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1、人教版新起点小学英语三年级起四年级上册教师姓名曾小娟学校双流区黄甲小学教学年级四年级课题名称Module 7 Unit2 There are twelve boys on the bike.教学设计思路本单元的教学内容是对上一单元的巩固和拓展。教学内容从听、说、读等几个方面进一步加深学生对前一单元的理解,让学生理解,区分重难点句型:There is . 和 There are.,并提升学生对该重难点句型的运用。在学习课本知识的同时,延伸到我们生活中来,结合生活实际对重难点句型进行巩固和操练,并作出情感教育!教学目标知识目标:1、 听、说、认读单词:fruit, bear,chicken,pig

2、。2、 认读句型:There are. .3、区分:There is. . 和 There are. .能力目标:1、能够听懂、认读重点词汇。2、能够运用: There is. 和 There are. 描述图片内容。情感态度目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、敢于描述图片内容。培养学生善于观察、热爱生活的情感。在鼓励性评价中树立信心,在教学中渗透学生学习习惯的养成教育。教学重难点教学重难点:重点:单词 fruit, bear, chicken, pig. 句子 There are. 难点:There 的 th 的发音。There is . 和 There are . 的区分教学对象分析

3、:四年级的学生还处于好动,喜欢游戏,乐于参与和表演,所以这一节课创设有趣的情境,让学生在情境中学习,更有利于孩子对本课知识的学习。多种教学手段交替使用,尽量利用实物、图片以及课件等直观教具进行教学,使学生始终处于新鲜、求知欲旺盛、学习情绪高涨的氛围之中。教学准备物质准备:单词卡片,音频,PPT, 视频,人物头饰,若干小贴图知识准备:复习巩固一单元,预习二单元。教法与学法在教学中,运用图片、实物,多媒体等作道具,创设情景场面进行情趣操练。让学生在欢乐、活跃的氛围中,产生轻松、快乐、自信的感觉,从而激发学习热情,培养学习兴趣。情景教学法、多媒体教学法、全身动作反应法、游戏辅助法等。教学过程和意图教

4、学步骤1. Greeting2. Sing a song“ Three green parrots”3. ReviewOur old friends are watching a funny show.Lets watch together.1. Watch and answer.What can you see?2. Watch and repeat.3. Emotion educationIts very interesting. But its dangerous.Do not imitate.Lingling, Amy, Sam, they are watching the show.

5、 How about Daming?Lets have a look!Oh! He is going to make a poster. And he wants to choose some photos. Lets watch.1. Watch and answer.How many photos are there?2. Look and say.3. Look, guess and say.4. Read and talk.5. Look and discuss.6. Listen and circle “ There are.”7. Listen and repeat.8. Rete

6、ll1) Retell together2) Work in four3) Choose photos to retell.One photo= one sweet We know Daming wants to make a poster. And Miss Zeng wants too. There are some photos. Can you help me to talk about them?Look and say. Use “ There are .” to talk about these photos.Boys and girls. Are you tired?Now l

7、ets go to the park.Look, do you know where it is?Its Tanghu Park.1.Look and say.There are .Just now we went to the Tanghu Park. You saw lots of interesting things in the park. Now lets make a poster like Daming and Miss Zeng. 2.Make a poster.一、 Warm up二、 Lead-in三、 Presentation四、 Consolidation五、Extension六、Emotion education板书Life is pretty. Cherish it everyday.Module 7 Unit 2There are twelve boys on the bike.Daming panda eating fruit.There is a in the photo. Its bear eating sweets. 3 chickens eating rice.There are in the photo. Theyre 12 pigs eating fruit and vegetables.



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