置将课文内容与生活实际联系起来,学生可以更加自如的谈论自己的真实想法,拓展了文章的主题,同时可以评测学生对文本的内涵理解的程度。Task 5. Read Para 4 and fill in the blanks.How to take notes?by _ by _How to review ?by _ by _【设计意图】培养学生的阅读技能,提高学生细读能力,检测对文章的理解程度。Task 6. Please read Para 6 and answer the question.Why is learning a lifelon

7、g journey? _【设计意图】该练习旨在检测学生对文章最后一段的理解程度。III. Post-reading 1. Read out the passage.Ask some students to read out the passage.【设计意图】该练习旨在检测学生的朗读能力,以及在朗读过程中能否做到语音、语调正确。2. Retelling Use your own words to retell the passage according to the mind map.Common habits of successful learnersCreating an _ inwha

8、t they learnPracticingand _ mistakesDevelopingtheir_They _what they need to learn with something_Use it or _it. Practice makes _.They will keep _ and arent afraid of _.Take notes by _key words or by_ mind maps.review by _ their note every day or by _ the information to another studentto another student._and_ questions and try to _ the answers. Knowledge comes from_._ is a lifelongjourney. lets learn_ and learn_ .【设计意图】给学生充分的展示机会,复述文章的主要内容,提高朗读和口语表达能力.3.ThinkDo you think you are a successful learner?What learning habits are useful to you?【设计意图】学生以本文本为出发点,进行发散思维,自由发表自己的见解,检测他们对文章主要内容的掌握情况。


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