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1、Uni4知识点概括1_ he subway乘地铁 2._ th 乘公共汽车3._ a ai 打的 4. _a bik 骑自行车 5. _ thetrain乘火车 6 _ thepla乘飞机7._ the boa 坐船 8. b bike _ the bike骑车 9._ foot 步行alto 10. ge o= reach = arrie in (t)到达 1 by car = _ car乘小汽车 2. ybs =_the bus 13. by bat = _ a boat乘船 . leae_前往 . a a_ brkfast匆忙地吃早饭 16. _asho 沐浴7. th _ bu早班车

2、18. t bus stion车站19. ake t 把什么带到 2.the bs ride乘车旅行21. dpend_依靠 决定于 22. _ b一定是 2. _the rd全世界=_thewrd=_ thewod4. inothr_of th world世界的其它部分 25. not all sue并非所有的学生26theways o gettig schol到达学校的方法 27mensftransportaton交通工具8. avto = must不得不 9. a nmbe of lot 许多30 the numbro什么的数量 31. b in hpial生病住院2 worry abo

3、ut b担心某人=be woried about重点句子;1._douget tocho ride my bi.2._i t om yourme to chool= Hwais your o r scool3._ i tak Itakes ut hours to finih our homeworkevrydy5Hewalks t schoo ever dy eoes toscol _ ryd6.My fher takesiscar to hi ofce =My fath oes tohioffce inhis car(b car)= M fr dives o w7.We usuay te t

4、he plane toSanai Weusualy _toShanai We usaly go t Shnha by pla /air8. What ds shthik ofth trnspraton9. That/t mu be a lt moe f th _乘a bus.1The tre ost _流行的 y f gettngto shool re s ,train andbike11. I Chna,t_依靠 whereyouare._在Noh Americ, mos student t sool e school us.单元练习一、抛砖引玉1Three( )(四十)tudentsin

5、our cs.2.Thre aefve ( )(百)studnts i ou school.3I apan,osstudentsaetains to cho, a othersalso walk r ride hei es.二、介词(副词)填空1.He leaves ( )school( )r sithrt.2He isifferet ( )s roter ( )eating habit.3.I ik toe my bike ( )teweken.三、单词百变1.Thi mints ( )(be) not l time.2Ff klmetes ( )(be) a verylon way.3H

6、need ( )(ta) thme on Snay.四、单项选择.I China it ependo ( ).whee u refro. B where re yo from2. ( )isi rom our hme o hotel Hw far B How lng五、短语互译.乘地铁 .乘火车 3.数百人.ake 系列短语: 服药 照顾 散步 脱下 乘15路公交车把某物带到某处 度假 随身携带某物 看一看 淋浴 6.视而定,决定于 9.2. 15(英文表示) 13坐轮船(两种) (两种)15.全世界 6.六、句型转换1. Htakes a bus to sol very .=He( ) to

7、 shoo ( ) ( ). She ent to i frens birthdyarty y car. =S ( )er a ( ) his friens bidy part. Ae auck breakfat, Iwentto shlat once. =Aer havin breafas( ), I ent toschool at oce4.Tom waks t shoo evry monin =Toges o school ( ) ( ) eve moring.5.He ft frBejn y plane to hve a meetiglst wek =He ( ) ( )Bejig to ave metin.6H ge to chool by bu every dy e go to shoo( ) he us everda.7Hodo ulkets kin oftansporatin ( ) you ( ) ( ) thskind of tansportation七、“译”往无前1.从学校到家要花费你多长时间?(take)得花费我半小时到家。2.从宾馆到你家有多远? 我家离宾馆大约10公里。3.Bo 每天如何去上学? 他每天坐飞机去上学。4.早班车按时把他带到学校。5.坐船上学比乘公汽有趣得多。(, lo).在日本,最受欢迎的三种到学校的方式是公汽、地铁和自行车。


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