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1、ODE Cao storiePar:Tacngdsign第一部分 教学设计FucinTalibocaroonstrie and heoestructreReriti attributivclausewith ho, hich and tatListein/Speing nngfospcificinformation Talkin aout carton an sayin hy you lke tm Reading/Writg acig odsith cartoon charaters Doia suveyanwritng about h etron the worldCassicAmerica

2、n cartoon: Btman & SdermanTakMkinga caroon toryUnit ned someoeikeSuperman who an sa oy. Wam upby gettng t ow abotcatoo. elo, class. ooat pcture Wt is tatRht It i acarton. Wha is acrtoonthenA catoon is a rwin nhicheatures f thesbjec aeexagerte andstylze, usul in humos y. nanimatedmovi,cpo o may drawn

3、g, s aso omtimes cled a crton.Caroonmay depihumans, bu any als epit nal, monsters, no-lving objet gen humn-le aracertics, uch as human eotinsad te bilityto sea.iten andreadOn page72 the ox isa onverationamog Lingling, Dmng, Jack andBett.The aetaking abut caroons. Beor w lsten t t, lets go o o read t

4、 fir. While readg, try t: u thesennce nt thought groups, tudy prdcati, darkentheonectvs and underliealte usef pressios(阅读过程中,断开意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)Usfl ersions (有用的短语搭配)a caron sor, iagie everyrwin in he caon, hae ots ofjokes,o lauhig mattr, mae luh,ovthere, hae awrd with, gtn, oo news, g over,pe

5、ako, in dep rouble, ae aphto, se thefla, a sat iea, ahappyending Findrtictve attibutiv cause with who,which nd ta.Nw goover h coveraio agan o id rstci attriuti lause wth wh, wic and that 1. Ths int oneooscartonswhich make yo laugh.2. We nee someone who an avTny .3. Ivegota caerhhsgoth nmen i. Itws u

6、pti4. We, it may notbe vefunny, but perhps illbe acarton whch as a hapy endin.Nw akesennes simiat the oneshicu ound t now.5. hiintneothose streswhic maeou tnk hrd6. We nee smen hcarun fat than To .7. Iv got a bok wich hasothi ame n it. Th bokaood8. W,it ma no be ey intrestin, bt prhap l e a fim whi

7、a ad ening.Tal s hy do. (仿说)No grop ty oay soething boToy, his dicionary nd flms. Yosall tl as tey alked jusnow t on th oeratin.Work nroupsoffr t acout thconvtin onpage2 and the oe you mde jut now.Cosedown by asking and answerngconvaton uestiosabo movs.1. What your are ove2. Aetheeany kids of moves

8、youdisl3. Have ou everseen thesam momoretanonce4. hat do ou thik o people who talk durnmvis at a movi tatr 5. Wht is te betoie you haveever seen6. Whatis the worst oe youve eversen7. ht waste last oviyou saw8. hih o you ik bete, tio ovies or medy movis 9. What vie star old yo motie t meet 10. o much

9、 doe it st tosee a mv in your countr Uit 2 Ther ae sevralfnclus in hia wich hve held bhay rtieor Tintin Wrmubylearig about Nemo andShrek.Hello, veone. Have you see he toonove ced inding emave you everhard of Nemo Wll it is a cownfsh frm move calFindng Neo o gts ls nthe ocanaround ustrala. Hisather,

10、Mrli, and rlns newfriend, Doryrelooingor evetaly foudToknow mre abotcatoon moviees gotopa 74study e te entidCrtoneros.Rad te pasage. Onpage 4 isanarcle cartoon heroesNo starting it il reaig, try o: cut/ sentence to thoughtgous,study te pedcatve,rken cnecties and derlie allte useulexpresions (

11、阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)Ul exressios(有用的短语搭配)acutorangeandwhitfih,uereen monster, win te as o, all over, h hereof, ppar caro are evywhere,on offce esk, cartoon fvrts,th ctoon of theMne Kig, hav ones 0th ithy,be called,Haoc in Heave, tll th story f, lead a roup oagaint thlf, fly t, a pea arde

12、n, ea as many ahe ike, mke amess, i ach roomiheave, abveal,pla okes,becom a commn expression, eus by,return o,see mess,nther favurite, cebat an imporant birthday,areportethre airaa smal wite og, travel to, he surfae of theon, be opularfor, evrsice, iened i, be tranaed o, sell 20 mllinoes, Decebe18, th whe serieof, kep olction o, the lacand-hit book, serl fa


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