One and a half+名词复数.doc

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《One and a half+名词复数.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《One and a half+名词复数.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、数词作主语时主谓一致的特殊情况 主谓语的一致关系通常遵循三个原则,即语法一致的原则,概念一致和就近一致。关于数词(包括表示数量的其他词)或带有数词的词组作主语时,如何应用上述三原则,各类语法书均有说明,这里只谈谈一些特殊情况。一基数词+名词当基数词加名词表示时间,距离,价值或其他度量时,通常把它作为整体。谓语动词遵循概念一致原则用单数。但是,有时也可看作多个个体,谓语动词根据语法一致原则用复数。例如:1)The past four weeks have been the driest in the countrys history.2)There were three quarts of mi

2、ld in the refrigerator.二One and a half+名词复数英语“一个半”可以写成“one and a half+名词复数”或“a+名词单数+and a half”. 两种形式中名词的数虽然不同,但谓语动词通常都是用单数。例如:1)One and a half months has escaped.2)A month and a half has elapsed since our last meeting.三One in, one out of , one of 等引导的词组英语“若干分之一”常可写成“One in+数词”,“one out of+数词”或“one

3、of+数词”,作主语时谓语动词一般用单数。例如:1)The survey report says that one out of twenty machines is in need of repair.2)Only one out of five is in operation.但是,在非正式文体中,也有用复数的,因为说话人所指实际上是不止one.例如:3)It is estimated that every one in eleven men over sixty suffer from heart failure. 四数字式子用文字表达数字式子时,谓语动词通常用单数。但是当“加”用and

4、 , “乘”用times表达时,谓语动词也可用复数。例如:1)Two and two makes four.2)Ten times six are sixty.又当用“基数词+基数词复数”的形式表达两数相乘时,位于动词遵循语法一致原则用复数。例如:3)Five fours are twenty.五表示不定数量的词语1. many aMany a 虽然作“许多”解,但它后面的名词习惯上用单数。谓语动词也遵循语法一致原则用单数。例如:1)Many a boy learns to swim before he can read.2)Many a ship has been wrecked on th

5、ose rocks.甚至当主语是两个由and连接的单数名词时,谓语动词仍用单数。例如:3)Many a man and woman comes and goes.2. more than onemore than one 从概念上看似乎是复数,但它后面习惯上用单数名词,谓语动词遵循语法一致原则用单数。例如:1)There is more than one answer to the last question.2)More than one example is necessary to make the students understand this rule clearly.如果more

6、 than one后面不跟名词,则当重音在more上时,谓语动词用复数;当重音在one上时,谓语动词用单数。这一点在口语中体现。但是,当名词不在one之后,而在more之后时(即more+名词复数+than one),名词用复数,谓语动词遵循语法一致原则也要用复数。例如:3)More persons than one have been executed by the firing squad.六One or two+名词复数一般遵循就近原则,谓语动词用复数。例如:1)One or two examples have to be given.2)There are one or two things Id like to know about.


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