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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room课题名称Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Period 3 (Section B 1a-1e)新授课三维目标1.学习词汇 invite my friends to ,buy some drinks and ,snacks, borrow some money r, teenager disagree2.掌握句型 .Could you please buy some drink and snacks? Sure. / Yes, I can.Could I borrow x

2、ome money? Yes, you can. Sorry, you cant.重点目标目标1、2难点目标综合的运用单元的目标语针对实际情景解决问题导入示标通过接龙的游戏复习词汇和重点句型,进而将本节课的三维目标呈现出来。目标三导学做思一:游戏. 学生两人一组,代表所在的大组, 相对而立, 老师展示课前准备好卡片,卡片上写着动词词组, 一学生表演动作,另一学生在十秒内猜测词组, ,根据猜对的词组个数,评出挑战成功的组. 这个游戏的目的是复习所学的动词短语.打好脚手架架. sweep the floor, fold the clothes, clean the floor, cook, mak

3、e the bed, buy some drinks and snacks, take out the trash, wash the car, invite your friends to 等, 学做思二:1. Discussion(在屏幕上展示出刚才的动词短语) .,1) 1a What can teenagers ask their parents to do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? 学习用I agree/ disagree 表示自己的观点.T: Come to the front , talk about your ide

4、as.(.这个任务地目标运用词汇进行表达, 同时渗透了对学生爱的教育,爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动.)A:I think teenagers B:I agree./ I dont agree(disagree). I think 2). Sallys weekend.Ask: What chores does Sally do on weekends? What do you think of Sally? Then Show some photos of Sally.2. A gamedo homework firstPractice with“Could you please?”“Could I

5、 ?”将课前准备的双色卡片(如:红/蓝)分发给学生,卡片以字母编号,同一编号的有两张,上面有简笔画,规定获得红色卡片的学生先发问,根据卡片上的简笔画回答。Example: A 。 A 。A: Could you please clean the floor?A2: Sure! But I have to do my homework first.RMB2000 borrow.!B: Could I have a digital camera?B: Sorry, you cant. Its too dear.OrB: Could I borrow some money from you? I w

6、ant to buy a camera. Its 2000RMB. B: Sorry, I dont have so much money.3. Listening.1) 2a Listen and check the things you hear.2) 2b Listen again., and fill in the chart.What is Sandys mother going to do ? What is Sandy going to do?What are Sandy and Dave going to do?3) Listen to Happy birthday song.

7、 学做思三:1. Group work. Make a telephone invitation and ask for help. (小组继续比赛) If you are sandy, you want to invite you good friends to come to you party, and you need their help, too. Make a list of things you want to buy and to do first, then discuss in group, act it out.让学生进行评价.评出有特色的“最佳表演”“最佳创意”“最”

8、小组,给予奖励。2总结本课的target language.3Homework.Invite your friends to have a picnic with you, and ask for their help to prepare for the picnic. make a conversation. 达标检测根据中文完成下列句子。1. 我打算主持英语晚会。Imgoing_oftheEnglishevening.2. 我希望我能飞到月球上去。I_I_totheMoon.3.你英语为什么讲得这样好,因为我经常练习说。Why_you_English_?BecauseIoften_It.

9、3. 如果你能少睡多运动,你就会更健康。Ifyou_and_,Youllbe_.4. 他们经常散发传单叫人们不要吸烟。Theyoften_toaskpeoplenottosmoke.反思总结如何激发学生的兴趣, 使他们主动积极地参与活动,开展合作学习, 使课堂充满活力,使设计的每个任务产生实效, 这是任务型教学中的首要问题. 本节课开展小组竞赛, 任务链为:游戏热身( 巩固词汇), 讨论(学习运用句型), 表演(综合运用)等活动, 逐步递进, 从简到难, 从谈论Sally 的周末, 到谈自己一周里所干的家务,电话邀请和请求帮助 ,都是来自现实生活的话题, 极具真实性. 为学生综合表达提供了丰富的素材.让学深入、让学生参与过程的评价体现了以学生为主体的原则。课后练习1.他们举办慈善活动目的为希望工程募捐。Theyreorganizinga_to_for_.2.我代替她去的。Iwent_.3.春蕾计划是帮助贫困地区失学女童重返校园的。_helpspooryounggirls_school.4.我们选举Daniel为主持人。We_Daniel_the_.3


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