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1、英语主题班会阳江中心小学 钱小菊一、活动目标1通过本次英语活动让学生增加一些英语课外知识。2用歌曲、讲故事、说话等培养学生各方面的能力,以及培养他们英语的兴趣。二、活动准备1、让学生布置教室。2、每位学生准备英语节目,几位学生充分准备小短剧Little duck.并准备道具。三、活动过程主持人(甲):本周我们学校举行了英语周的一系列活动。主持人(乙):今天我们利用这个时间上一节有关英语的主题活动,同学们你们准备好了吗?主持人(甲):Boys and girls, do you like English? And why? 如果不喜欢的要说说为什么不喜欢?请几位同学说说。主持人(乙):同学们说的

2、真好,希望不喜欢英语的同学们能找到原因,培养一些对英语的兴趣。主持人(甲):Next, 同学们接下来看看你们准备的节目吧。 请几位同学表演节目。 主持人(乙):Great/Ok. 同学们表演的很精彩。下面我们来听个英语小故事吧。 杨琴琴同学讲英语小故事。主持人(甲):同学们你们听懂了吗?谁来说说故事情节。 请一位同学说。主持人(乙):Good, next 我们来看一段小短剧Little duck.表演者孙贝贝,孙俊, 徐健。 学生表演小短剧 (材料)One sunny Sunday morning, Little Duck went to visit his grandma. On his w

3、ay, he met Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat, who were both in trouble. Little Duck was very kind, and he helped them. So everybody had a good day. 剧中角色:Little Duck, Mr. Cat, Mr. Goat(星期天,小鸭子在睡觉。电话铃响了。Little Duck: Hello, this is Little Duck speaking. Whos that? Oh, dear Grandma. Yes, Im fine. I miss you very muc

4、h. Ill come to visit you this morning. Good bye.Little Duck: Wow! What a sunny day! Im going to visit my grandma. 本文来自策吧网, (猫先生正在河边捉鱼。但是他总是抓不到。) Little Duck: Good morning, Mr. Cat. How are you? Mr. Cat: Fine. Thank you, and you? Little Duck: Im fine, too. What are you doing?Mr. Cat: Im catching fish

5、! Look! Its a big fish! But I cant catch it!Little Duck: Dont worry. Let me help you. (小鸭子跳入河里,帮猫先生捉到了鱼。) Little Duck: Here you are. Have a good meal. Mr. Cat: Thank you. Its so kind of you.Little Duck: My pleasure.(抬头看看天色)I have to go now. Mr. Goat: Help! Help! Little Duck: Whos crying? Mr. Cat: I

6、dont know. Little Duck: Lets go and see. Mr. Cat: All right. (小鸭子和猫先生一起四处寻找。) Mr. Cat: Here! Its Mr. Goat! Little Duck: Whats wrong with you, Mr. Goat? Mr. Goat: I was running while singing. But I ran too fast and fell down. My leg is broken. I cant stand up. Little Duck: Dont worry. Let me help you

7、. Mr. Cat, can you do me a favor? Mr. Cat: Sure. (他们把山羊先生扶起来。然后一起送山羊先生回了家。) Mr. Goat: Thank you very much. Little Duck: Its alright. Oh, its too late. I have to go now. Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Where are you going? Little Duck: Im going to visit my grandma. Mr. Cat and Mr. Goat: Thank you for helping us.Little Duck: Its my pleasure. 主持人(甲)真精彩,Little duck is very kind.主持人(乙)下面让我们放松一下才几个英语谜语吧。 准备的同学说谜语。主持人(甲)Youre so clever.四、老师总结 You all have a good job, today. Next lets sing a song all together. (They sing happily).结束今天的主题班会。 / /


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