精通版小学英语五年级下册Lesson 34 教学设计.docx

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1、精通版小学英语五年级下册Lesson 34 教学设计教学目标:Knowledge Aim : 能够听说、认读句型:What are you doing? We re playing ping- pong.Ability Aim : 引导学生从整体上感知、模仿、学习和体验语言,学会交流运动,在创设的真实情景中进行简单交流。Emotional Aim : 引导学生多做运动,爱上运动,从而保持健康的体魄。重点难点:1. 能够听、说、认读本课的目标语言。2. 能够在真实情境中灵活运用这些功能语句进行交际。教具准备:电脑、图片、PPT课件、教材配套光盘教学过程:Step 1: Warm-up1. Tea

2、cher draws some pictures, let the students say: What is he/ she doing?T: Look, children! There are many small pictures on the computer . Look at the flash and tell me what they are doing.OK, the first one . What is he doing? S1: He is playing football . T:Good . And the next one. Oh , its a girl. Wh

3、at is she doing ? Who can tell me ? You please. S2: She is playing volleyball . T: Good job . Look at this picture . And tell me , what is the boy doing ? S3: He is playing the guitar. T: Excellent . And pay attention to these phrases some phrases have “the” , but some not . Why ? Who can tell us ?

4、Nice , you please . S:在表示运动的名词前不加the ,西洋乐器前面加the ,中国传统乐器前面不加the。T:Well done . (目的:通过复习导入,温故知新,复习了运动类短语和乐器类短语的区别。)Step Two : Presentation 1、(信息提示音)T:What happened ? S: Maybe a new message . T :Lets have a look at the new message . Wow , my friend Li Yan sent me a short film from her school . Ill show

5、 you all . (播放运动会视频)T: What are they doing ? Ss: They are having a sports meeting . T:They are having a sports meeting . As we all know , our sports meeting is coming . We have many kinds of competition . But it is not enough , IF you are the judgment , which sports do you want to add in this sports

6、 meeting ? S1: football S2:volleyball S3: rugby .(目的:通过视频导入新课,学生观看运动会的视频回答教师的问题,复习了现在进行时,又引出了下一个情境,我们自己的运动会需要增加新项目,如果你是评委,你想增加什么项目,引出新短语的学习。)2、 T : Good job . If I am the judgment , what sports do I want to add . Lets look at the whiteboard .The first one , what is it ? (通过希沃白板的英汉词典和四线三格功能学习新单词和短语,教

7、师领读,学生跟读,之后学生一个个的读,最后练习拼写,教师板书。) 3、 OK ,now we have learn all the new words and phrases , try to write on your exercise book Ill give you a few minutes ,and after that ,ask some students to come to the front to show your achievement .(目的:教师板书过后,学生亲自练习书写,更好的巩固了新单词,并且联系了单词在四线三格中的书写方式。)4、 Well ,now let

8、s have a competition ,who wants to come to the front to finish it ? Good ,you please and this girl . Ready ? Go ! (目的:通过分组竞争的方式,巩固所学短语,同时分类练习使学生们更加清楚运动类短语和乐器类短语的区别。)Step Three :Practice1、 First , lets look at some pictures . Li Yan and Gao Wei are the journalists of their school . They took some pic

9、tures for their sports meeting . But something was wrong with their photos , they can only find half of these pictures . Do some guessing practise and help them to find the other part of these pictures . (目的:通过设置帮助李艳和高伟找照片的情景,猜测照片内容复习现在进行时的正确用法。)2、 Lets act like them . The teacher ask some students

10、to come to the front to act one kind of sports . The whole class guess what is he (she ) doing . (目的:通过游戏的形式,激发学生的学习兴趣。)3、 T :Ill introduce some new friends for you .Look at the whiteboard . Who are they ? Ss: Miss Liu . Mr Zhang . Mr Liu . Mrs Qi . T: Well , They are the judement of our sports meet

11、ing . Are you ready ?Our sports meeting is coming . Who want to be the journalist to interview the sportsmen ,audiences and judements ? Good , work in groups and make a dialogue about your interview . After a few minutes , Ill ask some groups to show your achievements . (目的:学生进行角色扮演,自编对话,既与本课的情境紧密相连

12、,又巩固了本课的重点句型现在进行时。)Step Four : Summary1、 Lets watch a short film and think of the whole class , what did you know from this lesson ?(学生观看燃情运动短片,了解运动的真谛,得出结论:生命在于运动,得到了情感的升华。)Step Five : Homework1、 Talk about what are the students doing during the sports meeting .2、 Do more exercise .Blackboardplay badminton play tennis play ping-pong play baseball


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