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1、江苏省白塔高级中学 孔婷教学题目: 牛津高中英语 模块2 Unit2 Wish you were here板块 : Word power教案背景及教材分析:本节课是一节词汇教学课。大部分教师只注重对Reading和语法的讲解,而对于Word power部分,很多教师一带而过,甚至有的教师忽略不教,忽视了Word power部分的课程安排的重要意义:扩大学生的词汇量,学习各种词汇学习技巧。所以,针对词汇教学的重要性,本人认为词汇教学也应当遵循 “有层次”并兼顾“知、情、意”的原则。首先,“有层次”是指词汇教学应努力遵循认知规律,按照学生温故知新 探索新知识 使用新知识巩固新知识的客观规律进行教学

2、。其次,兼顾“知、情、意”是指词汇教学要有:知词汇知识、学习策略以及词汇所蕴含的文化知识的输入;情师生间的情感互动、学生的情感融入与兴趣的激发、以及情感体验的过程;意人文精神和人生意义的体悟与提升。因此, 从学生的生活体验出发,自然地引入需要教授的一部分词汇。然后利用教材本身提供的语篇材料,引导学生关注使用这些词汇的真实语境。在语篇阅读状态下,帮助学生加深了对它们的印象,并学会词汇分类记忆的方法。学生识记这些词汇后,需要在新的语境中学会运用。教材第二十七页上提供了很好的语篇材料,教会学生词汇学习的又一个重要方法:即不孤立地记忆或使用词汇。在学生就相关话题讨论之后,鼓励他们完成一篇写作,是对所学

3、词汇更富创造力的使用,让学生能从这一活动中体验创作的乐趣和成就感教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握 Word power 出现的词汇。2. 能力目标:学生能够在适当的语境中灵活的应用所学词汇。3. 情感目标:学生能够把这些词汇应用在自己的生活中。教学方法:1 全班被分成六个小组,以讨论的形式,合作探究参与教学活动,并由小组代表展示小组成果。教师在适当的时间和环节进行精讲点拨。2. 教学工具:多媒体课件和学生的教学案。Teaching procedures:Step1 Revision of Reading Before class they finish the task and disc

4、uss their answers, each group white their answers on the blackboard. Then check each other and explain the reasons.一 在下列句子的空白处填写能使句子在语法和意思上都正确的单词。1. It seems as if it is a long time since somebody lived in the house, for the furniture(家具) is d_.2. He is always making a noise while eating, which make

5、s feel u_.3. With a spirit of _( 冒险) ,nowadays many people travel to places which have been seldom visited before.4. Their words _( 恐吓 ) me out of my travel plan.5. He wears a special suit for _( 保护 ) 二 完成句子1-_ _ _(绝不) shall we allow anybody to shoot elephants.2. The wife _(正盼着) hearing from her hus

6、band.3. I always take something to read when I go to the doctors _ _(以防) I have to visit.4 When I saw her _(靠近地),I realized she wasnt Mei Lin.5. _(虽然) they loved each other , they decided to part. Explanation首先,先对上两节课Reading板块所学内容进行复习。设计了二个练习,即重点单词填空、翻译句子,分别复习词汇和句子结构,同时旨在提醒学生养成认真复习的好习惯。其次,让学生讨论、展示、讲

7、解,充分发挥学生的自主探究、合作的学习方法。Step2 Lead-in 分层次问题学习(A)(Discussion)Let students discuss the question in pairs, then let some present their traveling experiences.Q : Have you ever been to any of those places? Tell us about your traveling experiences.Explanation利用幻灯片展示几幅学生熟悉的旅游景点,让学生讨论起来,不仅使课堂气氛活跃起来,而且,通过学生讲述自

8、己的经历来练习口语和听力。同时,为引起下节内容做好铺垫。Step2 Discussion 分层次问题学习(A)( Discussion and presenting)1 .Suppose you want to plan a holiday with your family, what kind of things will you plan to take? Let students discuss in groups and one in each team write answers on the blackboards.2 Give students a few minutes to

9、remember items, Then Show some pictures about items on holiday goods. Let students try to say their names quickly without being asked. Explanation通过“头脑风暴”的形式,让学生列举尽可能多的相关单词,既拓展学生词汇,又能激发学生兴趣。Step3 Reading 分层次问题学习(B)(Discussion and presenting)Let students read the passage in part A and fill in the for

10、m. The items Colin wants to take on his holiday What to takeWhy to take themtent sleeping bagFor white-water raftingpan food ( chocolate )bootsTo cook foodTo keep warm.Do you think Colin has made good preparations for his travels?what suggestions would you give him?Explanation利用本板块提供的语篇材料,设计一些问题,学生需

11、要用这些物品英文名称来回答,同时也引导学生关注使用这些名词的真实语境。在语篇阅读状态下,学生加深了对它们的印象,并学会词汇分类记忆的方法。Step4 Reading and completing Part C.分层次问题检(A)(Discussion and presenting) Give students 3-4 minutes to finish them by themselves, then discuss in groups and fix difficulties if necessary. Some of them write their answers on the blac

12、kboard. Check their answers by group. The teacher show answers using PPT and explain if necessary. Hi Colin,Im glad to hear that you are going to have so many adventures in Africa. You must be very excited! You will need strong (1) _ because you are going to walk a lot. Take a (2) _ as well, because

13、 you will get wet when you go white-water rafting. Equipment is also very important. Im sure you will take your (3) _ and (4) _ for camping in the desert, but dont forget small things, such as waterproof matches, which you may need to make a fire. Also take a (5) _ of all the places you will visit a

14、nd a (6) _ so you dont lose your way. A (7) _ and some (8) _ are also useful when it gets dark. Of course, you will take some food, such as biscuits and chocolate. You can find water in the open air, but remember to boil it before drinking. Oh, I really forgot about the (9) _! Take as many pictures

15、as you can and show them to me when you are back . The last and most important piece of equipment is your first-aid kit in case you become ill. You can also take a (10) _to cut food or anything else when needed.Best wishes,Jennifer Explanation记住这些新词汇后,需要学生在新的语境中学会运用。教材第七页上提供了很好的语篇材料,教会学生词汇学习的又一个重要方法,即不孤立地记忆或使用词汇。此时,并不要求学生会默写这些词,只要在阅读理解的过程中,根据上下文含义的需要能够填入相应的单词即可。就算个别词不会写也不要紧,可以参考第6页。能在语篇中使用词汇的能力比只会默写高级得多,对学生的阅读理解的能


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