2022年高中英语 Module4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2

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1、2022年高中英语 Module4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修2.语境填词1His dream of going abroad was _ (实现) at last.2From the hill we looked down and enjoyed the beautiful _ (景色)3I will go to see air _ (展览) to be held in Beijing where I can see a lot of new models of planes.4If something is _ (现实主义的),it

2、looks very real.5A _ (肖像) is a picture of a person.6The _ (表情) on her face is very friendly.7A _ (水彩画) painting uses a type of paint that is mixed with water.8Such cold weather is quite _ (不平常的). .同义词辨析1用realize或e true的适当形式填空(1)His dream of being an actor _.(2)He _ his dream of being an actor.(3)He

3、didnt _ his mistakes.2用destroy或damage的适当形式填空(1)The houses were _ in the earthquake.(2)The road was badly _ by the flood.(3)The fire _ all my books.完成句子1他们成功地做了这个实验。They _ doing the experiment.2我们盼望有一天参观你们的城市。We are _ visiting your city someday.3我们把这一部分从头再来一遍,并且这次把它做对。Lets take this part back to the

4、beginning and _ this time.4电影已放映五分钟了。The film _ for five minutes.5他们决定把会议推迟到下周。They decided to _ the meeting until next week.6那儿的风景美丽得无法形容。The scenery there was beautiful _.单项填空1Do you have a minute?Ive got something to tell you.OK,_ you make it short.Anow that Bif onlyCas long as Devery time2After

5、two years hard work,his wish has _.Arealised Be trueCbeen e true Dbeen made true3All the students _ to answer the teachers questions.Ain turn Btake turnsCby turns Dtake turn4He acts as if he were a rich man,but in _ he is poor.Areal BrealisticCreality Dreally5Visitors are not allowed to touch the _

6、in the museum.Aexhibit BexhibitionCexhibits Dexhibitor6Shall we go and help them with their work?Wed better not.They said wed just be _ if we tried to help.Ain the way Bby the wayCon the way Doff the way7The expression _ his face suggested that he was angry.Aon Bin Cof Dto8If he finds out that,Im _

7、dead.Aas far as Bas well asCas good as Das fast as9_the newlyprinted novel?Good enough.I like it very much.AWhat do you make ofBHow do you findCWhat do you think ofDAll the above10Theyve had to _ their wedding until September because of an accident.Aput on Bput offCput up Dput down.完形填空Life will be

8、peaceful if you always do kind things.I teach my daughters to develop a habit of _1_ others.The little acts of _2_ give you opportunities to provide service for others.They can make you remember how _3_ it feels to be kind and helpful.We _4_ in a rural (乡村的) area.Most of what we _5_ is beautiful nat

9、ure.One of the exceptions to the _6_ is the rubbish that some people throw out of their car windows as they drive along the rural roads.One of the few _7_ of living there is the lack (缺少) of _8_ public services,such as rubbish collection,which is mon in the _9_.A helping behavior that I practise reg

10、ularly with my daughters is _10_ rubbish in our neighborhood.My daughters often have a match to see who can collect the most rubbish.They will often say to me in a(n) _11_ voice, “Theres some rubbish,Daddy_12_ the car!” And if we have time,we will often get out of our car and pick it up._13_ it may

11、seem strange,we do it.In fact,we _14_it.We pick up rubbish in parks,on sidewalks,almost anywhere.One day I saw a stranger picking up rubbish on the road.I stopped.He _15_ his head and smiled,“I saw you doing this with your family.Its a good _16_ to protect our environment.”There are many other ways

12、to _17_ kindness for others.You may share a dinner with a beggar,visit _18_ old people in the nursing home,or help the blind _19_ the street.You can think of something that can be finished _20_ but helpful.It is fun,selfsatisfying,and whats more,it can set a good example.Helping others is helping yo

13、urself.1A.watchingBwelingChelpingDteaching2A.kindnessBpeaceCcarefulnessDinterest3A.sadBunusualCeasyDgreat4A.workBliveCtravelDstay5A.seeBdreamCneedDdevelop6A.environmentBbeautyCareaDweather7A.favoritesBdisadvantagesCwishesDanswers8AfortableBmodernCnecessaryDexcellent9A.cityBvillageCskyDstreet10A.looking forBpicking upCtaking awayDlaughing at11A.surprisedBtiredCexcitedDangry12A.speedBstartCmoveDstop13A.AlthoughBButCAndDSince14A.enjoyBexperienceCforgetDunderstand15A.coveredBloweredCshookDraised16A.sportBideaCresultDquestion17A.provide


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