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1、 幼儿园六一儿童节英语主持词幼儿园六一儿童节主持词敬重的各位教师,各位家长亲爱的小朋友们大家上午好! Kindergarten children”s Day presided over the word dear teachers, dear parents my dear little friends good morning! 首先感谢亲爱的家长朋友们在百忙之中来参与我园的六一活动,我代表创新幼儿园全体教师和小朋友欢送你们的到来今日,我们又迎来了新的一天看,教室里,会场上,活泼的是我们孩童的天真听,阳光下,绿荫里,收集的是我们童年的欢乐看到小朋友们在幼儿园教师和家长的细心呵护和关爱下健壮成

2、长,我们由衷地为他们感到快乐!在大家的关怀和支持下,我们幼儿园和小朋友们一起成长、 一起进步,同时我们在这里也很快就要迎来了小朋友的节日-六一 国际儿童节!六月,是童年的摇篮,六月,是童年的幻想,六月,是哺育我们的沃土,六月,更是照射我们的太阳。六月更有一个小朋友们最喜爱的节日。在这欢快的日子里,让我们共同祝福全世界的小朋友们节日欢乐!我们的欢乐不仅是教师的期望,同时也是爸爸妈妈的期望。今日上午,我们的小朋友们将会用最美的歌舞给自己送上最真心的祝愿。 First of all thank dear parents and friends in his busy schedule to part

3、icipate in my garden six one activities, I welcome you today on behalf of innovation of kindergarten teachers and children, we have ushered in a new day, the classroom, meeting, lively is our children”s day really listen, the sun, the shade, collection of our childhood laugh to see the children grow

4、 sturdily in the kindergarten teachers and parents care and love, we sincerely happy for them! In all the concern and support, our kindergarten and children grow up together, make progress together, at the same time, we here also will soon usher in the children”s Festival - the international childre

5、n”s day! In June, is the cradle of childhood, is the childhood dreams, in June, June, is raising our fertile soil, June, our sun is shining. In June more than a little friends like festival. In this happy day, let us wish the world happy kids festival! Our happiness is not only a teacher”s expectati

6、ons, but also the expectations of parents. This morning, our kids will be the most beautiful song and dance to send their most sincere blessing. 现在我宣布创新幼儿园“庆六一“汇报演出 正式开头为了使我们的六一更丰富,更精彩,我们今年同样为大家预备了很多精彩的节目,大家拭目以待吧!首先,为大家带来的是小班的小得意们给我们预备的特别好玩的舞蹈看电视 Now I declare the innovation of Kindergarten “Qing si

7、x one“ report began to perform in order to make our six one richer, more exciting, this year we also prepared for you a lot of wonderful programs, we rub one”s eyes and wait! First of all, for everyone to bring the small lovely are ready to give us very interesting dance “watch TV“ 狗狗乐园 “The dog par

8、k“ 再这样欢快的日子里,连小狗狗也来凑喧闹了,小朋友们,喜爱不喜爱小狗狗呢? This happy days, even the little dogs also laicourenao, kids, like it or not the little dog? 教师也喜爱,小狗是人类最真实的朋友,现在让我们一起跟着小朋友们们来到狗狗乐园里去看一看吧,掌声有请小班的小朋友们哎呀呀 The teacher also like, dog is the human most real friends, now let us follow the children who came to “dog

9、park“ to look at it, please welcome the small kids “ah“ 一首哎呀呀,信任大家肯定很喜爱!有请中班的小朋友们! A well, I believe we must be very loving! Please middle-class kids! 牛奶歌 “Milk.“ 小朋友们,喜不喜爱喝牛奶?要多喝牛奶,能补充大量的钙,可以长的又高又帅又美丽,还可以变白哦!接下来中班的小朋友们要为大家表演一个关于牛奶的舞蹈牛奶歌。超级得意,有请中班的小朋友们! Little friends, love or not love to drink milk

10、? Like to drink milk, can add a lot of calcium, can grow tall and handsome and beautiful, can also be white oh! The next class the kids want to perform a dance song about milk “milk“ for everyone. Super cute, please middle-class kids! 我爱洗澡 “I love to take a shower“ 我始终想问大家一个问题:大家会自己洗澡吗?夏天到了,小蚊子多,又简单

11、出汗,小朋友们肯定要勤洗手,勤洗澡,才会变成洁净的香喷喷的宝宝,接下来让得意的宝宝来教教我们怎样洗澡吧,请观赏一首特别欢快的歌舞蹈我爱洗澡,大家掌声欢送! I have always wanted to ask you a question: you will take a shower? Summer arrived, small mosquitoes, and easy to sweat, the children must wash their hands, often take a shower, will become clean and delicious baby, let ba

12、by to teach us how to take a shower, please enjoy a very happy song and dance “I love take a shower“, everybody applause welcome! 青蛙我 “My biggest“ Frog 感谢各位家长的乐观参加,请大家宁静,接下来还有更精彩的表演。这不,我们得意的青蛙宝宝也来凑喧闹了,他们甜蜜的笑容告知我们:他们是安康,欢乐,英勇,自信的。不信我们来瞧一瞧吧。请观赏大班宝宝为我们带来的舞蹈青蛙最宏大 Thank you to participate actively in the

13、 parents, please calm down, then there are more wonderful performance. This does not, our lovely baby frogs also laicourenao, their sweet smile tells us: they are healthy, happy, brave, confident. Do not believe we get a look at it. Please enjoy the large class of children bring us a dance “the grea

14、test“ Frog 嘻唰唰 “Shua Shua“ 今日的演出到现在进展了半个多小时,在座的每一个小朋友仔细看表演,遵守纪律,你们每一个小朋友都是最棒的!也给自己鼓鼓掌吧,下一个节目就要上场,一首动感的嘻唰唰送给大家,掌声有请大班的小朋友们! The performance today to now for half an hour, every little friends present serious look at performance, discipline, each one of you kids are the best! Give yourself a round of

15、applause, the next program will play, a dynamic “Shua Shua“ gave everyone, welcome large classes of children! 大家一起喜洋洋 “Everyone,“ 今日,每个小朋友的脸上都喜气洋洋,好了,小朋友们,带上你们绚烂的笑脸,带上你们耳朵幻想,跟我一起,向欢乐动身,请观赏大家一起喜洋洋,有请苗苗班的小朋友踏浪 Today, every child”s face will be bursting with happiness, okay, kids, with your bright smiling face, with your ears dream, together with me, happy to leave, please enjoy the “big crazy“, please Miao Miaoban little friend “tide“ 一群活泼得意的小天使们踏浪而来,朵朵雪白的浪花在欢歌舞蹈,请观赏苗苗班的小朋友们带来的舞蹈踏浪



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